Apple plans to release a compact iPhone witha screen of 5.42 inches in 2020. This is reported by Digitimes, citing itsown sources in the supply chain. In addition to the iPhone with a small screen,the company will release a model with 6.06-and 6.67-inch displays. These models will differ from the currentseries, represented by the iPhone Xr with a screen of 6.1 inches and the iPhone Xs andXs Max with a diagonal of 5.8 and 6.5, respectively. It is assumed that the suppliers of screenscan become Samsung or LG, who are currently working on the technology of applying a touchlayer on the glass. This will reduce the frame around the screenand the thickness of the display.#iPhone #SE2 #AppleIt is also reported that in 2019, Apple will produce a minor update of its line and willrelease improved versions of the iPhone Xs and Xr. The source said that Apple plans to sell about80 million iPhones in the first half of 2019 and about 180 by the end of the year. The original iPhone SE was released in 2015,and at the moment it is the most compact Apple smartphone that the company continues to support. At the same time, its production ceased afterthe announcement of the Xs and only unsold models are available in stores..

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