hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTechand if you have an iPhone 5s or newer that can have iOS 12.4 there’s a new wayto transfer information so maybe you don’t have access to iTunes on acomputer or maybe you don’t have access to a large iCloud backup this will allowyou to transfer all of your settings and other data from your old phone to yournew phone so I wanted to show you how to do thatyou still will need a Wi-Fi connection but you can also direct transfer fromhere to here depending on which device you have but it will still use Wi-Fi todownload all of the apps and then it will move all of your data into that nowfirst let’s go over what’s actually transferred and then we’ll moveeverything over so a direct transfer is a new way you can transfer and it copiesinformation such as your iTunes encrypted backup would so all of yourphotos media app data settings and more are sent over a peer-to-peer wirelessconnection or like I said you can wire them but you will need these two thingsto do that you will need a lightning to USB cable and then your lightning cableso you’ll plug into here and then plug each end into a device and then you canactually transfer the data you would only really want to do that if you had avery poor network connection at home otherwise the wireless waste and thewireless way is the way to go now let’s go ahead and set this up we’ll swipe upand you’ll see it pops up and says would you like to set up a new phone it’llhave your Apple ID there and everything so we’ll go ahead and hit continue nowthat this has popped up what we want to do is just put it in the camera of ourphone and now it will start the transfer so it’ll say just a moment and it’ll seteverything up so now that it’s at this point we need to put in the password orthe passcode from our old phone to unlock it to put it into here our newphone so let’s go ahead and do that it’ll say setting up your phone so we’llset this one down here and it says it may take a few minutes to activate yourphone so again you will need Wi-Fi to activate it and to transfer your datanow wait for this a few minutes and then when this parts done we’ll go to thenext step now it wants us to set up face ID so I’ll go ahead and do that now youmay have touch ID so if you have touch ID set that up with your thumb orfingerprint I’ll set up face ID quickly so face IDis now set up I’ll hit continue and this is the new part where it says transferyour data transfer from iPhone transfer directly so that this iPhone will beready with your data when when you finish setting up so let’s go ahead anddo that so we’ll go ahead and tap on this button here it’ll say setting upyour Apple ID still and your old phone will be unusable for a little whilewhile you do this so keep that in mind but we’ll give it just a moment now wehave to agree to the terms and conditions and it says settings fromyour other phone we’ll just hit continue so we’ll bring everything overautomatically and then Apple pay we can set that up later or continue you’llhave to set that up again because that’s a security issue so we’ll just hit setuplater and then if you’re using an Apple watch and you want to move it from theold phone to the new one without having to set everything up again hit continueor you can set that up later now this is app analytics this allows developers tosee you when there’s crashes and things it doesn’t necessarily let them see yourpersonal data but it does let them see the crash information you can decide toshare that or not share that it’s up to you and now it says transferring datafrom Aaron’s iPhone 8 plus and you’ll see there’s the transfer status and thiswill take a while and again you won’t be able to use the phone while it’s doingthis so we’ll just let this run and hopefully it doesn’t take too long Ithink it took about 15 minutes before when I tried this but we’ll see it’lltell us in just a moment now it’s saying we have about 23 minutes left thisnumber started at 44 and rapidly decreased to 23 it just depends on yournetwork and also if you want to go faster again you could use a directconnection like this cable if you really wanted to so keep that in mind but we’llwait for this to finish and we’ll take a look at what it looks like when it’sdone now that the transfer is complete it says transfer complete on the oldphone you’ll hit continue and all of your information should match on thisphone once it reboots it starts a reboot as soon as it finishes transferring sowe’ll wait for this to reboot and when it does we’ll see what’s over ortransferred over now the phone has rebooted and you can see the wallpapernow matches so let’s go ahead and unlock it there we gonow they match completely all of the apps are goingto install but all of the app data should also be there as well so it maytake a little bit but if we go into music so in music you’ll have all of thesame music but if you have iCloud music it will just redownload those since it’seasier to do that and we’ll hit OK here and now everything is the same so all ofyour photos everything else should move by itself and it will move all of theapp data into place and you’re ready to go so it may take a while to install allthe different apps and things that you’re used to using but you no longerneed to use your iCloud backup that’s only maybe five gigabytes if you don’tpay for extra storage and maybe you don’t have iTunes or a computer totransfer all of this information so it’s really simple but you will need I Oh s12.4 or newer so that’s the catch with that so all of the exact same settingsshould be the same if we go into settings you’ll see it’s got my iCloudID there if we go to display even the display settings are the same how I setthem for a video so I turn off true tone and all of those different things forvideo and you’ll see even those settings have carried across so the only thingyou’ll need to set up new is your Apple wallet for security reasons and that’sabout it everything should be the same andhopefully that helps let me know if you have any other questions in the commentsbelow though and of course I’ll link this wallpaper as I always do if youenjoyed this video please give it a like and if you haven’t subscribed alreadyplease subscribe and hit that notification bell if you’d like to seemore of these videos as soon as they’re released as always thanks for watchingthis is Aaron I’ll see you next time
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