– Sponsored by Brilliant. So the report contains rumors goingaround that the iPhone 12 is not only gonna be alittle late this year but might be a littlelean this year as well. Namely, that Apple is no longergonna include the earpods in the box or the AC adapter. Those rumors started withKuo Ming-Chi back in May when he said that theear husks gonna be DOA. And then this very week, Barclays are of the same thing aboutthe earpods being deleted but that also Apple wasgonna remove the AC adapter, the five watt charger thatwe’ve all complaints about on the cornerstone statu iPhone for so long, and the 18 watt chargerthat we just “ve learned to” love on the Pro models.Kuo Ming-Chi came back tosay both of those things but that also Apple will be making a new 20 watt charger accessible, but then we’d have to buy it separately, it would no longer be included in the box. When John Prosser wasasked about this on Twitter he said he hadn’t heard anything about it. But accepting it’s true fora minute, what does it mean? So we humans, people havean roughly visceral reaction when it comes to people taking our stuff.It’s like , no, hell no, it’sintolerable, it’s unacceptable. It’s like when Apple took apart the 3.5 millimeter headphone Jack, but for some people, when theytook apart the residence button, for others when they made awaythe 3.5 millimeter adapter that they gave us when they made away the headphone Jack. It’s like we bounce right over denial the first stage of griefand go straight into anger.But then we quicklyprogressed to bargaining and we start idea, well if you’re gonna give this away then what are you gonna return us? And for some people thatmeans when they hear Apple’s no longer gonna be includingthe earpods or the AC adapter, that they’re gonna dropthe price of the iPhone to make it cheaper, to makeit more accessible to them. And when they think thatthey typically think in terms of the retail prices. So for example, we currentlypay $ 30 for the earpods, $20 for the miserablelittle five watt charger and $30 for the 18 watt charger that Apple inserted lastyear with the iPhone Pro. But the thing is Apple doesn’tpay retail for any of that. They don’t even salary wholesale, they fabricate them, which means they pay for thatmanufacturing and the parts and the assembly and the R and D, but all of that has been scaled up and paid down for years now.So Apple offer maybe afew horses bill of goods. I don’t think anybody caresthat the iPhone costs like $692 instead of $ 700. Apple because it wouldjust ogle hella ugly and us, because we would still have to pay that full retail priceto buy our own earpods or our own AC adapters regardless. But this could still be aprice reduction kinda sorta. See Apple is also widelyexpected to go to 5g on the iPhone 12 as well to sub six or seven or eight or nine or whatever that standard endsup being on the base framework and to millimeter wave on the Pro models.Now what Android phonevendors have done that they’ve often invoked rates by about a hundred dollars. When Samsung did that with thegalaxy S20 earlier this year, they did what many of usthought would be impossible. They shaped iPhone priceslook low-pitched by comparison. The rationale for the toll hike is that Qualcomm precisely chargesa lot for 5g technologies. For Android dealers themodem will be listed in the SOC, information systems on the microchip. Apple draws their own SOC but they’re still gonnaneed those Qualcomm modems. And rumor has it they may even go to next generation Qualcomm modems immediately at open this drop-off. Apple by differ isrumored to be keeping costs for the Pro modelsexactly the same this year and separating overheads on the base representations 50 horses cheaper for the smaller one and 50 horses more expensivefor the same sized one. And you can kinda picturePhil Schiller on theatre with a move up on screensaying precisely that. Where other corporations have exploited 5g as an excuse to raise costs, Apple is thrilled to announce that the brand-new 5g iPhones aregonna cost you accurately the same.By put expenditures the same Apple would just be eating those costs. By ditching the earpods and the adapter they would be eating slightly less rates. But I don’t know if mostpeople would notice that or even care. We have this almostinstinctual gut animal reaction to being nickel and dime, like when we go to thesame sized luggage of chips and there’s just lesschips in it every year. So if Apple did gully theearpods and the AC adapter but gave us 5g for excerpt unquote free would that then is accepted by you or would it still be a no? Hard no. Another philosophy being discussed about is that Apple is doingthis for the environment as part of combating e-waste. The assumption is that Apple hasbeen putting these components, these headphones, andthese accuse adapters into iPhones and into iPodsbefore them for decades now and that most of us have them already.And since they come quoteunquote for free in the box, we’re kind of careless andcallous about dumping them. We precisely throw them andthey just accrue. Now, North America isnowhere nearly as proactive about this substance as the EU is and the EU has already beenpushing for standardization when it comes to power adapters for everyone to basicallymake the same power adapter. And it’s unclear based on the reports or really based on the reporting whether they mean theactual plug in the wall or the also aim the cables that plug into those plugs in the wall. And Apple’s already beenmoving towards USB-C already on the iPads and most recentlyon the Pro-level iPhones. So it’s not hard to imaginePhil Schiller or Lisa Jackson coming up on stage withexactly that establish of slithers and saying, this is how many headphones and this is how many chargers Apple has sent sincethe advent of the iPod and with the explosivegrowth of the iPhone. And this is how many peopleupgrading their iPhone or swapping to the iPhonealready have chargers and don’t inevitably need new ones.And this is how much e-wasteall of that is generating. And in the same way they are demonstrating that slip for every announcement, for every device, the environmental report card saying that as part oftheir ongoing efforts to be more environmentally responsible they’re no longer gonnainclude the earpods or the charger in the box. So would it matter to youif Apple made just the way it is as a form of environmental liability or would it depend on how they handled it whether the government has then chargedyou full retail price for a new duet of earpods or a new charger whenyou bought a new iPhone or if they gave you somekind of discount at acquire, or maybe even the abilityto send away for a freebie? Let me know about thatin the comments as well.So the last of the possibilities is certainly that Apple is getting ridof the brighten earpods and the lightening ability adapter because Apple is gettingrid of the lightning port. And this is a rumor that’s been around for a long time as well , not just with Apple but inthe industry in general, but solely with Apple because they have shown anabsolute ruthless savagery in getting rid of any fault in any maneuver from the diskette drive to theheadphone Jack most recently. Now I’ve just done a whole video on that, so seriously punched thesubscribe button and bell.But I think it’s a little bittoo early to go amply portless on the iPhone still. I conceive Apple has been investing heavily in the wireless technologiesthat’ll make it possible. And I reckon the room the newApple Silicon Max handle rebuild with a camouflaged full restorepartition right on the invention devotes some clues as tohow they could overcome the last of their impediments in originating the iPhone rightfully portless. But that seems to me likea year or two away still and not something that we’ll consider with the iPhone 12 this year.Personally I anticipate theenvironmental rationales are great but I think that if Appleis taking something away they have to give us something as well and 5g was not fully it, but the ability to getthose rejected different versions of headphones and ofchargers if we need it could taken together, were completely acceptable but we’re all gonna haveto do the math on that. And fortunately, you know it, Brilliant got a terminated brand-new math course library to help. It let’s you, me, Apple, anyonebrush up on fundamentals, likelihood, algebracalculus, trigonometry, differential equations, and geometry, all the maths for school, for handiwork, for recreation. Some parties do it for fun. Brilliant is a problemsolving located website and app with a hands-on approach withover 60 interactive courses in math, in science andin computer science. Courses that can help youachieve your goals in STEM, starting with one smallcommitment to learning, and building up to long-termchallenge and raise through storytelling codewriting, interactive the difficulties and difficulties to solve.Brilliant riddles you, surprises you, and expands your understandingof the contemporary world. Go to brilliant.org/ reneritchieand sign up for free. And the first 200 of you can also level up with 20% off the annualpremium subscription. Thanks Brilliant, thanks toall of you for your subsidize. You can check out the fulliPhone 12 playlist right there and see you in next video ..
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