hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthe iPhone 11 pro in the iPhone 11 have been out for a little while and ifyou’re trying to decide which one to get I’m hoping this will help you decidewhich one is best for you now the first thing is the colors the iPhone 11 Procomes in this new midnight green color it also comes in Space Gray which I havehere in the pro max which they’re identical in every way except their sizeand you also have a silver and a gold as well on top of those two colors with theiPhone 11 you have an all new green color that I have here you also have anew purple along with white black yellow and product red so those are all thecolors that are available for these devices now the actual price of them isa little bit different in fact the iPhone 11 pro comes in at $300 abovewhat we have with the iPhone 11 so the prices start at $9.99 and go all the wayto 1349 at those prices you’ve got the option for 64 256 or 512 gigabytes ofstorage it is not expandable storage in either of the devices on the iPhone 11this one comes in at $6.99 which is $50 cheaper than last year’s iPhone 10 ourmodel and goes all the way to eight hundred and forty nine dollars it comesin 64 128 or 256 gigabytes of storage the sweet spot is 128 gigabytes for theiPhone 11 since it’s only $50 more so I would go for that if you need a littlebit more storage it’s seven hundred and forty nine dollars now the actualconstruction of both of these devices is a little bit different the iPhone 11 prois made out of stainless steel so it’s got a stainless steel band all the wayaround it’s both glass back and front and it’s supposed to be stronger glassthis year on both devices but the pro and the pro max also have a matte finishon the back whereas the camera bump is actually a glossy finishApple has changed this on the iPhone 11 models and swapped that around so you’llsee that the back is glossy on the iPhone 11 where the camera bump isactually a little bit of a matte texture so it’s all one piece of glass now theconstruction of the iPhone 11 is aluminum and you have this aluminum ringaround the outside edge similar to the iPhone 10 are of last year but that’sthe main difference as far as build when it comes to the actual weight of themthe weight is very similar the iPhone 11 pro is six point six three ounces or 188grams the iPhone 11 is six point eight four ounces or 194 grams so they’re veryclose and weight and you do have that size difference though because this isaluminum it will be a little bit lighter than the pro max model if you’re goingfor that now the big factor that’s different between both of these is thedisplay on the iPhone 11 pro you have an OLED display which has more vibrantcolors along with a higher pixel density so you have 2436 by 1125 with 458 pixelsper inch this year Apple calls it a super Retina XDR display it allows forHDR video if you’re using the Apple TV app but you can still only watch 1080pon YouTube and that’s due to a dispute with Apple and Google and not supportingdifferent versions of codecs that allow you to watch those videos as far as theiPhone 11 goes this is a lower resolution display but it’s a liquidRetina display it’s probably the best retina LCD on the market at this pointit’s 1792 by 828 pixels with a density of 326 pixels per inch you still cannotsee the pixels and the display does support HDR 10 and you can watch 1080pvideos on YouTube so if we go to one of my videos you can see the resolutionsavailable are 1080p on both of these displays it’s scales to 1080p whenyou’re watching a YouTube video you can’t see the pixels when you look atthem side-by-side they look great overall and I think most people that arenot really into specs and things like that will notice no differencewhatsoever other than vibrance of an OLED display you will have brightercolors and deeper blacks because on an OLED display where there is the colorblack it actually turns off those pixels it also goes a lot brighter on the proyou have 800 nits when it’s turned all the way up and it can peak up to 1200nits on the iPhone 11 it’s hard to show you on this camera but the iPhone 11goes to about 600 nits as far as its maximum brightness right around thoseareas so they’re fairly bright they’re both viewable in sunlight but they are alittle bit different now this year all devices that are new have haptic touch3d touch is gone so that means it’s replaced with a long press you still getall of the same features you would before for the most part but it’s moreof a long press it’s not as intuitive and you actually don’t feel like you’repushing into the screen to activate those shortcuts so if you push on itit’s not exactly the same but it’s the same between all of the new devices soyou’re not compromising when switching from device to device the speakers onboth of them are equally loud they both support Dolby Atmos they both have anice stereo wide stereo sound you have a top speaker up here at the top where youlisten to your phone calls but it’s also projecting sound towards you and then atthe bottom you also have speakers but they’re a little bit different as far asthe size or as or at least the way they look now as you can see together due tothe antenna lines it’s a little bit asymmetric on the iPhone 11 Pro thisisn’t really an issue the sound is all the same and these are the microphoneand speaker array so overall it’s very goodnow the batteries are also differentiating factors when it comes toboth of these the iPhone 11 Pro has a 3046 million power battery whereas theiPhone 11 has a slightly larger 3110 million power batteryhowever the iPhone 11 Pro tends to get about one to two hours more in batterylife overall with screen-on time that’s due to the efficiency of the OLEDdisplay new efficiencies the Apple has made this year as well as the new a 13Bionic chipset so you will get good battery life in both but the 11pro mayget you an additional hour or two and speaking of that chipset the a 13 Bionicis in both of these devices you have the same chipset you have the same amount ofRAM everything is the same as far as performance between both of them so ifyou’re opening an application maybe you’re opening settings you’ll noticethat they open at the exact same rate if you’re doing any tasks that are moreintense you’re really not going to see a difference when it comes to any of thoseit’s equally fast on both devices there’s zero compromise picking one overthe other when it comes to speed performance and all-day usagethere’s also no compromise when it comes to face ID they’re equally fast theyunlock at the same rate because they’re the same version of face ID they workreally well and that also leads me to the cameras which are the exact samecameras on the front this year so if I go into the cameras flip the screenaround they are both 12 megapixel sensors they’re true depth cameras youcan do emoji and emoji me emoji whatever you’d like you can do that with theforward-facing cameras and then you can record 4k 60p video so if you want torecord video I actually recorded the iPhone 11 Pro video that I did as far asthe review completely with the camera on the 11pro so it’s really good anytimeI’m on the screen the actual forward facing camera is what you’re seeing asfar as the rear cameras they’re identical in every way with theexception of the iPhone 11 is missing the telephoto lens so they’re all 12megapixel sensors but the iPhone 11 is lacking a telephoto lens but it stillcan zoom digitally and if I show you this photo here you’ll see one is usingthe optical lens one is using digital zoom and it’s very hard to tell thedifference between the two Apple does a really good job at two times zoom togive you the best result possible so I wouldn’t say you’re missing a whole lotunless you need to zoom past 2x you really don’t need anything as far as thetelephoto lens instead you’ve got a wide and ultra wide which i think is muchmore useful for most people and their incredible cameras they both record in4k 60p if you’d like to do that high frame rates for slow-motion they bothhave portrait mode this year too and they both can do portraits of animals orobjects so if we go into portrait mode last year because we only had one lenson the iPhone 10 R we could only take portraits of people instead now we cantake portraits of flowers or anything else we would like as well now one ofthe other big factors between both of these is the OLED display actually hasPWM or flicker that you can’t see with your eye butaffect some people and give them headaches or make them feel nauseatedand you can see that here in slow motion where the iPhone 11 Pro is actuallyflickering all the time in slow motion you just can’t see it but otherwise it’sflickering and that helps it control brightness and that really affects somepeople’s eyes gives them headaches like I said so the iPhone 11 does not havethat because it’s an LCD so that’s something to consideralthough the flicker rate is better this year than it was in previous years Idon’t seem to get headaches like I used to so it is better overall but it’sstill something to consider now the overall size of both phones isvery similar however the iPhone 11 Pro is slightly larger due to that largerdisplay and does feel a little bit more bulky so if you’re coming from an iPhonese for example the iPhone 11 Pro is a very good compromise of a larger displayand a more comfortable size however if you want a giant phone you’ll want tostep up to the iPhone 11 Pro max where it is much bigger and much morenoticeable in the hand when you’re holding it so just keep that in mind thesize is not a big deal for most people especially if you like the larger phonebut if you want a smaller phone the 11pro is the way to go now the goodthing is this year both devices have ip68 certification the iPhone 11 Proactually has a little bit better IP 68 and what that means is waterresistance although you should still use a case if you’re going to bring it underwater because Apple does not cover that water damage if it does get damaged sofor example the iPhone 11 pro has I ate up to four meters deepfor 30 minutes the iPhone 11 has two meters deep for up to 30 minutes so it’svery similar just a little bit different both devices support fast charging whereyou can get 50 percent battery life in 30 minutes but only the 11 Pro comeswith the fast charger in the box the iPhone 11 comes with the 5 watt chargerif you want faster charging if to purchase that separately now betweenboth of these they’re almost the same with the exception of the size thedisplay the battery life and then the lack of the telephoto lens other thanthat they’re almost identical in way either one is a great choice ifyou’re trying to figure that out and if you’re on a budget get the 11 you won’tbe disappointed if you’re really looking for the best in the top of the line thenget the pro either one I think you’ll be happy with but let me know which oneyou’ll choose and why in the comments below if you’d like to get your hands onthis wallpaper of course I’ll link it in the description as I always do and ifyou haven’t subscribed already please subscribe and hit that notification bellif you’d like to see more of these videos as soon as they’re released ifyou enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching thisis Aaron I’ll see you next time
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