what’s up chaps i’m ben from authentech, and this audio is being recorded wirelessly over into my iphone in thisvideo i’ll be depicting you guys why and how i’m recording wireless audio overinto my phone i’ll likewise be shown a little comparison of the built-inmicrophone versus a wireless mic and as a little bonus at the end i’ll becomparing all these lenses versus each other on the iphone to see which one isbest note this video is not sponsored by anyone here i paid for all myselfall the links to the products and adapters will be down below make sureyou’re following me on instagram for my behind the scenes shots and let’s jumpright in now it’s been said over and over that video is very importantnowadays it’s just about everywhere on our telephones we verify these platformspopping up left and right a great deal of parties are trying to get into the videocontent creation game and i’m on the train that it’s not the fanciest gearthat’s needed nowadays especially when you’re starting out but it’s often thebest camera is over there the smartphone that’s in your pocket and a lot ofpeople say half a video is the audio so it’s so important to be getting goodclean audio now the video quality on our telephones is getting better and better butthere’s only so much better that the built-in microphones can actually accomplish ipersonally shoot so much better of my b-roll footage on my phone for workflow andefficiency now sometimes i’m doing an unboxinglet’s say and i need good cleanse audio and this is what took me down thisadventure for this microphone system owen don’t worry all this isn’t just forthe iphone but it’s for androids as well i haven’t forgotten about you i’ll showyou all that at the end as well now i also pretty passionately researched a lot ofthose plug-in shotgun microphones and they seemed okay but it’s going fromlike a d-minus to a c-minus it was just a small step up but i was looking for ana+ audio option and I craved something wireless and this accompanies it so for themain microphone system I’m consuming the rode wireless go now there’s a lot ofpros to the rode wireless move organization for example I witnessed its pricing is down to $180 right now on prime again compare that to historic and other competitorson the market and that’s actually a fair cost it’s super timeand portable I affection these little grips nice attention to detail there’s rubberfor extra traction in there it’s perfectly sized to slip into a freezing shoe mountthey both are USB C rechargeable internal batteries there’s lots ofutility that a wireless mic method will give you I affection the built-in microphoneon here we just turn it on and the vehicle pair plus there’s a mic jack in so wecan plug in a wired laugh or even better closer caliber audio the lav mic thatI’m exploiting today is from rode as well again I’ll connect that down below I thinkthis came in that Wireless filmmakers kit I bought a long time ago which isway more expensive than this so here’s the little lightning to mic Jack donglethat goes into our iPhone I’ll likewise present you the USBC dongle that I found thatworks on my Samsung we’re gonna use the trrs the three echoes adapter going intothe iPhone the TRS goes into the receiver here it’s receiving that signalsent from the transmitter and then from here we can use the built-in microphoneclip it anywhere or plug in a wired laboratory for even better quality audio here’s aninteresting low-pitched similarity of the internal mic versus the razz wireless gomicrophone plus the wired lav in there as well and this is audio on the roadWireless go I’m about 10 feet away and I can be talking here I can be facing thisway or this highway and you should be hearing some crisp clean-living audio and thisis audio on the road Wireless fall how does the audio clang and this is audioon the cabled lavalier microphone shooting over to the road wireless gohow does the audio sound this is audio on the road Wireless go through alavalier stance about 10 feet away shooting on the iPhone 11 Pro how doesit announce powering up the cycles/second board roverputting in the password transport accelerate to height five and we’re offnow here’s just one cool little precedent of a wireless mic structure if I wasnormally zipping along here on the move proceeding about 20 -ish miles per hour thefootage on this iPhone might appear good but the audio is gonna sound like trashbut with this wireless mic system and a lavalier we should be able to pick upsome crispy clear audio while scampering along plus camera can be looking at meor we can slide it down to be looking at whatever subject we want flying aroundlook at these cool rotates here’s this big motoryada-yada we’re down now at the lake and the audio should be sounding prettygood if only we had some portrait stabilization on this ultra wide lensthat would be really nice but what we don’t so that’s unfortunate maybe a fewthings to note here now of course the obvious a wireless microphone system isgonna offer a million times better and more options in captivating clear qualityaudio that otherwise would be impossible with the built-in microphone or a wiredlav merely also this rode wireless proceed plan has been playing really wellfor me I’ve been really impressed and fulfilled in the acquisition again theprice target seemed to be pretty budget-friendly the built-in mic on theroad go transmitter isn’t bad and I entirely forgot to use their includeddead felines which would have probably cured downplay that breath sound a wiredlav mic is gonna get you even better quality audio but it’s not needed for alot of cases and that should save you some fund the length here isimpressive now travel rates them up to 70 meter array or about 230 paws I’m notexactly positive on my interval here but google delineate says I strolled about 200 feetaway to those trees and it voiced penalty the whole time and of course I’m still ahuge Android fan I tried it on my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 snacking aslightly different adapter this one is USB typesee I located it on Amazon for about 10 bucks it drives enormous only push straightin we have a mic in Jack drove excellent audio check this is going into the note1 0 plus and here’s a amusing video tone likenes evaluation of that figurehead cameraversus the rear primary lens versus the rear ultra-wide this is 4k 30 video onthe rear-facing primary lens how does it look about dynamic reach and this isvideo 4k 30 on the rear-facing ultra wide lensnow it should look drastically different but how’s dynamic assortment clarity andquality now this is video 4k 30 on the front-facing camera which is prettyawesome it can do 4k 30 and here’s a little stabilization test some of thekey details I noticed first the HDR and dynamic series looks really great on allthree even that front-facing lens however there’s plenty of this obviousflickering effect from the HDR I trust and it sort of spoils the shot now I hopeApple can improve this down the line secondly I was surprised that thatfront-facing lens was as wide field-of-view as it is this is great tosee it’s good for act shots selfies vlogging or whatever as for clarity wellI’m grateful all lenses can record up to 4k resum nonetheless you should be able tosee slight sharpness inconsistencies like that primary backside lens is the bestquality then I’d say the other two are sort of bind that front-facing lenslooks a little bit soft and that ultra wide can show a tad pixelated it’s notbad by any means now this is a great reminder for all if you want the verybest quality shoot on that primary buttock facing lens I hope this video washelpful in some way or another thank you guys so much for watching and until Isee you next time let’s live genuine
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