what is happening everyone, Zak here and todayI’ll be showing you a video where I’m going to solve an issue that everyone’shaving with Apple watchOS 4 beta one or watchos beat 2 or watchos beat five that’s where we are right now so we’re having an issue where we can’t setup the Apple watch we do I’ll show you two methods and both methods fail andI’ll show you how to fix that and that is coming up alrighty so this is a normal page yourcreated with so we want the manual clicked I press English and then chooseyour country so you can scroll or do well known and then I’ll click on selectyour country and then you just go setting language and this takes foreverin the keeps on spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and this waynothing happens alright so as you can see it failed hereand the manual method failed and you just get stuck here so you can alsoforce press to reset but I would recommend it because it will takeforever to reset and just press back and then back and press again and then youshould be like that the this screen where you set up so this time what youwant to do is bring your iPhone close to the Apple watch and you should get thisscreen so this is the automatic setup method – and just press continue andthen you should automatically it’s good thing and then the code should come upand as you know to scan the code after you scan the code and what happens is itjust goes through you know all yeah it’s pretty cool soset as new left wrist and keep on going forward and then this is connect line upwatch this this may take a few minutes so I’m a false forward this so you cansee it takes forever for forwarding like 20 times and then it shares the statething again it shows the code again and then just bring in the terms ofcondition section which I’m going to press agree and then press ok again andthen see what happens so you will try this and you figure going through thissame problem just showing right now is basically what you can do is well wejust wait for this and I’ll show you a fix is also really getting detectionsees I’m pairing up all items currently I’m pairing Apple watch this might takea while okay so failed again and we’re left with what are we going to do sowhat I want to do is force press on Apple watch and then make sure you pressreset it says error 3 and whatever error it is reset it and then this shouldn’ttake that long so actually this will take a few minutes and then I’ll showyou how to get through this tree error so you have my settings and these aretwo methods is well solving this so some people sold it for just turning off thehi message so I’ll just show you each is going messages up and turn on unless itdidn’t work for me and the one one I don’t think I would recommend this oneso the next method you can do is go there and go to your iCloud settings andthen turn off my cloud completely so put any password and turn it off and thiswill take a while as well so just use this comes up and it says you want tosign out and just say yes sign up and then this will take a while so it willtake it will take a while and a fast one it is like 20 times so now our signedout so now that we are signed out of the iCloud so we can do right now it’s justI’ll just check so another Sunday at all and make sure nosign and any other account as well so just chicken bottom so just cancelpassword and you can see I’m not signing to any accounts and we don’t want tosign Jenny Kelso the issue that is causing this is because of the iCloud soit’s causing the Apple watch nuts I don’t know so we will do is bring thephone close again and set it up again and this time for work because I knowyou will work I’ve tried it so I’m showing right now so we don’t do thescan the code again so as you scan the code and you can restore from like labdon’t do that because you will bring my cloud again it wouldn’t work so if youset up as new and you can restore later on so left and then just does it foreducational purposes I’ll leave that for watching the top and then we’re justgoing to fast forward the hell out of this myself as this will take a whileand it says that is connecting to our watch this may take a few minutes thismay take a moment a moment of like 15 minutes it takes so again only reasonthat this is occurring with watch always for beta 1 beta 2 beta 3 beta 4 Gator 5it’s because of the iCloud settings and there’s something wrong with it andApple hopefully will fix this so we won’t go through it again as you can seethis is all right so you’ll bring up to again we’ll be back again are the termsand conditions and will have their code coming on the top as wellI don’t know why the code is showing you should show something else but thisworks so terminal conditions model under is the brewery to the terms andconditions and agree again and this should Vega which is bypassed theproblem to be earlier had it in check that long before it took forever to goto the screen so to see okay and thread a class codethere you go you have access to our course right it’s just saying this istoo easy but I guess I just use it and then enter again just use your normal PDpassword and then continue and don’t install later because you wantinstallation to be as quick as possible and then this is the installation pageand I’ll just go through it with you why are we added so there’s a few new is anew screen and Apple watch this is showing you it’s actually better becausepeople can look through it and you can see what that will watch is about andwhat it can do so but is really laggy and it doesn’t you know show up Stradais just just tab to select and then this is press firmly so just a few littlehints I believe you and then next with a digital crown and what it does so thesewill crown others just press to return press and hold so you can do all theselittle functions with them and then turn it when yeah like the text or dosomething and then the slide button essentially called the sidebar oil presspress the shutdown course or press to show the dog and then double click tothe up to Apple pay which is really handy I use it and press and hold allthe medical ideas well she’s cool and then also if you got any questions atall make sure you check it down description check it down in thecomments below and I will definitely have a look at it and I’m just going tofast forward the hell out of this one because this going to take a while toset up for any Apple which so this is just a brief story at the end I don’tknow that’s just connecting the type of watch and then if you’re on lower bettermake sure you setup that as well afterwards but yeah just going to passall of this and any questions at all that comes your head or your problemsyou have poured iOS 11 art or just comment in the description and thenI’ll get back to you as soon as I can for for faster and J’s to get to me youcan easily contact me by a Instagram which is right there on the screen rightnow well oh ok so now it says that Apple watch is ready for use and I’m goingthrough the setup process and we are here we goso we went through we had two issues to solve and signing out of your AppleiCloud it solves the problems right now and connected to Apple watch if you’rehaving this problem or just share it around this video because I know a lotof people having this issue with Apple watchso what I’ll do is I will make sure I’ll share it around and all that this isimportant so you can see it’s all set up so that’s the video for today hope y’allenjoyed it and make sure you give the thumbs up and I will see y’all tomorrowpeace just before I go is wanna let you know that if you’re not if you haven’tgot up watch ways for eyes 11 if you still want to get it make sure you watchthe video in the description and as you can see like these people I will helpyou out and they already have what you guys for so contact me on my Instagramwatch make sure you watch the video for description and yeah like these peopleyou can have watch Oh as far as well
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