hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech &iOS 13.2 beta 2 has been out for a little while for both public betatesters and developers I’ve been using it primarily on my iPhone 11 pro max Ialso have it on some other devices such as the iPad air 2 so I wanted to go overa couple of the features that I missed in my what’s new video that I foundafterwards or people talked about afterwards and also something that’scoming a little bit later and then also talked about how it’s been for me howit’s been for you and then we’ll go over the YouTube community poll if you wantto jump to any of those sections check the time codes below that are in thedescription and hopefully that will help you see the part that you’re interestedin the most now over 11,000 of you responded to the poll so we have somegood information as far as how good it is for people if they should install itand how it will be for people in the future now one of the features I missedin the what’s new video had to do in sofa with Safari so if you go intoSafari and then you long press on any link in Safari you used to be able tohide the link preview now you can still do that but instead of including it inthis menu they’ve put it here at the top so that’s just a little UI change oruser interface change and I don’t know if it’s any better or worse but they’vemoved it they’ve also changed the menu when you hit the two A’s where you canadjust the font size and the toolbar and select different fonts if you have themthis is now separated into smaller sections and is no longer one bigscrolling page so now it’s just a little bit more compact you can see things alittle bit better so that’s the new thing with Safari there’s also somechanges in map so if I go into maps when you’re in Maps if you’re in a city suchas New York City and you have the options for say flyover and directionssome people are seeing these as large bars or you’ll see them side-by-sidethis can change depending on what you’re in so maybe you want to do fly over youcan fly over in New York City takes a moment to load and you can do a citytour and fly over the city this way so it’s a pretty interesting feature it’snot available in every city it’s available in large cities like SanFrancisco New York and those if we go over to San Francisco you’ll see flyoverin directions are side by side this may or may not be different for younow there’s something else coming we know air pods three are coming some aresaying that it’s coming at the end of October with a new Apple event othersare saying there is no Apple event it just depends what Apple does we don’treally know for sure but if we go into Twitter gear ambo actually found a newanimation in iOS thirteen point two that teaches users how to change noisecancellation with on within their headphones if they had ear pods three soyou’ll see you’ll have a little switch here where you can turn it on and offand that allows you to turn at noise cancellation on and off it’s notavailable other than something they found in the code gear ambos pretty goodat finding that stuff and if you haven’t seen any of his different informationyou may want to follow him if you’re into all of that behind the scenesthings that may not show up in the code just yetnow as far as issues I’ve had with this beta I actually have not had too manyexcept for connectivity and connectivity continues to be an issue for me and I’vereported it in feedback I assumed a lot of you had the issue but not as manywith the iPhone 11 Pro max and the issue that I have is not signal strength oranything like that I actually have excellent signal strength but it’s whenI leave a Wi-Fi network maybe I go away from the building where I had Wi-Fi allof a sudden LTE won’t work it’s like it won’t connect and this is not a carrierissue I’ve known about a lot of people with AT&T t-mobile Sprint Verizon in theUnited States and others around the world having similar issues and so Iactually reported it in the feedback app and Apple got back to me and asked frommore information to try and troubleshoot this even more so hopefully they fixthat in the next beta or the next couple betas for everyone once iOS 13.2 comesout to the XS Max and those devices having similar issues now RAM managementis actually pretty good I’ve really not had too many issues with the exceptionof Google applications so if I open YouTube for exampleit often reloads if I go into an Apple application such as Safari most of thetime it doesn’t reload so I think this may be a change in the code to iOS 13.2and YouTube or Google and other application developers need to updatetheir apps I’m not sure it’ll only really will only really know over timebut it’s hard to say at this point now as far as battery life everywants to know how battery life is and for me let’s take a look I actually havenot checked it because I’ve had great battery life so let’s see what it comesup with we’ll go to the last ten days and you’ll see I had we have over 50%battery life left I had three hours and 37 minutes now I would say that thisbattery life is not phenomenal but I do have a lot of things running a lot ofthe time Twitter 25% of the time and maybe some applications in thebackground as well prior to this update I actually had better battery life mostof the time but I would say 7 to 8 hours is normal on this phone maybe even 9hours depending on what you’re doing on an 11 Pro max so I think it needs someimprovement however if we talk about your experience some people said theyhad phenomenal battery life other people said it was horrible most of the peoplethat said it was horrible were on the iPhone se or the iPhone 7so these older phones that have different chipsets in them apparentlyare having some issues with battery hopefully Apple updates that but therereally were not a whole lot of complaints as far as speed andperformance for me performance has been great and many of use of the exact samething no performance issues whatsoever with the exception of a couple of younow I wanted to talk about a couple of the bugs that you’ve reported as wellthat many people are reporting based on your comments on the YouTube communitypoll now one of the issues many of you reported was screen flickering I was notable to reproduce this no matter what I did change brightness went into widgetsanything I could not get this to crash or have screen flickering whatsoeveranother thing many of you are reporting is that assistive touch doesn’t work andspecifically with the custom app switcher the action isn’t working forsome people so if you’re using that specific thing it may not be working andthen some others were saying that one day it may be fine and then they’ll gointo an application and then it will crash and then maybe the next set ofapplications will crash the next day I have not had not one application crashso I’ve been playing Call of Duty a little bit I’ve been using my Tesla appthe home at all of the things on my main page I use pretty much daily and I havehad zero Crash’s I’ve also had no issues withmail and many of you have not had issues with mail either so it seems like it’sfixed in beta to for the majority of people now on the iPad a couple peoplereported issues with the keyboard and that makes sense the keyboard is alittle bit different on the iPad so if we go into Safari and maybe bring up thekeyboard here people were saying that it would just disappear and they couldn’tget it back and then when you have the smaller keyboard sometimes moving itaround it just may disappear so you may not be able to use it and have an issuealso Apple had an issue with some of the newer iPad pro devices bricking withthis update and they actually pulled the IPSW file from the developer site whenit bricked the iPad so for some people they were having that issue I thankfullydid not update my iPad pro second generation so I didn’t have that issueit worked fine on my iPad air 2 so I guess it just depends on which deviceyou’re actually using now let’s take a look at the youtube community poll nowthe YouTube community poll has 11 K votes so over 11,000 votes with 187comments at the time of this video and 22% of you said that it was great 3%said it was terrible which is pretty low actually and 9% said it has some bugsand then 57% of you stayed on public versions which is probably a good ideainstead of running early betas and you’re probably sick of that if you’vebeen on the earlier iOS 13 betas and then 9% of you use Android so thank youfor participating even though this isn’t really relevant to you if you useAndroid now I’ve read all of these comments but let me sort them by theoldest first and we’ll go through some of them and I try to cover all of thedevices because I can’t possibly use all of the devices at once and many peopleare saying can you show me the iPhone 8 or the iPhone 7 and those sorts ofthings and I actually could but the performance isn’t any differentaccording to all of you so there’s no difference in performance a few of youare saying differences in battery life so let’s take a look at the commentssince I don’t like how they made the LTE status less bold like how it was whenwhen iOS 13 first came out no I had seen some things about this I don’t notice itto be less bold I guess I’m just not seeing that it looks the same to me butfor some people they’re seeing it different so they may change that backI’ve been experiencing problems with silence to unknown callers and dictationdoesn’t work sometimes lastly for me Siri doesn’t read text so loud whenyou’re in your car or in the car I’ve heard that that may be happening to somepeople but it wasn’t widespread from what I had read many people were sayingthat Siri wasn’t working specifically with third-party messaging applicationsbut it should be working with messages itself the update has been the best buythe best so far in my opinion there aren’t as many noticeable bugs with thesystem assistive touch doesn’t work properly yesterday but it’s fine now onmy iPhone se again one right below assistive touch yes I use that isn’tworking properly the app switcher custom action doesn’t work it’s been alright onmy iPhone XS Max no major bugs for me this time 11 Pro Max and iPad pro 2018really solid on both on the 11pro Mac’s it’s really smooth and getting aboutseven hours of screen on time right now hopefully more soon only weird bug I’vehad was on my iPad pro I uninstalled all of the apps that were in a folder andthe empty folder wouldn’t go away to show the homescreen until it until areboot it’s kind of an odd issue but at least it’s working for you I supposeiPhone 8 no problems battery life excellent disappointed that you cannotchange video mode from camera app animations not working automatically andif you hadn’t seen that in my what’s new video that’s one of the best thingsthey’ve done finally is only on the iPhone 11,11 pro and pro Max for somereason you can change the frame rates of the video within the app but not oniphone 8 and the other devices that makes zero senseso hopefully Apple actually updates that soon so this is weird I’ve been usingiOS 13 point one point two before I updated the 13 point to beta 2 and myphone felt smoother and less buggy after the update so does that mean beta equalsmore stable than a public release Apple is making no sense a beta means there’smore bug fixes it’s really what it means it means there could be other issues youexperience and your phone could be unstable but it may not be so it’s hitor miss as you’ll see with these comments this is a good question can weexpect any further update on thirteen point one point two because thirteenpoint one point two is still very buggy on mightour that depends if there is a security issue or a major bug Apple may push out13-point 1.3 they don’t tend to push push out a point 3 or the third numberout update unless there’s a serious security issue or bug they’ll wait untilthirteen point two which is probably about a month or way or so somethingabout around that time using iPhone 7 plus still some app crashes includingsystem apps crashes here’s someone without mail or with male issues XS maxmail app unusable for the first time for me had to install outlook app insteadexcellent battery life iOS 13.2 beta 2 runs great on my XR battery life isdecent iPhone 11 pro location arrow pops up every time I pick up my phone problemis that none of the apps and services have purple arrows disabling all systemservices doesn’t solve this issue as the arrow is still shown in the status barhad to disabled location services only this fixed the problem also swipingbetween homescreen and widgets is sometimes very choppy I wouldn’t worrytoo much about the location issue that’s usually doing something in thebackground who knows what it’s doing but if it’s all of your applications are offit could be some system level thing that’s being done just in the beta it’shard to say though iPhone XS no problem so far great battery life iPhone or iOS13 point 2 beta 2 on my iPhone 7 is fantastic it’s very stable and I neverhad an issue with the battery on this version it’s great on my iPhone butbricked my iPad iPad pro 2018 12.9 you should be able to get that back by usingrestore in iTunes but that’s still no fun to deal with worst cases you’d haveto bring it to Apple should I install iPhone XR I normally say if you askthat question you definitely should not install if you don’t care about dealingwith bugs or having issues and then reporting those to Apple it’s kind ofthe way of beta testing if you don’t mind doing that then go ahead andinstall it otherwise just wait until the final comes up I’m on the iPhone 11 promax I’ve had no issues so far other than I believe I’m having a problem withwireless charging I’ve noticed after the update it’s not working most of the timeyou may want to check your wireless chargerthat’s something unless it’s a hardware issue it either works or it doesn’t it’snot something that usually can just be stopped because of software it’snormally a hardware thing so try a different wireless charger perhaps I’musing it on the iPad 5th gen it’s okay but it’s just the battery life that isletting the software down at this moment it’s a shame but apart from that it’sgreat great on my iPhone se iPhone 7 terrible battery drained just on standbyI worked a 12-hour shift without touching my phone and it was at 72% froma hundred percent without any apps in the background if your phone was onWi-Fi by any chance it could have been doing updates and things in thebackground it’s possible that it was on Wi-Fi in doing that if you have accessat work if not it’s something else RAM management isn’t very bad on myiPhone X but battery is very good I think you meant to say it was very badagain I think it’s specific to apps that are having RAM management issues Irecorded a movie using screen recorder it ended up being over 10 gigs becausescreen recorder records at 60 frames per second is there any way to change thisit may go along with your camera settings but you really want the screenrecording to be at 60 frames per second since that’s what the display actuallyruns at so you want to see you want to use that and then you can change itlater in a an app like Final Cut or iMovie or something like that and deleteit from your phone I have issues with the camera and Photos app on my iPhone11 I’d like to know specifically what you mean by that though it’s beenactually pretty good for me on this beta I haven’t experienced any bugs apartfrom a couple background refreshes battery seems fine haven’t had to enablelow-power mode yet performance also seems better and bonus tweaks make itall the better upgraded from iOS 13 point one point two on an iPhone eight64 gigabyte with 98 percent battery health iPhone 8 the battery is okay theperformance is very fast but there are two issues with the RAM management keepsreloading the apps without closing the ABS and sometimes the touch doesn’trespond I actually have that touch response issue on my iPad pro even onthe public version so there’s something going on with that and then finally iOS13 is going great I’m using it on my iPhone 8 and everything is runningsmoothly so that’s it for iOS 13 point 2 beta to let me know how it’s going foryou in the comments below and if you’re looking for the nextupdate expected either later this week or next week as far as beta 3 if youhave any other questions though let me know in the comments belowof course I’ll link this wallpaper in the description as I always do if youhaven’t subscribed already please subscribe and if you enjoyed the videoplease give it a like as always thanks for watching this is Erin I’ll see younext time
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