So a big upgrade we are going to see in theiphone 13 pro and the pro max is one terabyte of storage in the latest leak that we’ve beenshowing there’s also some bulletin that the iphone 13 modelings will be slightly thicker for biggerbatteries let’s discuss all these new reveals and the most recent on the iphone 13 pro exhaust appointment andprice with a summing-up of everything we know so far So let’s begin with theannouncement of ios 15 at wwdc all iphones look to get some enormous softwarefeatures nonetheless the iphone 13 and the 13 pro representations will get the best ordeal this yearwith its combining of brand-new software and too brand-new hardware features as quite a lot of new spills arecoming in solely for either the iphone 13 or iphone 13 mini and then other holes for the iphone1 3 pro and the 13 pro max i’ve decided to split these discloses out move forward in my videos tokeep everything a little bit more simpler so as per usual in those kinds of videos i go overthe latest reveals “weve heard” recently and then cover the release date and a epitome of allthe features of everything we know so far about the iphone patterns that we were given previouslyincluding details about the prices let’s firstly begin about that new leak of one terabyte storagebeing added to the pro prototypes disclose comes from a network undergrowth commentator that a one terabyte pattern isfinally coming to the iphone 13 pro prototypes apple was a little late to the party on this as otherrivals like samsung for example have given the ability to have one terabyte storage for some timeas this article says here this is the second time that this has been referenced as john prosser atthe end of last year said that one terabyte prototypes were coming if it does appear when the iphone1 3 handsets get announced it is likely to be the only feature on the higher end more expensive promodels and of course you’ll probably get paid a bazaar bit for it with most media apps relying onstreaming these days and apple’s selling its own icloud and icloud plus and even apple one cloudstorage agreements lending additional storage has probably not been a priority on their schedule that saidphoto and video storages continue to increase with iphones cameras abilities getting betterand too bigger sensors being added as well if you’re going to be doing a lot of filming on youriphone then the additional apartment can become really helpful influence users are going to really appreciatehaving this option of one terabyte as well the next article of good word is we’ve heard theiphone 13 is going to be slightly thicker than the iphone 12 representations now first of all you mightnot think that’s good news because they’re getting thicker but we’ve heard a piece of bulletin herethat says the iphone 13 sits ought to be 0.17 millimeters thicker and when you think aboutthat that’s only a tiny amount and to be honest if you employed a 12 and a 13 together you probably won’tbe able to tell the difference that much nonetheles this is to compensate for bigger batteries thatare going to be put inside the iphone 13 models i will envelop the battery sizes in my summary inthe mo in a bit more detail however the question to ask is will cases and supplementaries for theiphone 12 fit the new 13 well that is another question for another day one more thing i’d liketo quickly talk about is the giveaway that we are doing on this path right now and it isfor this is for our brand new macbook pro m1 and that’s right people i’m going to be giving awaythis macbook pro m1 to one luck reader when we get over 200 000 subscribers and all you needto do in the comments below is write what your favorite ios 15 boast is even if you evendownloaded the beta let me know what feature you’d love to try out and then really made them inthe comments below and then when we get over 200 000 subscribers i’m going to be expose who thewinner is of this macbook pro m1 but make sure you subscribe to the channel and smacked that notificationbell because when we get over 200 000 subscribers you all wanted to that notification to find outif you’re gonna be the lucky winner of this brand new macbook pro m1 so those are the latest leaksand likewise the giveaway so let’s do the liberation appointment next this year in 2021 we’re expecting an endseptember early october launch of all four iphone 13 frameworks now right away you’re probably wonderinghow on earth have we got to this conclusion well it’s quite simple and logistic certainly whenyou think about it let’s do a immediate summary of how we have got here by doing a tiny summing-up ofthe last 10 years of iphone simulation liberation dates if we go way back to the iphone 4s in 2011 thisclassic iphone came out on october 14 th 2011. then bounce a year to 2012 with the iphone 5it was september the 21 st 2012. Then let’s skip a few years onward to say 2016 where itwas the iphone 7 and the 7 plus liberate year where we had a release date of september 16 ththen in 2019 we construed the secrete time of the iphone xs or the 10 s on september 21 st and the1 0r or the xr on october 26 th and last year for example with the iphone 12 examples release datesthey were from october 23 rd to november 13 th now chiefly “youre seeing” the secrete dates havebeen an end september to end october with the primary exclusion of last year where it was abit remarkable for the iphone 12 due to covid we had a bit of delay on the release of themodels however if the pandemic dies down we expect an apple incident in september for the iphone 13 prototypes with a secrete of mid-october compared to the delayed launch we had in 2020 so next let’stalk about the iphone 13 simulate tolls and the most efficient way to do this is give you a summary of what weknow so far for all the pro prototypes let’s begins with the summary of the iphone 13 pro as i saidmany more reveals will come along and they’ll be added to this list so this was subject to changeas it were but this is everything we know so far and also in all my other videos coming up in thefuture for the iphone 13 pro frameworks if there are any kind of holes that kind of link to any of theinformation here i will go over those divulges again so first of all the screen it is gonna be a 6.1 inch screen just like the iphone 12 pro and it will be an ltpo contributed exhibition this is a slightlydifferent kind of display that we have like inside the iphone 12 the iphone 11 and below that foran ole expose but like i said other openings are coming in to talk about that further on in othervideos but the resolution of this exhibition is 2500 by 1117 also at the same time as well leakages areshowing that we are most likely lastly this year going to be getting a pro motion display and whatthat basically represents in normal language is a 120 hertz freshen proportion display so this basic meansthat the flaunt will refresh itself 120 occasions per second and finally the iphone 13 pro would havecaught up with various kinds of android antagonists that too give this option right now for storage we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytes and for the first time one terabyte of storage as according tosome brand-new seeps we’re also going the a15 bionic again other spills have talked about this and thespecifications behind this actual chipset and it also comes with 5g connectivity nonetheless apple willbe borrowing a qualcomm 5g modem again just like what they did in the iphone 12 patterns again thisiphone can be gave with six gigabytes of ram just like the iphone 12 pro and too havea stainless steel body frame what again is very similar to the design we’ve got on the 12 pro but as holes have told us the actual enclose will be actually slightly thicker to accommodatea bigger battery what i’ll get on to in a moment on the rear we will have a triple camera andlidar sensor and as openings are shown already there’s going to be lots of changes andmodifications to those camera set up on the back of the actual iphone 13 pro then for artillery sizewe get a bump up over the iphone 12 pro in the latest leakages that we’ve had and we’re going to begetting a 3095 milliamp artillery now for expenditures the leaks is somewhat over the place to be fair so i’vetaken this from one remark so this could change subject to closer to the launch of the actualiphone 13 pro so starting out we’re going to be getting a 128 gigabyte option that will start up1 049 us dollars 256 gigabytes for 1149 us dollars 512 gigabytes for 1349 us dollarsand then finally one terabyte for 1549 u.s. dollars now moving on to the iphone 13 pro max “thats a lot” of shared peculiarities with the iphone 13 pro for example like chipset and ramsize what i’ll get on to in a second but one of the main big differences has got to be the screensize so again we’re going to be getting that sort of 6.78 screen and it’s going to be an ltpo oleddisplay and again this is that new type of screen technology what i discuss with the iphone 13 prothe resolution on this parade “re gonna be all” 2007 by 1280 and again it’s going to be finally gettinga pro gesture 120 hertz expose as many spills have shown this again storage sizes are very similarto the 13 pro where we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytes and finally a one terabytestorage option as we have seen in previous discloses we’re also going an a15 bionicchipset again what i’ve spoke about and saying that we’ve had a lot of spills and lotsof details about how that’s all gonna piece and likewise 5g connectivity with an actual modem borrowedfrom qualcomm inside it again six gigabytes of ram again that stainless steel enclose body verysimilar to the 13 pro max but like i said it’s like in the 13 pro it’s going to be slightlythicker according to certain brand-new leaks because it’s going to accommodate for a bigger battery insideon the rear we do have that triple camera and lidar sensor and all of those different bitsand patches ought to have refurbished as we’ve seen in openings and then again battery size is going to bebigger at 4352 milliamps for rate again commencing with the 128 gigabyte storage option it’s going tostart at 1 149 u.s. dollars 256 gigabytes for 1 349 512 gigabytes for 1440 u.s. dollars and finally oneterabyte the newest storage option for 1 649 so as per customary with this list of boasts i’ll bekeeping it informed as more leakages come on in all the way up to the iphone 13 opening well it’s timeto package this up so don’t forget if you have like this video to press the like button and of courseto hear the latest iphone news apple news reviews and analogies delight do thumped subscribe followedby the bell until next time chaps see you soon
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