the whole iphone 13 sequences aregoing to be better than we expected and i’ll be demo the details right after this! today we’ve got news of amends to all modelsof the iphone 13 as well as even more on the pro poses before we get started though makesure you like the video if you’re an apple supporter and let me know in the comments what countryyou’re watching today’s video from and if you haven’t already then stumbled subscribe now so youdon’t miss a thing in the future so the first narration of the day is a quick one about the newapple airpods 3 a brand-new digitimes report states that the adaptable circuit board shipments havebegun for the next generation airpods and they’re going to feature shorter branches in the predecessorwith other child betterments and they’ll be propelling alongside the iphone 13. now this couldwell be true but it is the first we’re hearing in disney days that give a great deal of informationthese days much of which will prove to be false we also have news of a brand-new titanium alloy chassisfor the iphone and this comes from a jp morgan chase’s speculation observe review reports suggests thatfoxconn are going to be manufacturing the titanium for the higher end iphone representations and it’s gonnabe the same material as on the apple watch six but unfortunately it is gonna be for next year’siphone and not the iphone 13. When it comes to the iphone 13 however we do have some huge story firstof all we’ve got news of 25 W fast charging for all iphone 13 simulations the previous models had a maxcharge velocity of 20W but distributed according to my drivers the iphone 13 is going to be capable of 25 W fastcharging and apple are going to be making a new 25 W charger that you can purchase as of courseit won’t be coming in the box the good news is that as ever that this should be for thewhole lineup of phones and not only on the pro modelings but to be clear this has come from mydrivers with no testify so as always it make with a grain of salt for now next up we’ve got newsthat all iphone 13 models are going to have lidar scanners which would be great news for consumerswe had rumors of this very early on and then pretty much every generator was agreement that simply theiphone 13 pro and the 13 pro max will have lidar webbush questioned a brand-new report after analyzing thesupply order and they’ve advised that all of the phones are going to have lidar scanners and theystate that apple have also increased the furnish to 90 to 100 million cells which is a big prance overlast year’s 80 million now according to the report we’re also going to be seeing one terabyteiphone simulates instead of the usual 512 max although this will only be for the 13 pro andthe 13 pro max with pro fresh photography higher storage capability does make sense but of courseapple still helps the use of its icloud it also states that there’s going to be no optionfor a 64 gig prototype and 128 is going to be the basi alternative again this could well happen as periods arechanging and people are using a lot more storage specially when it comes to media but at the sametime icloud is productive for apple so smaller storage options that can help with icloud saleswe’re very close to propel now so information does tend to be correct although apple showed uslast year that they can quickly change last minute i am however being told that the design has beenfinalized so it’s not something that we should really be seeing today’s news doesn’t come fromthe most reliable of sources so while i would like some of it to be true it’s important to note thatit may not are particularly bearing in mind the fact that it would prove so many other sources incorrect i’ma lot more excited about the iphone 13 than i was for any of the previous exhausts established some ofthe incredible improves like 120 hz ltpo displays but i’m going to continue to monitor this newinformation and provide you with an update as soon as we’ve got confirmation i am only take a lotof it with a grain of salt for now but for those of you that do want information on the iphone1 3 we’re now gonna work through the specs intend and the expected pricing with a more realisticapproach of what we believe they’re gonna launch for my regular sees you guys have seen thisso only skip to the next video but if you are new here then stumbled subscribe now and we’ll get rightinto it so first up we’ve got the iphone 13 mini with the iphone 13 mini we get a 5.4 inch oleddisplay it’s expected to have a 2340 by 1080 solving and this throws us 465 pixels per inchbut it’s only about to become a 60 hertz display on the front we get a notch that’s going to housethe selfie camera and face id and on the back we get a dual camera setup with a wide and an ultrawide camera it will of course be powered up by the brand-new a15 bionic and it’s expected to come withfour gigabytes of ram and a select of 64 128 or 256 storage it’s coming with a 2 406 milliamp hourbattery with at least 20 watt fast charge and it will support wireless blaming we get bluetooth5g and wi-fi 6 and the phone is of course going to ship with ios 15. I’m expecting theiphone 13 mini to start from around 700 but i’ll update the rate as soon as we get an accurateleak next up we get the standard iphone 13 with the iphone 13 we get a 6.1 inch oled displayit’s expected to have a 2532 up by 1170 decide and this grants us 460 pixels per inch but againit’s only a 60 hertz display on the breast we get a notch to house a selfie camera and the face idand on the back we’ve got a dual camera setup with a wide and an ultra wide camera it will of coursebe powered by the new a15 bionic and we get four gigabytes of ram and a option of 64 128 or 256 storage it’s coming with a 3095 milliamp hour artillery with at least 20 watt fast chargingand again it does support wireless charging we get bluetooth 5g and wi-fi 6 and the phoneis going to ship with ios 15. I’m expecting the iphone 13 commencing from 800 but again i’ll updatethe prices as soon as we get an accurate leak next up we’ve got the iphone 13 pro with theiphone 13 pro we get a 6.1 inch oled display but this time it’s got a 2532 by 1170 resolution whichgives us 460 pixels per inch but on the iphone 13 pro it’s going to be a 120 hertz ltpo displayon the breast we get a notch to house the selfie camera in the face id and on the back we get atriple camera setup as well as a lidar scanner the configuration is going to be made up of a wideangle an ultra wide and a telephoto camera it will of course be powered by the a1 5 bionic and it’sexpected to come with six gigs of ram and a choice of 128 256 512 and even one terabyte storage it’scoming with a 3095 milliamp hour battery with at least 20 watt fast accuse and wireless charging issupported we get bluetooth 5g wi-fi 6 and it’s of course going to ship with ios 15. I’m expectingthe iphone 13 pro to start from around 1050 but again this is just an estimate ultimately we havethe iphone 13 pro max with the iphone 13 pro max we get a 6.7 inch oled expose it’s expected tohave 2778 by 1128 resolution and this sacrifices us 458 pixels per inch now again this is going tobe a 120 hertz ltpo display on the front we get the notch with selfie camera and face id and onthe back we get a triple camera setup plus the lidar scanner the configurations can be made upof a wide an ultra wide and a telephoto camera like the pro it’s coming with the a15 bionicit’ s expected to come with six gigs of ram and a selection of 128 256 512 or one terabyte storageit’s coming with a 4 352 milliamp hour artillery and again we expect at least 20 watt fast chargeas well as wireless blaming we get bluetooth 5g wi-fi 6 and the phone chips with ios 15. nowthis is the most premium and we’re expecting the iphone 13 pro max to start from around 1 150 butagain i’ll confirm this as soon as we get a disclose so it’s great that we’ve got so much informationon the iphone 13 serials with open in september it’s not too long until the official reveal fromapple thankfully there is expected to be plenty of furnish for the iphones and apple are reportedlynot going to be affected by the chip shortage that is causing so many other companies problemsnow of course as ever i’d like to know your thoughts in the comments who out there is excitedfor the apple iphone 13 and what do “youre thinking about” these new leakages but thank you for having watchingthe video if you liked it smash a thumbs up if you didn’t touch the thumbs down twiceand i’ll see you guys in the next one you
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