Hey! We are two weeks away, from Apple’s secondmost important keynote, the iPhone event! And some of the most frequent questions are – Shouldi upgrade? Is it time to switch? Should i buy an iPhone now? Well, this video is mainly for thoseusers who already own an iPhone. It are also welcome to help those who are considering iPhone purchase and tochoose between the upcoming frameworks and an existing. Please write in the comments below – ifyou’re considering upgrade or you are one of those who want to buy their first iPhone – which modelyou would choose? Now the intro and let’s go. Hi guys and welcome to Digital Markings channel.My name is Marko and this is your weekly fix of tech information, reveals, rumors and opinions. Everythingabout Apple and their competitors. If you’re fond of this type of content, subscribe now. Hit thelike button and don’t forget notification bell so you don’t miss the next video! I’m going to sharewith you three rationales simply, why you should move forward and buy one of the iPhone 12 models.Ifone or all are not something relevant to you, perhaps you should wait for series 13. With thatsaid, I exactly want to fix something clear. This is not going to be a technological , nor comparisonvideo. We know it will be faster than the previous streak, with more term of OS support and hopefullylonger battery life. If the specs are the main thing you’re looking for, when buying a phoneor an iPhone, you don’t need any suggestion. Nevertheless, stick around. One of these threepoints may give you some other perspective. The first reason why you should go for iPhone 12 is definitely camera improvement. Standard iPhone sits will have two rare facing cameras, wideand ultra wide. While PRO variances will come with one telephoto camera, which is the extra thirdcamera and hopefully LiDAR sensor – probably, just for the bigger PRO model. Obviously, if youare proprietor of iPhone 11 PRO or iPhone 11 PRO Max, at this moment it will be hard to suggest anyof those two regular iPhones 12. The iPhone 11 PRO and iPhone 11 PRO Max are still very impressivein terms of photo and video capturing aspect. Any iPhone series below PRO lineup canbe upgraded without second estimate, if the camera is priority.And if you’reon the Android front and you’re thinking about converting your programmes, looking forsomething that requires equal or even better camera shooting abilities, in many ways iPhone1 2 poses will be the great choice, especially in terms of video. iPhone has no match! As far asphotography seeks, this year’s iPhones, as it seems will still use 12 megapixel Sony sensors, whichis perfect. And if you wanna know why, satisfy check one of my recent videos – it’s about phonecameras. While sits like Xiaomi MI 10 or for example Huawei P4 0, can produce superior photosthan all current iPhones, social media photography in terms of optimization and drawing aspect issomehow still on the side of the iPhone. Plus, we still need to get our hands on the latestiPhones se we can check those new sensors. The second reason why you may want to upgrade toiPhone 12 is its redesign. If you were fan of the iPhone 4 or iPhone 5, visually … You’re gonnalove this! All abrupt lines, modern glossy intend with nearly bezel-less display, in combinationwith iOS 14 and even some customization – man that’s a win! What reinstated this familiardesign were iPad Pros from 2018. When these iPads were evidenced for the first time, it was almost likea sign – this is the way how next-generational iPhones should look like. Because, essentiallywith this design language the iPhone combines two different epoches. And while we still did notget rid of the notch, which for some may be a deal breaker – I suggest that you check my videoabout it – for those who don’t my handy cutout, this is the right time to move forward. Ipersonally don’t think that numerous Android consumers would consider design as a reasonableness to switchto the iPhone, considering how many deviations and some really impressive alternatives alreadyexist in the Android spectrum. Unless they were planning transition for a long time.The third and the final reason why you should go for the iPhone 12 is actually onevery particular model and that’s iPhone 12 Mini. This is more likely to be the smallest superflagship on the market with previously mentioned visual identity and all the features and specs insuch a small body, which is almost impossible to find all combined together.The iPhone 12 Miniwill not just be the most sold iPhone of 2021, but probably the most sold phone for the wholenext year. And check out my projection! There are so many people out there who were hoping thatApple or maybe some other manufacturer, liberation modern flagship phone, with current most popularfeatures, more parcelled in such a small form factor. This iPhone is even smaller than the iPhone SEfrom 2020 and comparable to that obsolete design, it’s like a dream. In combination with the lowestprice in iPhone 12 lineup, can make an iPhone 12 Mini, a tempting selection even for Android users.That’s it! The only thing that i did not mention is, the battery life. Normally, it ever getsbetter and better.Especially thanks to newer chippings. And this year’s Apple A processorsare developed in five nanometers process, which should oblige them even more power efficient.I guess that’s why Apple decided to use smaller batteries for this year’s telephones. Will powerefficiency of A1 4 be sufficient, it remains to be seen. Not to mention how enormous battery lifewas on the series 11 PRO simulates specific. Hope you liked this video. If you did, hit thelike button and once again subscribe. Thank you for watching Digital Markings. My name is Marko.Talk to you soon.Have an excellent daytime. Bye ..
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