Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and manyof you have been messaging me recently asking about a possible concern with your iphone 12 successions phone where there might be a gap that’s too large between the outside edge of the phoneand the parade itself or the parade glass and so i wanted to help address this i wanted to lookinto it myself to see if i thought it was really an issue or not and to liken it to some olderphones as well that were built similarly so i have the iphone se here for example and my ipad proso we’ll take a closer look at that in a moment and so i have all of the iphone 12 serials phonesthis year with the iphone 12 mini the iphone 12 and 12 pro and then also this is my ordinary dailyphone is my iphone 12 pro max and so i want to take a look at the outside edge of the phones andsee if there’s actually an issue because the issue is people are saying the gap between the outsidemetal edge in this case stainless steel and glass is large enough that you could fit a expanse ofpaper in there and this could be a problem or they were wondering if it could be a problem andso i want to talk to you a little bit about this help address this issue and let you know whatyou should do if anything if you have this issue now the first thing is obviously when you havetwo materials bumping up next to each other there’s going to be a gap of some sort that’sthe tolerance that apple ascertains when they set it for manufacturing if it’s within a certaintolerance it should be acceptable and then carried out to the customer after caliber limitation andso you can see around the outside edge let me get up nice and close you’ll see that there’s alittle bit of lint or dust in this outside edge as i go around it this is the gap that people areconcerned about and so as i go down the side here you can see that there is a little bit ofa gap and it may vary slightly based on overall tolerance is set by apple now some peopleare saying this is a huge deal because you can articulated a piece of paper in there for example or becausedust is picking so i have a piece of paper i’ve just broken off or ripped off a piece of paperand if i work at it real hard now on the region you have to be really careful you can made a sheetof article in now so you can see i have a sheet of paper inside here i can fold it over and it’spushed in between the glass and the frame and a lot of parties are sort of concerned about thiswhether or not this should be considered a big issue or not and so first let me address the sizeof this sheet of paper so this is a micrometer here i’ve got it well let me zero it out make sureit’s zeroed out i’ve got it set to millimeters and if we evaluate the thickness of this sheetof paper raise it down now and you’ll look we’re getting about a tenth of a millimeter or0. 10 millimeter and so if i slide this piece of paper out here ever so careful you’llsee that’s the gap we’re dealing with here and so that’s a super thin breach and that’s the sizeof the sheet of paper now the question is whether or not you should be concerned about this and so ihad never heard this with older telephones for example and so i made a look at the iphone se and so theiphone se is manufactured fairly similarly and if i take the sheet of paper yes i can fit it inthat little gap there i looked at the same thing on the ipad pro which is a little bit newer whichhas an aluminum chassis and so with the ipad pro i just wanted to do the same thing and you’ll see it’sactually maintaining the working paper in the little gap there and so yes you can see the same sort of tolerancedifferences on all of these phones as i go to the iphone 12 pro for example if i returning it up closethere’s going to be a little bit of a spread there and then again on the 12 we’ll just take a lookat that speedily this has an aluminum make and you’ll consider the crack there and then on the 12 minifor example you should verify the same sort of gap now when you’re building millions upon millionsof these phones you need to build intolerances and apple have already established these patiences in for a reasonthere should be a tolerance between the outside glass and the metal advantage “its for” a couplereasons so one of them would be that information convert based on the temperature so for examplewhen fabrics get colder they tend to shrink and gaps can change so when you have twodissimilar textiles two dissimilar metals next to each other you need to account for thedifference in temperature varying the the overall length of the metal whether that be stainlesssteel or aluminum will vary depending on which manoeuvre we’re talking about whether it be the ipad pro withaluminum for example those textile differences make a difference because you don’t want it to gettoo small and then bind on the glass inducing the glass to be under tension and potentially crackwe’ve seen that in other maneuvers with super close-fisted patiences and they’ll actually sound you likewise haveto account when you’re manufacturing something for people sitting on the phone or maybe bending itwith its when it’s in a back pocket for example and so you want to make sure that you haveenough room so that it’s strong enough you have to have enough room so when you dropit on maybe a floor it doesn’t bind up against the glass and hit the glass there’s a lotof reasons for preparing sure there’s indulgences and based on the forbearances that apple setswhether that be within microns or thousands of an inch or nonetheless they’re doing this they needto make sure that they’re within those patiences and these are checked by quality control beforethey’re transferred to the customer for example now the second thing is numerous people are saying wellthere’s a crack there won’t water get in because apple has ipcertified these for ip68 for about sixmeters for up to 30 hours and apple’s thought of that because if you take a look at this photoof a disassembled iphone 12 pro for example from ifixit you’ll see that there’s a rubber or sortof adhesive gasket around the whole outside edge that helps seal it from sea interference and alsohelps with organization and inflexibility overall so at this site i think this isn’t too much of an issueunless you could fit your thumbnail maybe in there where there’s a huge gap between the glass and theframe itself if you could put your thumbnail in there or something larger of course that could bea problem but if you’re seeing dirt get in there that’s not that big of an issue especially in theage where we’re cleaning our telephones more often because dust will get into small areas that aredifficult to remove you could hit this with a bit of aura tightened aura it would probablyblow that title out just like we get dust in the lightning port and in the speakers and microphoneports so it’s not really something i would be concerned about unless like i said there’s a hugegap there and i’ve even looked at older phones looking back on that and see if we had that sort ofissue on say an iphone 11. So here’s an iphone 11 we take a look at the outside gap you’re goingto see it’s going to have the similar endurance now when you have a phone sitting on top of thatframe it’s going to be a little bit different so i get along the outside edge on this one let’ssee if we can fit paper there as well and on the outside edge of my iphone 11 for example you’llsee that there’s paper i can fit a little paper in there so there’s going to be tolerance gapsthat are one-tenth of a millimeter that’s pretty normal in my opinion and like i said i reallywould not worry about this now if you have a tolerance that’s much larger than that where youcould physically see into the side of it i’ve seen some photos like that then sure deliver it to applehave them take a look and give and they’ll let you know whether or not that’s acceptable or not butfor the most part when you’re manufacturing two fabrics like this butted up next to eachother it’s difficult not only to create on this magnitude to the level that apple does withthe quality they do but it’s also okay to have small changes between different telephones becausethere’s so many of them we’re talking about a hundred million machines and there’s very fewcompanies that can manufacture that many devices perfectly every single time now like i saidtolerances are to be expected up to a certain point you’re going to see this on everything fromvehicles to lenses for cameras cameras themselves but something that you use this often obviouslyis going to be more observable than not if you have a screen protector and a client youprobably won’t even notice it so to me this is no longer a big issue i’ve look back every boundary of allof these telephones and i’ve not been able to find any issues where i think it’s a big enough gap that iwould be concerned about yes there’s a little bit of a crack down at the bottom but again there’smaterial inconsistencies you have to account for and again constructing divergences there could besome suppliers that cut it just slightly slightly differently with the glass as opposed to the framethe aluminum i would expect to be a little bit different than say the stainless steel for exampleso you’ll identify there’s a divergence the whole way around and it’s fine and then i did take a look at thisis another iphone 12 pro and again this one has a screen protector on it but if we look around theoutside line yes there’s a little bit of a breach again this is manufactured this nature no one isgoing to have no seam whatsoever in there so i really wouldn’t worry about it i’ve hadquite a few people concerned about it but again unless it’s something where you can seeinto the phone i wouldn’t worry about it or fit maybe your thumbnail between that crack then it’smaybe a large enough divergence but again be borne in mind there’s a gasket there with adhesive so hopefullythat eases you a little bit helps you understand how things are built a little bit and again onetenth of a millimeter is not something i’d be concerned about perhap if we had a gap a little bitbigger like this then i would be a little bit more concerned but i think it was manufactured quitewell and i haven’t seen too many issues on this if your phone starts groaning or the phone the screenstarts popping up will then perfectly imparting it into apple and usually they’ll take care of itno problem unless it was found to be plunged or fallen into water or something like that generallythey’ll take care of it without a problem i’d love to hear from you below whether or not you have anyissues where you think it’s too big of a problem where you can actually see into the phone notwhere you could fit a sheet of paper and again i wouldn’t fit a sheet of paper in there i wouldn’twant to break any seals or anything like that so just leave that alone enjoy applying your phone andlet me know your experience in the comments below if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaperof course i’ll link it in the specific characteristics like i commonly do and if you haven’t subscribedalready delight subscribe and if you experienced the video please give it a like as always thanksfor watching this is Aaron i’ll see you next time
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