hi everyone Aaron here for zolotukhinand these are the iPhone 11, 11 max and 11r dummy units these are madefor case manufacturers early on so that they can mold their cases around themand get an idea of what the finalized design looks like and last year I hadsome similar dummy units and they were pretty spot-on and thanks to Sonny Dixonfor helping me get my hands on these and if we take a look at last year’s you’llsee here’s the dummy unit on the right here’s the final version that wasactually released on the left so this is the real one this is the fake when thecolors are a little bit different and the camera cutout is very similar sothis gives us an idea of what the finalized version of the next iPhonewill actually look like and since apples getting ready to ramp up manufacturingif they haven’t already this is a finalized design no I have seen somewhere this actual camera cutout is slightly different and it could be colormatched to the actual back of the phone or it could have some circles here wherethe camera is but it’s basically the same as the finalized version at leastthe dimensions are the outside edges and everything else now when it comes to theiPhone 11 and 11 max we should expect to have the same colors we do now thesilver gold and Space Gray so nothing should change there but when it comes tothe 11 R they’ve changed it around a little bit we still will have the whitethe black like we have here yellow product red and it looks like we’regoing to have a new green and lavender color so those should be finalized wewon’t know that a hundred percent until they’re released but that’ll seems to bewhat they are now as far as the materials the iPhone 11r should havean aluminum ring with glass front and back and then the 11 max and the 11itself should be stainless steel just like it currently is on the iPhone 10smax so this should be a stainless steel ring around here glass front and backwith the exact same materials now let’s go around the outside edge of the phonesand take a look at what might be a little bit different now if we look atthe right hand side where the power sleep/wake button is we have the powersleep/wake button and on these dummy units it’s actually functioning but itdoesn’t do anything but we have the power sleep/wake button and nothing elseand I find that to be a little bit because last year if we take a look at asimilar dummy unit it actually had a cutout for the SIM card tray this yearwe don’t have that that doesn’t mean they won’t include a SIM card tray butit’s possible that they could be going to an e SIM there were rumors of that inthe past and maybe this one is is going to an e sim finally on all three ofthese there is no cutout on the side so it’s kind of interesting to see that nowthe bottom of the devices look the same as we have now we have a speaker on oneside and an asymmetric microphone cutout grille on the other side as far as whatconnector we have that’s yet to be seen most likely it’s going to be lightningthis year although I would love to see them switch it to USB see and kind ofmake everything the same but maybe we’ll see that later on now on the other sidewe have your typical volume buttons and then your silent switch so nothing’schanged there and then on the top there’s nothing else the sides are stillrounded like we have today I was kind of hoping for maybe a cut off designsimilar to the new iPad or going back to the days of the 5s an se design butmaybe we’ll see that later on and then if we talk about the cameras that’swhat’s really different here obviously we have a squared with rounded cornerscamera with three different lenses on the the 11 the 11 max and then the 11r is a little different so on the 11 you’ll see we have three lenses they’renot real like I said because it’s a dummy unit but we’ll have a flash threelenses and we’ll probably have a standard lens a telephoto lens and maybea wide-angle lens we don’t really know at this particular time it’s also got alittle microphone cut out and then a room for the flash there now if we moveover to the 11 R we have only two cameras and we can pretty much assumethat it’s going to be the regular and telephoto lenses here looks kind of likea face when you turn it on its side it’s kind of interesting but that’s what wethink is going to be in it we don’t know that 100% now the other thing of courseit’s going to have new specs it should have an a 13 processor in it maybe moreRAM but every year Apple changes the game bumps them up significantly as faras their processing power last year was all about the new neural engine as faras its processing power and able to handle AR so maybe that’s something todo with the cameras and then also the displays we don’t expectto change at all we still expect an LCD display in the 11 R and then an OLEDdisplay in the 11 and 11 max now as far as the displays this LCD we don’t expectthe resolutions to change nothing else although I would love to see micro LEDcome to the new phones but we’re probably a few years off on that now asfar as battery Apple has continually improved the size of the battery and itsbattery the battery longevity as far as using the device so I would expectsomething similar maybe more efficiency from the process or something alongthose lines and then of course I would still expect wireless charging on theback NFC with Siri shortcuts and that’s probably it I would not expect agigantic change this time around so the outside edge obviously is familiar itwon’t fit in your current cases because of this square camera bump there now asfar as the front display having a notch I would expect a notch although thisdummy unit doesn’t really show one in last year’s dummy unit does that I havehere in my left hand this one actually shows a notch wherethis the right one doesn’t but that’s not really important for casemanufacturers so I would expect probably a notch if they don’t do one that’ll bereally impressive but so far I would expect one and that is really it but Iwould love to hear what you have to say about these particular dummy units andthe comments below do you like the design I think we’ll get used to it alot of people hated last year’s design and then it didn’t really bother them soI don’t think it’s going to be an issue for most people but let me know what youthink about it in the comments below if you haven’t subscribed already pleasesubscribe and hit that notification bell if you’d like to see more videos likethis as soon as they’re released if you enjoyed this video please give it a likeas always thanks for watching this is Aaron I’ll see you next time
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