Apple has claimed once again that they havethe most sturdy glass ever on a smartphone. Today we’re going to put that to the test. My theory is that glass is glass, and glassis still going to break. Huge thanks to LastPass for patronizing thisdrop exam and making this video possible. Switching telephones is a hassle. Every new app needs it’s own password, andyou’re probably like your grandparents, using the same simple password for everything. One app that clears retaining passwords supereasy is LastPass. Used by millions of parties, LastPass has theability to generate long, super secure passwords the hell is encrypted. That means they are secure and you never needto remember what they are since they are saved inside the LastPass app. Since LastPass remembers your passwords foryou, you never need to write them down or use the same password for everything. Whether you’re on your computer or cellphone, the app itself is 100% free. But if you miss a few extra perks, like agigabyte of encrypted storage, it’s only$ 2 a few months. I’ll leave a link down in the descriptionbelow this video. Gargantuan thanks once again to LastPass for makingthis drop research possible.Let’s get started.[ Intro] So today we’re going to be lower testing 2of Apple’s brand new iPhone Xs’s. Apple said they promoted the bar with iPhoneglass yet again, and we’re going to find out how durable it is when sagged completelynaked. One telephone will be without a suit, and thesecond telephone will be covered in Amazon Prime’s absolute cheapest case you can buy. It’s $5. And we’ll be seen to what extent long each of the phoneslast with simple drop research, with commencing from the knee, then waist, then chest.And we’ll investigate what happens when they dropfrom your hearing down to the ground. I will be giving away the least broken ofthese 2 phones spoiler, probably the one in the case on my Instagram. I’ll leave that connection right here. Okay, so I’ll be dropping the phones fromright there out of the taxi of my truck. And to record the phones dropping in slowmotion, I have the iPhone Xs Max that I used to support my soundnes evaluation and teardown. And also recording in slow motion, we havethe Pocophone F1, which I also did a soundnes measure and teardown.So hopefully they can catch the ceases andall of the slow motion majestic detail that it is necessary. So protecting one of the phones is this caseright here, which is the cheapest dispute on Amazon Prime. It’s clear and has a soft rubber around theedges, and a little more difficult plastic on the back. It should do a pretty good job. Okay, the first quit experiment we’ll be doing theiPhone Xs in a case. And we’ll simulate as if you were sittingdown and then standing up and forgetting that your phone was on your sip and it’s slidingoff your leg and hitting the ground.The phone is on my leg, right about knee meridian. Standing up.[ Sad Music playing] And now let’s do a the other iPhone that’sunprotected. It’s on my knee. I’m going to stand up.[ Sad Music playing] Alright, seeming all around the edge of thephone, there is no damage, surprisingly not even any scuffs along the gold side. It looks like right there along the tip ofit we have one little scuff on the area, which isn’t too bad. And, of course, the iPhone inside of the caseis probably just fine. No crannies along the back glass hitherto. Everything appears to be working just fine. Let’s drop it from a little higher up. This time we’ll be throwing it from waisthigh. We’ll start with the unprotected phone andthen finish off with the protected phone…Amazon’s cheapest case. Pulling it out of my pocket and then droppingit.[ Music playing] Alright. So far no shatter on the back glass.There are a few child little scratches and dingsalong the two sides, but that’s not too big of a lot. And then drawing the$ 5 case out of my pocketand giving it plummet.[ Music playing] And it looks like once again everything isstill in one piece. Nothing is cracked or smashed anywhere yet. And plainly there is a lack of dings around theedge on the stainless steel with the one that’s inside of a case.So that’s good. Okay, we’ll try waist high once more timebecause I feel like that’s the most common drop that’s going to happen with people…youknow, attracting it out of their pocket, or having it fell out of of a table, and most counters areabout waist high-pitched. Naked phone first. Pulling it out of my pocket.[ Music playing] Still no detriment done to the display or theback glass surprisingly. And the protected telephone the one insidethe contingency.[ Music playing] Every time I sound the glass backed iPhoneXs hit the dirt, I cringe a little bit. But whenever the one inside of such cases hitsthe sand, I feel like, oh, everything’s fine.Both phones are still succeeding 100%. And there is no damage done on the back glassat all yet. Time a few cases little scratches on the gold iPhoneXs. So this time around I’m going to be holdingit up to my ear and causing it slip out of my fingers and affecting the asphalt. So we’ll just be talking on the phone. Oh, that could be a bad one.[ Music playing] No direction! The back glass is still totally penalize all theway around the edges. Okay. I’m a little amazed. Let’s do the one inside the case. Talking on the phone and letting it slip.[ Music playing] So taking a look. Even now there is still no crackage on theback glass. This is actually pretty impressive.Let’s take off the suit. Yeah, still no shattering done. I’m impressed. Let’s do that one more time. Okay, the unprotected cellphone is in my hand- the gold version. We’re going to go ahead and talk one moretime and drop it. Oh shoot.[ Bagpipe Music playing] Still nothing. What ?! That is impressive. No crackings at all. I recollect when I did this with the normaliPhone X – with the very first drop we had a crack up here by the camera lens. Now, literally good-for-nothing. One more go with Amazon Prime’s cheapestcase. No impair along the edges. And no injure on the back glass, or the figurehead. Everything is still working as it was whenit came out of the box. Alright, so I’m going to drop it 2 more durations, and if the iPhone doesn’t break, I’m going to give away both of them on Instagram insteadof merely one.I frankly thought that they would break bynow. Okay, talking one more time. Remember, this is a realistic drop test, asif I’m talking to you on the phone and it’s slipping.[ Music playing] It scares me every time. Still nothing. I am perfectly affected. And the contingency form descent from the ear.[ Music playing] Yeah, the iPhone is still functioning 100%. No damage to the back glass. Okay, last-place day. Okay, last go. If it exists this last cease from my ear, Apple earns the descent experiment and I take back…I don’t take back everything I said. Let’s give this a shot. Unprotected iPhone. Up to my hearing. Dropping.[ Music playing] Right on the reces. We’ll put test the one in the case reallyquick before we pick that up. Up to my ear. Dropping.[ Music playing] I merely feel so much more secure when the oneinside the case plunges. No highway! It’s still alive. That is royally superb. Both of the phones are fully functional withzero damage.Okay, penalize. Both phones existed. The back glass did not break. I was proven wrong a little. Is having a case a bad thing? No, it’s not. Should you have a specimen? Probably yes, because what I did here is notindicative of every single drop situation that can happen. I’ve heard of people deploring that theirphone slipped off a desk and cracked…fell in the parking lots and cracked. Now it originates me want to take a Samsung phoneand drop it from ability summit 3 times and see if it can survive. Because in my attention, glass should transgress fromhead height. Not really sure what to do with my life rightnow. Am I going to switch to iPhone? Probably not. I’m still various kinds of ruffled that these backglass fragments overhead $500 to replace. Because even though it subsisted 3 ceases inmy particular test right here, doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely indestructible. And glass will break eventually. Either route, as of right now, I am super superimpressed with the iPhone Xs. When I descend tested the iPhone X, it brokeon the first and second drops.So, Apple might have done something new thisyear…who knows. Over on my Instagram I will be giving awayboth of these phones. Right here is my Instagram handle. Be checked it out. I’ll have all the instructions over there. And I will be giving away a Xs Max on my Twitterlike I promised on my stability evaluation video. Thanks a ton for watching. Multiple droops from intelligence height with no damageis very impressive. Apple is still probably not my favorite, butthey unquestionably earned this round. Thanks a ton for watching and I’ll see youaround ..
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