– I’m gonna tell youseven specific reasons why you’re gonna wanna switchto the brand new iPhone 12 and three reasons why youmight just wanna stick with the Android that “ve brought you”. And I’m gonna do it right now. Sponsored by Ting. So yes right upfrontI do have to point out that there are a few really big reasons why you may not wannaswitch to the new iPhones. First Apple is still theonly company realise iPhones.So you don’t like what Apple is procreating, you’re just out of luck. There aren’t any otherphones out there feeing iOS. With Android if you perfectly reviled what Google did with the latest Pixel 5 , not a problem you canpick up a Galaxy S2 0 FE or any of a dozen other phones from any of a dozen other symbols. You can also get a bunch ofreally interesting features and form causes thatApple for whatever reason exactly doesn’t considerready for prime time yet.Like 108 megapixel 100 x Periscope zooms and yeah time all thefolds and all the flip-flops all of them and the notches yeah. If you perfectly detest thenotches you can get foreheads or hole pierces or the mechanical tutors what raise and lower camerasor spin them up and around. You are able to obtain waterfall and wraparound displays USB-C ports, God and the periodic 3.5 millimeter headphone jack even physical keyboards. Yes there’s just a metric tonnage of hardware options out there, and that’s something Apple can’t and probably won’t ever match. Second like subways you canhave your Android your way.Sure with the iPhone youcan change your wallpaper, applied widgets on your residence screen now and with the latest iOS beta, you can finally customizeyour icons without endanger but you’re still locked toSpringboard as your launcher and the grid as your layout. Android isn’t your pa or your mommy. It’s not the boss of you. No topic how much theGoogle Play API increasingly try to send all of us to our offices, you can theme even makeyour method font comic chorus if you really want to but please don’t. Some parties just really want their telephones to exactly work for them. But if you’re willingto work for your phone, literally the more term andeffort you’re willing to put in, the weirder and wilder you can determine your Android phone for you. Apple’s forming gigantic strideshere peculiarly this year but there’s just no reveal if or when they’ll ever go as far as Google. Lastly Google precisely allowssome things on Android that Apple still doesn’tmaybe won’t on the iPhone.One is game serviceslike Game Pass and Stadia which let you stream games from the mas as readily as you stream movies or Tv pictures from Netflix or Disney Plus. Apple just seems stuck inthe old world model here in the past but fingerscrossed that changes soon. The other is side-loading whichmeans you can install apps from the web instead ofthe Google Play Store, If you really want to. Now Google will throwup a cluster of alarms about safety and securitybecause it is a huge risk and there is just a tonof malware out there but you can do it if you really want to. It’s a great deal like gatekeeper on the Mac, Apple’s just neverimplemented it on the iPhone and they probably won’t. Now on the flip side notan actual flip-flop nevermind. There are some wholly valid rationales to acquire the switch to the iPhone. Back in 2016 Apple releasedthe original iPhone SE. Basically the iPhone 6S nerves stuffed inside the iPhone 5S chassis. And it was smaller againsure but too less costly than an iPhone had been ever this year, Apple secreted the secondgeneration iPhone SE.Basically the iPhone 11 bowels stuffed inside an iPhone 8 framework. And it’s about the samesize as a regular iPhone, but back down to that sweetsweet rate of merely 399 US. And I say US because yesit’s not the same in India and many other countries thanks to the tyranny ofinternational pricing. But in the US that premium is urging. And frankly something Apple merely hasn’t offered in a good long time. If the home button and touch ID aren’t deal breakers for you hell, if they’re transaction producers the iPhone SE alone is probably the biggestincentive anyone’s had to switch to the iPhone in years except maybe for the iPhone 12 mini. It’s nowhere nearly as cheap not nearly, but wow is it small-minded. Smaller even than the current iPhone SE but with an boundary tech kind of edge display that’s almost as big asthe old-fashioned iPhone pluses and sure you can get theregular sized iPhone 12 or the iPhone 12 Proif you really want to.Even the massive iPhone 12 Pro Max if you need your phone tobe your primary computer. I’ve got in-depth reviewsup for all of them, so affected that subscribe buttonand bell and check them out. But there are a lot of bigphones on the market these days. There’s only one flagshiplevel that’s really numerous, and it’s iPhone 12 Mini. Because of the mode they’re engineered, like is starting timeengineered iPhones merely tend to run smoother for longerthan Android phones, even with far far fewer aids. iOS and iOS apps lead native on the iPhone not through an interpreterlike Android and Android apps. The system uses active releaseinstead of garbage collection and every bit of it waswritten specifically for the hardware that it runs on. There’s no overhead meant tocover every possible quirk and difference from every possible device for every possible company.Apple also still meets thehighest concert processors, calibrates everything about the spectacle and imaging pipeline, custom-made patterns, every power management and audio system and the directory justliterally goes on and on. And the result is if youjust look at the specs and find four to six gigabytes of Ram or a physically smaller battery or a 60 Hertz refresh rate, or a non-pixel bend camera it’s still night and daycompared to the quality and know-how you have consuming an iPhone. They really laden andscroll and last and shoot action better than a similarly or even much much higherspec their Android device. It’s like airplane foodversus home cooking. Apple can precisely cook up precisely the iPhone they think is best. If you’re on Android outside of China with awfully, very fewexceptions you’re on Google and that’s totally finefor a lot of parties, maybe even good Google represents it so that you can pick upalmost any Android device. Current Huawei parties not braving. All you do is log in with your note and basically you’re upand leading likely split. With an iPhone you can use an Apple ID, which you might once have from iTunes back in the dayor an iPad now or whatever.And if you only loveGoogle and wanna stick with all of their servicesthat’s totally fine. Really download any or all of the glut of iOS apps that Google offer from Gmail to YouTube, delineates to Chrome and exactly log into any ofthem with your Google ID and Google will veryhelpfully try to log you into everything else that uses that ID. People on iPhone stillprovide so many eyeballs and so much money for Google that Google obligates surethey’re all over the iPhone. And for anything you mighthave that’s not Google, Apple has a switch to iOS app right on the Google play store that’ll help you movejust all of that content time all the way over. And it works just really really well. So well you can legitimatelymake the reason that the iPhone on Google Apps is simply one of the best Googlephones on the market. Best hardware, best assistances, best combo since peanut butter and chocolate even better thansome or numerous Android phones.But if you don’t likeGoogle outside of China, squandering Android is tough. Google has their hooksin penetrating into the OS, even further down than the Google Play API which let modern Androidphones be Android phones. Even if you go out of yourway to avoid Google services Android is essentially exactly the mother of all Google business. So while you can clear the iPhone into a really top flight Googlephone if you really want to, you can also make it onlypartially a Google phone or really zero Google phone at all.If you exactly don’t likeGoogle’s privacy programs or protection track record, if you dislike the idea of data harvesting and exploitation and surveillancecapitalism or whatever, you are eligible to avoid Google services exclusively. You can stick to Apple’s apps if you miss, call a mix of Indy appsgo all in on Microsoft because yeah you can determine the iPhone into a pretty great windows telephone as well.The place is you get to choose if the Google assistances justaren’t worth the intrusions into your privacy you cango absolutely without them and simply not miss a shape. Speaking of which if you want to, you can utterly deck up your iPhone with all the Facebook apps you crave. The large-scale blue one messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram the other dozen messagingapps it feels like Facebook is just floating around in there too. They all exertion great on the iPhone better even than any other phone. It’s the above reasons you often ensure fames with Android endorsementseven the media crews that other Android producers merely accidentally affixing theirAndroid ads from the iPhone. Same with Tik Tok it’s whyyou assure I-phones in the paws of so many of the biggestpeople on the platform.Same with photographers it goes on and on, but like with Google apps, you can also have theoption of “re saying no to Facebook apps even appsusing the Facebook SDK. It are be ticklish, but you can find privacy centric options for pretty much everykind of non-social app including Signal for messaging. And that’s because Applehas been drive privacy as a major differentiator. And when Apple talks about privacy, they’re talking about actualprivacy as in zero knowledge as an even Apple doesn’tand won’t harvest your data. And sure you can choose toback up online with Apple if you want to but youcan also choose not to and really use good oldUSB hard lines instead. Google and Facebookhave been forced to talk about privacy lately as well. But Google has beenintentionally conflating it with data retention andFacebook with encryption which just really aren’tabout privacy at all. They’re likewise both really really happy to cut third-party developers out of the data chain andcall that improve privacy.So far though Apple is the only one who’s been really reallyhappy to cut themselves out. If you think that justmeans Apple assistances suck, that’s totally punishment altogether fair. You still have thatoption of using Google’s or Facebook’s or Microsoft’s or anyone else’s services instead you are eligible to even placed Chrome oroutlook as your default network or mail consumer on iOS now.But Apple and the iPhoneare the only ones currently is available with that compas ofprivacy and security alternatives. Ever notice that the one app where Google’s openness endshard is the pixel camera app. Google doesn’t make it or it’samazing algorithms available nevermind for the iPhone buteven for other Android phones. And I don’t condemned them at all. Companies tend to keep closedto what obliges them fund and open up what makestheir adversaries fund. It’s why AdSense is closedand Safari’s WebKit is open. And the Pixel camerais absolutely terrific, with even commodity camera sensors that are essentially goneunchanged since the Pixel 2, it regularly out-shoots themonstrous behemoths sensors, firms like Samsung and Huawei are bolting onto their telephones like the face hunters from Aliens.I’ve been using Pixel phones for years. I get it I really like it but I likewise really likewhat Apple is doing. Peculiarly with the brand-new iPhone 12 Pro Max and it’s massive brand-new wide angle sensor with IVIS in organization likenes stabilization. The figment cameras have and it’s brand-new 65 millimeter telephoto. Sure it may not be the1 08 megapixels sensors or Periscope zooms that allof the Android producers are putting in but they’ve put together a pretty remarkableblend of camera hardware, Silicon Image Signal Processing and machine learning software to create what are routinely some of very good photos in the business and still the best videoperiod going all the way up to Dolby vision HDR in 4k 60 this year and already in beta Pro Raw, which gives you the flexible of Raw but with the ability to tweakthe computational pipeline, pretty much any road you demand. Apples even made acustom storage controller so you never miss a photo or a frame. It offers real hour live previewsfor computational impacts, so you always get theexact picture you experience and it has instant shutter so what you see is what you capture.Likewise the magnitude and qualityof photo and video apps on the iPhone is simplyunmatched probably unmatchable presented it’s just easier to make apps for hardware as consistent as the iPhones. Almost all talks about the appraise and superpower of the Apple ecosystem and for a really good reasonwhen you buy an iPhone, you too get all the freeapps that Apple determines for it. Free as in free not free as in your data. Including the iWork suite, GarageBand, iMovie and more plus all the free trainingand trends that Apple offers not just at the Apple Store butincreasingly online as well. And there are still morebetter third party app sooner and for a variety of reasons not many or any of which are aboutto change anytime soon. And you can use iMessage and FaceTime for end-to-end encryptedtext and audio video chat. They’re not cross-platform which is beyond superfrustrating but they make great.And if you need cross-platformyou can again get anything or everything from FacebookMessenger to WhatsApp to Google Meet, Hangout, Duowhatever it’s called these days to Microsoft Skype, toSignal and Discord instead, or as well and there’s the Apple watch which is the best wearable on the market. So much so it’s pretty much the market and AirPods which have become so favourite they’ve mostly become a meme. If you have a Mac or an iPad continuity lets you share cellular data, duplicate and glue clipboards and even sync not just databut the position between apps. So you can put down ahalf-written email on your iPad, pick up your iPhone swipe and really keep on typing that email.And of course AirDropwhich lets you send registers back and forth so quickly and readily, you literally startfeeling lost without it. And with the brand newM-1 Apple silicon Macs you can now have an ultra light as ultra fast as some workstationsand totally completely and always merely in sync andin step with your phone. Plus you get software and security revises in every country on everycarrier all the time at the same time for yearsaround four to five years now which is just far more thanthe three years merely Google and recently Samsung offer even for flagship Android devices. So if you decide to staywith the iPhone you bought you get a lot more value in the long run. And if you decide tosell it or sell it in, you get a lot more saleor trade in value as well. And that’s as genuine with a $399 iPhone SE as it is with a $1,099 iPhone 12 Pro Max. Now I get onto totally get wise, what one person can findfocused and consistent, another can find tunnelvision, droning even suffering. One person’s security and protection can be another’s overcontrol and straight jacket.Each advantage can be adisadvantage death of the day, you have to get the best phone for you. But irrespective of which one you get, you can save money onall of them with Ting. Yeah the next of TIG mobile is here. So whether you miss simply alittle data or unlimited, Ting has the excellent planfor you and for your family. You can get talk and textfor merely $10 a month, data from $ 15, five gigabytesfor $25, unlimited from $45, whatever you need just go to rene.ting.com to check out the plans andsee how much you can save.You get access to the bestnationwide coverage in America on pretty much any phonefrom the iPhone to the Pixel to the so many galaxies to one plus to anything with a SIM card mostly. And of course you cankeep your existing phone, keep your existing numeral if you just wanted to. That’s the next generation of Ting Mobile and is how much youcan save and get $25 off, just go to rene.ting.com click on the link in the description or go to rene.ting.com and get $25 off and clicking on that linkreally cures out the channel. For a ton more on the iPhone1 2 click on the playlist above I’ve got in-depth reviews and analogies detailingevery single brand-new boast and parcels more to come.So click on the playlistand I’ll told you next video ..
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