how I take my Instagram representations bymyself part 2 let’s go hi modelpreneurs my refer is VenanceModel, Model coach and the founder of simulate to sit preneur best modeling tipsand loping tips-off make sure to subscribe to my direct clink that buzzer so thatyou’re notified every time I affix a new video so chaps I felt I recorded theintro for part two but I did not so this video is basically the part two of thelast video if you haven’t watched that yet I certainly would like for you to go tothat first so you know exactly what you will need in this video I’m going toshow you the behind the scenes on how I actually take my drawings by myself andusing all the items that I mentioned in part one so go ahead and you can pausethis and watch part one and then come back and watch part two so guys I hopeyou really experienced this video and yeah let me know what you think of it downbelow I have to go find an vacate parking lot because the location like whenyou’re shooting outside by yourself beings are gonna look at you like oncesometimes I got a DC and I’m shooting parties like they’re on me they look atme funny but I don’t care I’m trying to get my content so time learn how to givea fuck and take your fucking draws because you need to get your content outthere okay so don’t care so I’m gonna go to an empty-headed parking lots and basically Iwant to make sure that like over there I adoration there because it’s so big-hearted and I’mnot a lot of beings go all the way to the top so that’s why I want to go aheadand shoot there also cause it’s hushed and it’s like actually open so that’s howone of us shit this okay chaps so I am hereI’m outside I am now at this um let me show you guys an evacuate parking lot thetrain station for the for the fasten this is how I use the clamp a mostly clampit like on my opening of my passageway like this and I record like behind the scenevideos and nonsense like I only do behind the background video now yeah I merely clampit on my opening and then for my phone look on my phone i’m gonna go ahead and placemy phone here and mostly so now I have my thing ready all I needto do is turn it on it’s all right now now what I’m going to is Oh so so far in the second good picturesmaybe took a little more video going on if I wanna see how it’s like thelighting is okay the Sun is literally right on top of me right now so I haveto have the camera like kind of facing me this road right here so right on the Sun is kinda like downone not down like it’s hiding behind a vapour but I wanted to be I miss the Sunto be about I’m gonna well to the onto the vapours gonna get away from the Sunfor for extremely again gonna wait a little bit okay now it’s coming back upyou can think you have to work around the Sun and labor around he’s gotta workaround so now it’s back I’m gonna go in my auto and see if we gotsome good shots which I know we did and then I’m gonna change outfit okay youguys now that I am done I need to change into my regular clothes cuz it’s notabout this this is what goes on y’all this is what goes on I shall not be required to be bewearing sweatpants hey sits just finished shooting thisoutfit right here so what I want to say is that you guys can do this you cantake draws on your own I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now andum you know when somebody can take my photo get yourself your little cameraget yourself a little tripod everything I’ve included down below go ahead andinvest in your future invest in this because if somebody cannot take yourpictures go go ahead and do your own like I’m sure I literally demo you guyshow I made all of these videos like you guys checked the step-by-step everysingle thing so it meant that you can do it so and simply try and keep trying andkeep trying and preserve rehearsing I made some most of our word-paintings by myself butsometimes I can do my own thing you know sometimes that I don’t have to go now Ican go to I go to DC I take representations like that um parties look at me funny butI don’t care I’m here to do my material so you guys need to be serious aboutwhat you guys want you need to be serious about your representations yourInstagram because this is gonna be your job like the same way I’m doing thisright now this is gonna be your job okay so otherthan that thanks for coming so much better I will see you guys in my next videoand I hope you guys retain propagandizing and never ever ever give up never ever evergive up I don’t care if anyone tells ya you care that you cannot do thisyes you can so obstruct pushing okay so chaps I too have a linkof all the items that are use in this video if you miss itI originated a associate so make sure to click get down below and I’m going to send itto you okay click it down below and I’m gonna send you the link of everythingthat I used in this video and other items in this video somebody Sunday really easy
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