Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and i want tohelp you decide if you should pick up an iphone 12 or an iphone 12 pro i’m going to go over allthe affinities and everything that manufactures the two different and so let’s start off with thedifferent pigments with the iphone 12 you have a little bit more of a pigment variety and you can seethis is the blue color you also have green make red grey and pitch-black with the iphone 12 pro youonly get four shade hand-pickeds and those are pacific off-color like i have here along with gold graphitewhich replaces gap grey-haired of the years past as well as silver-tongued there’s also world prices differencebetween these different telephones so the iphone 12 beginning at $ 799 dollars for 64 gigabytes ofstorage and then goes up to $ 949 dollars with 256 gigabytes of storage now if you want to buy theiphone 12 opened it’s an additional 30 dollars that’s something new over what we had before withthe iphone 12 pro the prices start at $999 dollars with 128 gigabytes of storage to start and thengo up to $ 1299 with 512 gigabytes with unlocked variances the toll is very similar with the 12 pro so you exclusively have to pay 30 dollars additional with the iphone 12. Now as far as the overall build andsize well the width itself is perfectly indistinguishable in fact the exact same actions work for either or soapple has originated them the same size and when you buy a speciman it actually says that it’s for the iphone1 2 and 12 pro so you’ll see this is the navy blue or deep navy dispute that they have if i take it offthe iphone 12 i can slip it onto the iphone 12 pro it fits the exact same way despite the cameradifferences on the back they’re the exact same in every acces that nature so as far as a size differencewell there’s no change whatsoever so if that’s a determining factor for you either one is fineas far as that vanishes now the erect is a little bit different the iphone 12 is a little bit lighterbecause it’s made of aluminum in fact the outside edge is aluminum all the way around it’s a nicematte colour whatever dye you get onto has this nice matte finish on it now too the back is glassand “youre seeing” merely from doing this beginning part of the video it’s a fingerprint magnet so ifyou don’t situated a action on this you’ll notice a lot of fingerprints but around the camera bump is moreof a matte conclude with the glass it’s all glass back and front on both designs now with theiphone 12 pro it’s stainless steel around the outside edge it’s a shiny stainless steel allthe practice around and it’s also a matte glass on the back with the camera bump being more of a glossyglass so they kind of turned it between the two as you can see here now also we have glass onthe back and front on both so it’s basically the same thing depending on which design you get it’sjust a different pigment and a different finish now because of those different builds there’s a weightdifference as well so the iphone 12 comes in at 5.78 ounces or 164 grams the iphone 12 pro is alittle bit heavier at 6.66 ounces or 189 grams now other than the heavines changes like i saidthey’re identical in every nature so you have a power sleep wake button on the right side you have alittle out for your 5g feeler we’ll talk more about that in a moment on the bottom they’re theexact same so as “youre seeing” the microphone is here on the right with the speaker on the leftand the lightning port in the center the antenna lines are identical although there might be aslight thickness difference there between the two located off maybe substance difference again yourvolume buttons on the two sides and your silent switching and antenna lines as well and then your simcard tray so everything’s indistinguishable all the way around and like i said they both have 5g they havethe exact same 5g system everything is the same as far as that the speakers are similar themicrophones are the same and the spectacles are the same they’re both expending gorilla glass with ceramicshield so they should be equally durable with removes and apple says they’re up to four times moredurable with lower experiments than last year and early scratch tests of these devices are saying they’remore durable than last year’s iphone 11 wrinkle so that’s good bulletin but like i said they’re theexact same parades they’re the same in every magnitude 6.1 inch super retina xdr oled displaysyou don’t have an lcd option this year now neither have 120 hertz freshen frequencies they’re 60 hertzrefresh rates so everything is still reasonably smooth between both of them but they are 60 hertz they’realso its resolution at 2532 by 1170 with 460 pixels per inch they support hdr and true-life mood butthere is one slight difference that apple included between the two and it’s kind of strange becausethe iphone 12 which i’ll switch over to the left simply to keep it consistent and like i said they’rethe same i didn’t even know i was regarding the same one in the opposite hand and that’s becausethey feel so similar other than weight if i paid attention to it i would have known but otherwiseyou can’t really tell now as far as the brightness that’s where significant differences comes in with theiphone 12 it goes up to 625 nits of brightness where the iphone 12 pro goes up to 800 nits ofbrightness so if i turn them all the way up you may or may not be able to see that because it’ssort of too bright for the camera i’m recording with but they both run super light they’re easyto examine outside and when you’re playing back hdr video they touch the same brightness of 1200 nitsso they’re the exact same parades apple has just restriction the display on the 12 to 625 nitsof brightness that’s the only change there now there’s another difference when it comesto the processor now they have the same exact a1 4 bionic cpu inside of them it’s a super fastnew microchip which operations all sorts of things like hdr video which we’ll talk about in a littlebit but both of them have the a14 bionic but the iphone 12 only has 4 gigabytes of ram where theiphone 12 pro has 6 gigabytes of ram this may make a difference when recording video or maybe editingvideo with your invention but for the most part you probably won’t know the difference now on theback there’s obvious gaps with the cameras of course the iphone 12 shortcomings an additional lensand scarcities the new lidar sensor that the 12 pro has but the cameras that are already there areidentical between the two of them so for example on both of them we have the exact same ultrawidewith a 2.4 hole and then we also have a wide 1.6 opening lens which lets in a lot of lightand that’s a really great camera from my experiments now the added lens that we get or camerathat we come along the 12 pro is a telephoto lens and so that does give you an advantage with anf 2.0 aperture if you want to take a telephoto zoom photo and like i said this lidar sensor helpswith focusing that allows you to concentrates at night with auto focus and too can help with thingslike augmented actuality if you use a lot of those apps and things like that are currently with the iphone1 2 you can zoom in and apple says you get a 2x visual zoom reach they’re sort of punching intothe sensor to give you that gape so you can see this photo now where i’ve made it with a 2x zoomon the iphone 12 versus the 2x visual zoom on the iphone 12 pro and there’s really not that muchdifference apple does a really good job moving both sets of photos very clear but the iphone 12 pro can punch in a little bit further up to a 4x optical zoom reach and allows you to zoom ina little bit further on the app itself so if we go into the camera app you’ll see i have theiphone 12 on my left the 12 pro on my freedom if we punch into 2x we can zoom right into the keyboardthere nonetheless we can pinch and zoom in a little bit further it is therefore sacrifices us up to 10 x according tothe camera on the iphone 12 while it’s not clear because it’s digital it’s 5x so the 5x zoomversus the 10 x zoom you can see a photo here “theres a difference” the 10 x zoom tells you getcloser but again it’s digital so it’s not as clear so you do get that advantage with the 12 proif you want to zoom in but don’t expect a super clear photo from that the iphone 12 pro can alsotake portrait photos at night thanks to its lidar sensor you can see the photo here it doesn’t lookamazing but you can’t do it with the iphone 12 since it doesn’t have the lidar sensor for depthsensing the forward-facing cameras on both of them are identical in every single way so there’s nodifferences at all now another benefit you get with the iphone 12 pro with the camera overthe iphone 12 is dolby imagination hdr video both have the option to record in dolby dream hdr butthe 12 pro can do it up to 60 formulates per second where the 12 can go to 30 formulates per second so forexample if we go into the record video fits turn on hdr you’ll see hdr video on both and youhave possibilities for 4k 60 high efficiency on the iphone 12 pro maybe that’s the ram difference onboth of them but hdr video will go up to 30 chassis per second as it says here and 60 chassis persecond on the pro so that is a slight difference if you do want to record maybe some slow motionvideo with the 12 or exactly want to record in 60 chassis per second that is a small difference nowbeing that both of these are the exact same size they have the exact same artillery inside so whatthat represents is a 2 815 milliamp hour artillery is in both of these devices so there is zero differencebetween them there’s zero change in battery life in fact in normal use expect seven hours ofbattery life if you’re a light-colored user maybe less if you’re a heavy user and using 5g as 5g does usemore ability but it may take a few days for that sort of to optimize if you only picked one upbut often about six or seven hours of screen on time is what you can expect with the iphone1 2 or 12 pro regardless of what you’re doing with them now one thing that’s nice that appleincluded this year is magsafe and magsafe works on either of them for billing you get 15 watt fastcharging on either one of them it’s magnetic it adheres to the back of the phone with a wirelesscharging magnet so mostly there’s a magnetic echo on the outside of this wireless charger andthere’s a wireless charging ringlet in the centre for human rights and you can just adhere it to the back both havethe same advantage of using this wireless charger of course both can be fast accused and this willcharge at 15 watts fast charging if you have it connected to the right power brick and neitherof these come with a strength brick in the box and so you’ll have to pick one of those up nowif you want to pick one up you can fast charge employ the lightning port on the bottom of thephone that won’t be a problem but they’ll charge at the same rate they’ll likewise last-place the same amountof era like i said before now there is some immense liquid shutting in both of them they’re waterresistant up to six meters at this detail for up to 30 minutes so they’re ip68 water resistant buteven further down and for a longer time so that’s really great if you do drop it in ocean itshould be more resistant to actually damaging the phone if you’re using it maybe outside andyou did that by mistake and so both of these are a great option but this is where it gets alittle confusing depending on what you’re picking now with the iphone 12 there are a lot ofdeals right now to get it moderately inexpensively but with the iphone 12 pro it starts it with 128 gigabytes of storage by default so that’s actually a great deal and if you bump up the iphone 12 tothat same storage length you’re about 150 discrepancies between the two will vary depending on what the actual priceis for you so it’s going to vary a great deal depending on your budget but 9.99 for the iphone 12 procomes with 128 gigs of storage for 8.49 you get 128 gigs of storage with the iphone 12. If you aregoing to get an iphone 12 i would definitely bump it up for 50 to doubled the storage i think that’sa great thing to do it’s pretty inexpensive and you can’t refurbish it last-minute so that’s probably theway to go unless you don’t utilization much storage at all now with the iphone 12 pro unless you use a ton ofstorage i would go with the basi alternative there’s no advantage in going with the larger storage unlessyou perfectly needed most if you do plan to record a ton of video with it though perhap you demand the2 56 or 512 option it just depends on what you’re doing with it but for the most part i think mostpeople would be happy with 128 gigs of storage both of them will get updates for the same amountof age so probably about 5 year given apple’s track record they don’t guarantee this but basedon what they’ve done in the past expect revises representing ios 14 15 16 all the way to maybe ios 19 or 20 by the time that comes out these devices may still be supported if apple continues to dothat like they have in the past so both of them are great alternatives they both have amazing camerasthey both have enormous video immense audio and i don’t think you’ll be disillusioned with either one nowof course these are both the same size like i said but if you do want a smaller phone apple offersthe iphone 12 mini and they too offer a larger iphone 12 pro max or they will a little bit laterdepending on when you’re watching this and so to give you a quick size comparison here’s an iphone1 1 pro max next to an iphone 12 pro so it is a little bit smaller it’s a little bit narrower soif you like large-hearted telephones of course you’ll want to wait for the 12 pro max but in general the iphone1 2 is really a neat sizing it’s a kind of the sweet blot for most people and i highly recommendit either of these phones are a great choice but let me know what you would pick up in thecomments below if you’ve already picked one up or if you’re looking for a different size or goingto hang on to your older phone for a while since those seem to last-place a long time as well let me knowin specific comments below if you’d like to get your hands on the wallpaper in this video of coursei’ll link it in the specific characteristics like i commonly do and if you haven’t subscribed once pleasesubscribe and if you experienced the video being given it a like as ever thanks for watchingthis is Aaron i’ll see you next time you
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