So the new iphone 13 pro representations will begetting the most powerful a1 5 chipset with the highest amount of ram howeverwith the iphone 13 and the a15 chipset how powerful will it be and what isapple doing about the worldwide chipset shortage well today we have a report toexplain this and we also have the latest of the iphone 13 pro secrete year and pricewith a summary of everything we know so far. Hi it’s Matt here, so it’s not too long untilwe investigate the iphone 13 sits being liberated so for everyone who has seen my videos beforeyou should know what the format is so far for everyone new this video will be givingyou the most recent discloses or reports first followed by the release date and then asummary of the iphone 13 representations with the prices also as there’s the reports coming in now forboth the iphone 13 and the 13 pro models these seeps are is divided into two videos now so moving onit’s now july and it’s been a month since wwdc we have had public betas for all of apple’snew os’s including ios 15. Ios 15 is giving iphone users brand-new facetime features and imessagechanges to name a few nonetheless expecting a few more software nips for the iphone 12 s or the iphone1 3 and for them to be married up with the brand-new hardware put inside so a vital piece of hardwareis the new a15 chipset that will be put inside the brand-new iphones the iphone 13 pro simulates willalso amplification the highest amount of ram put inside so how strong is the new a1 5 you may ask or willthe iphone 13 even get an m1 chipset well to start app will be using a 5 nanometer process technologyto produce microchips like they did for the a14 that necessitates smaller chipping features and moretransistors in a smaller amount of region it also typically conveys lower power consumption for agiven amount of production but for cause count is likely we’ll be get the same setup we’ve had in thelast few contemporaries since around the a1 2 chipset all the way to the a14 so the a15 you’ ll find sixcpu cores and there will be two high performance cores and four high efficiency cores nonetheless thesecores will be clocked at a higher amount and likewise more cash is likely to be assigned to all thecores it is likely that with this the cpu will gain around a 20 to 30 percentage increase in cpupower over a14 for gpu it will probably the a15 will keep the same a14 gpu setup of four cores howeveragain operation is likely to be around about 20 to 30 faster than what we currently get on a1 4 oneother question that has come up is will the iphone 13 get the m1 or even the m2 inside all i cansay from my personal point of view is most likely this is going to be a no a great deal of you have saidthat one place that you want apple to improve on is battery life if an m microchip was for example putinside an iphone then a much bigger battery would be needed and the iphone 13 would be a lot morethicker the main reason behind this is that the m1 has eight cpu cores in comparison with the six in a15and the m1 also has eight gpu cores in comparison with the four inside a15 with these additional cores what wehave in the m1 or even the m2 it would be a ponderous drain on battery life and make it worse than whatwe get right now with the iphone 12 sits with an a14 chipset inside so it’ s very unlikely thatthe m1 or the m2 is coming to the iphone 30 models for chip shortfall fears each of these reports from cm betasaid that apple has dictated over 100 million a15 chipsets from tsmc this does mean that appleare prepared and other spills am told that apple are assembling iphone 13 s right now however wedid just recently get a report saying there was kind of a gas taint nonetheless we don’t knowhow this has affected the amount of a1 5 chipsets that will be ready to be used for the iphone 13 when it comes out later on this year this also heads me on neatly to say that all reports andleaks that are coming through are not 100 proof that they will come true for the brand-new iphone i canonly being submitted to you what i’ve been told and shown however if you’re watching this video then you areas strange as i am in knowing what is going to be said about the next iphone anyway so right nowthis channel is doing a giveaway at the moment and it is for this is for a macbook pro m1 andi’ m going to be giving this away to one lucky reader when we get over 200 000 subscribers soif you want to be in a chance to get your hands on this backboard pro all i’d like to know from youguys in specific comments below is what apple paraphernalium do you plan to get in 2021 maybe you’re planninggetting a new iphone or a macbook or even an ipad for example let me know in the comments belowand when we get over 200 000 subscribers i will be revealing who the winner is but make sure yousubscribe to this channel touched that notification bell because when we get over that 200 000 markyou’ll want to get the notification of that video of when i announce who the win is and it couldbe you at the same time as well you’re feeling good and magnanimous punch that like button at thesame season for this video so that is the latest on leakages and likewise the giveaway so let’s do therelease date next so last year due to the pandemic it was really the only year we haven’t seen aflagship iphone released in september in the last five years or so nonetheless with openings flyingaround that apple has started production on the brand-new iphone earlier this year it is likelywe’ll get a september release in fact many reports are already showing that this is going to be thecase in 2021 with an expected september or early october launch for all the iphone 13 simulates wedbush consultant dan ives believes that the iphone 13 scope will be announced during the third week ofseptember time that would be a little later than usual since apple tends to launch iphones in thefirst week or next two weeks of that month but this information does suggest that we may be seeingthe iphone 13 release date as september 24 th “i shouldve been” point out this is a fairly good guess andit’s based on go i’s prognosi at face value apple typically maintains its iphone launching contest ona tuesday with pre-orders then starting on that same week on the friday then after this the firstwave of iphones normally arrive in customer sides the following friday after that so this implies ifives is redress we could be seeing the iphone 13 launch on september 14 th then pre-orders openingon september 17 and then the release of the iphone 13 on september 24 th however at the end of thisyear we will likewise interpret other apple happenings for other apple makes like macbooks ipads apple watch andairpods and consignments more and if you miss the latest information about these products do check out myother videos on this channel and make sure you touched the agree button and the notification bell toget the latest info about them so next let’s talk about the iphone 13 pro example expenditures and the bestway to do this is to give you a summary of what we know so far for all the mannequins let’s start withthe summary of the iphone 13 pro as i said many more discloses will come along and they’ll be added tothis list so this was subject to change as it were but this is everything we know so far and also inall my other videos coming up in the future for the iphone 13 pro poses is that any kind of leaksthat kind of link to any of the information here i will go over those reveals again so first of all thescreen it is gonna be a 6.1 inch screen just like the iphone 12 pro and it will be an ltpo preceded displaythis is a slightly different kind of display that we have like inside the iphone 12 the iphone1 1 and below that for an ole display but like i said other discloses are coming in to talk about thatfurther on in other videos but the solution of this spectacle is 2532 by 1170 too at the same timeas well spills are showing that we are most likely lastly this year going to be getting a pro motiondisplay and what that mostly wants in normal language is a 120 hertz refresh proportion displayso this basically meant that the flaunt will freshen itself 120 hours per second and finallythe iphone 13 pro would have caught up with kind of android rivals that likewise give this option rightnow for storage we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytes and for the first time one terabyteof storage as according to certain new seeps we’re likewise approximating the a15 bionic again other leakshave talked about this and the specifications behind this actual chipset and it also comes with5g connectivity nonetheless apple will be borrowing a qualcomm 5g modem again just like what they didin the iphone 12 prototypes again this iphone can be furnished with six gigabytes of ram just like theiphone 12 pro and likewise have a stainless steel body made what again is very similar to the designwe’ve got on the 12 pro but as reveals have told us the actual made will be actually somewhat thickerto accommodate a bigger battery what i’ll get on to in a moment on the rear we will have a triplecamera and lidar sensor and as discloses are shown already there’s going to be lots of changes andmodifications to those camera setup on the back of the actual iphone 13 pro then for batterysize we get a bump up over the iphone 12 pro in the most recent leaks that we’ve had and we’regoing to be getting a 3095 milliamp battery now for expenditures the spills is somewhat over the placeto be fair so i’ve taken this from one cite so this could change subject to closer to thelaunch of the actual iphone 13 pro so starting out we’re going to be getting a 128 gigabyteoption but will start up 1049 u.s. dollars 256 gigabytes for 1149 u.s. dollars 512 gigabytes for1 349 u.s. dollars and then finally one terabyte for 1549 u.s. dollars now moving on to the iphone 13 pro max there are a lot of shared facets with the iphone 13 pro for example like chipping setand ram immensity what i’ll get on to in a second but one of the main big differences has got tobe the screen immensity so again we’re going to be getting this kind of 6.78 screen and it’sgoing to be an ltpo oled parade and again this is that brand-new type of screen technology what idiscuss with the iphone 13 pro the rules and regulations on this expose is going to be 2778 by 1280 and againit’s going to be finally getting a pro gesture 120 hertz display as many discloses have shown this againstorage sizes are very similar to the 13 pro where we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytesand finally a one terabyte storage alternative as we have seen in previous seeps we’re also gettingan a15 bionic chipset again what i spoke about and saying that we’ve had lots of divulges and lotsof details about how that’s all gonna production and also 5g connectivity with an actual modem borrowedfrom qualcomm inside it again six gigabytes of ram again that stainless steel frame torso verysimilar to the 13 pro max but like i said it’s like in the 13 pro it’s going to be slightlythicker according to certain brand-new leakages because it’s going to accommodate for a bigger battery insideon the rear we do have that triple camera and lidar sensor and all of those different flecks andpieces have been ameliorated as we’ve seen in divulges and then again battery size is going to be biggerat 4352 milliamps for premium again starting with 128 gigabytes storage option it’s going tostart at 1149 u.s. dollars 256 gigabytes for 1 349 512 gigabytes for 1449 u.s. dollars and finallyone terabyte the newest storage alternative for 1 649 so as per normal with this list of features i’llbe keeping it revised as more leakages come on in all the way up to the iphone 13 launching well it’s timeto wrapper this up so don’t forget if you have like this video to press the like button and of courseto hear the latest iphone news apple news reviews and comparisons delight do stumbled subscribe followedby the bell until next time people see you soon you
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