– Which one is better? The iPhone or this Samsung S2 1 Ultra Android thing? Wait, we’ve been here before. But if you are currentlyusing an iPhone and wondering if Android is better than the iPhone or wondering if moving from the iPhone to the Samsung S2 1 Ultra is an upgrade or perhaps it downgrade, well, let us continue our important task. First up, hi, my figure is Pete Matheson. In my last video, I actuallypicked up the Google Pixel 4a and likened it againstmy iPhone 11 Pro Max. And I came across some interesting things. Go watch this one ifyou’re interested in that after you’ve agreed, of course. But the one thing I couldn’t really touch in that whole video, was hardware. Because you can’t compare aflagship 1500 pound iPhone to a circa like 350 pound Android phone. Well , now I’ve had myhands on this S21 Ultra, we can indeed get alittle bit more specific. what we have here is the flagship. At least when it comes toSamsung’s stray of Android phones this thing is the S21 Ultra 5G. But, I didn’t only wanna testthe S21 Ultra , no , no , no , no.I wanted to try and commitfully to the Android world for as long as I could hamper it to give this thing a real tribe. So, I too bought a Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 plus the wireless charger trio. And I are of the view that I should have received some free earbuds when Iplaced the require for this but apparently I misread it or perhaps they drew the offerbetween require and give. But I’ve literally placed myiPhone and my Apple watch away for I fantasize fourweeks now we’re up to and I have plenty to say about this phone and Android in general. A bit of framework firstly, Ihave been an iPhone user since like the original iPhone. It has essentially been a whole decade where I’ve applied every singleapple device under the sun, every iPhone, every watch, MacBook air, MacBook pro, Mac mini, iMac, the ultimate parcels. – Will make the heap. – But not the iPhone 12. As they were comes a timewhen you start to wonder, is the grass greener on the other side? So firstly of, let’s begins with the pros.Before we get into what I feelare the cons in my opinion, sorry Apple fanboys andsorry Android fanboys because there are somethings that I utterly desire and hate about this telephone. If you do stick around to the end, I’ll tell you if I’m gonnabe swapping permanently and also while you are watching, cause us know what you think of the whole Apple versus Android debate. And particularly if you areusing or considering the S2 1, what are your thoughts? But of course, don’t forgetthe most important thing of all demolishing the like button on this video and subscribing to thechannel for more because YouTube tells me that9 7% of beings watching aren’t subscribed and newsubscribers shape me a fortunate lover. So the very best things. First of all, startingoff at the Galaxy Watch, I actually actually, really like this. I’m not sure why I hearquite a lot of bad things online about these incompared to the Apple watches, it took times to setup not hours like Apple.I mean, have you ever tried to unpair and fixing your Apple watch? My God, it feels like a decade posture waiting for that to do it’s, it’s thing. But you can also instal watch revises, without being forced toconnect it to a charger unlike Apple watch. You can use music service likeSpotify immediately on the watch whilst you’re out for a movement. So you’re not being forced to use that Apple music service that … does anyone actuallysubscribe to Apple music? Love that. And a really simple and neat aspect. But when you pop either thewatch or the phone downs bill, it will tell you how long it forecasts until you are fully accused. Simple things Apple, simple things.I also acquired the automaticworkout plan on this watch, mode better than Apple watch. I was playing like rollerhockey outside with my son and the watch automaticallyrecorded that as a exercising. I’ve even been on like outdoor ambles where the watch has detectedthat I’m just march and then recorded that as a exercising. And for me, that is quitea big feature since, since here in the UK, we have a private healthinsurance thing announced Vitality, where if you do work out regularly, it then slaps moneyoff your program every year and give you access to discounts.With this watch, is picked up moreworkouts whereas on Apple, I wouldn’t have reallythought of simply, you are well aware, having fun with my son playinghockey ought to have been weighed. Though I have read a few articleswhich say the Apple watch is more accurate when itcomes to tracking fitness once you have started a exercising. But getting back to the phone now, and something I do really adoration is that you can enablenotification livings which then light up theedge of the display.And you can customise thesenotifications like massively. Right down to the colour andthe thickness of the lines, as, as well as the living. I decided to go with the colour of the app which was notifying, which isreally neat in all honesty. As “when youve got” say, like a WhatsApp message, the leading edge of the phone light-headeds up light-green. So you can probably glance over and just know it’s a WhatsApp message. And, speaking of hardware, with that screen the equipment is really, really great. It is a great size compared to the iPhone and which now really feelsreally wide in my hands. Your big-hearted caliber, the screenis really, really nice. And with that ever on display too, it’s just, oh, that’s so nice. Camera’s also foundgreat and, and the zoom, just, I entail, time, wow! Comes a little like stalkery at times but, damn! That’s a good camera. Apps like YouTube can play a video. You can then leave the YouTube app whilst the video still toy. My God! Floating on top and top into other apps.Or while still being able to see and pause and control the video. And then you can also brush it apart to the side of the screenwhilst it’s not perceptible. And here’s a kicker, you don’t need to pay forYouTube fee to do that. Even though I do actuallyhave it right now because it came free with the phone, but with the iPhone you can get videos toplay in the background and you must pay for premium and it then plays in the background. You can’t actually learn the actual video. And are talking here about coming free with the phone something unheard of in Apple world. But with Samsung specific, when I sought the phone, It was already discounted. Then if I bought a chargerthat was rejected more. Watch dismissed, earbuds maybe free but I repute simply dismissed. There are so many good deals to be had with Androidover an iPhone world.Deal. What’s a transaction? we gave you Memojis. What more could you miss? And of course, Android simply prevails the game when it comes to customization. You can customise the lookand the topic, the icons. There are tonnes of widgets which you can then useon your residence screen, far more than Apple has, of course. And you can decide how manyrows or articles to crush as many or a few cases icons ontothat home screen as you like.Lots of this comes with different launches which is basically like theskin that your phone ranges. But interestingly enough, I’ve met quite a few Android owneds “whos been” used Android for years, even in the IT space who don’teven know what a launcher is. Google pay was easy to set up. I actually got caught shortsitting in a drive-through and realised I had no means of but I was able to quicklyset up Google pay, access my posters, so I “havent had” matters there.And I did lastly get a chance to play with using Google homeas like the articulate helper and mingled decisions. But I likewise had those samemixed outcomes with Siri singers obviously still developing and supposedlygetting better with experience. So far, I have found the Amazon assistant and I won’t speak her name or I’ll merely get a tonne ofcomments of, you woke her up.The Amazon one whose epithet we can’t speak seems to be in my experiencethe best and most accurate. Enough of the good stuffPete, “ve been told” about the bads. What manufactures this phone a pile of turd? Why wouldn’t I buy an Android phone? Android phones are awful. Nobody should buy one of the following options. Let’s just flatten a few cases of these off. Minor annoyance for me was no quick and easy access to the torch. Which I use like daily whenI’m hunting around the house at like 1:00 AM afterplaying some call of duty, trying not to wake the spouse or minors. And you can fix this by installing an app which lets you customisethe Bixby side button, but with one massive caveat in that the phone has tobe unlocked for it to work.So rather than my iPhonewhich I merely pick up tap and propped the torchbutton and there we go. With the S21, open it, fumble around to doubled press the button and then if the phone locksitself you can’t switch off unless you go through that process again. It is a minor item for some but specific features I use veryoften kind of annoying but maybe there’s a tie. Comment down below, satisfy if there’s a determine. Speaking of which thesecond one I contended with was opening the phonewhich seems so stupid. Face on fasten didn’t always direct, and most of the time I merely knew myself pushing my paw against the glass to merely try and use the fingerprint but it didn’t alwaysrest it in the title place which then again implies fumbling around.But that will genuinelydisappear over time. As I’m well aware, I’vehad Apple world like taught into me for the last like decade, but I did find the faceunlock plan on the iPhone much more reliable. I surely do missa physical subdue button time to flip-flop it to make it silent. That performs it super easy to switch on for like rallies or video announces. I find the screenshotsshortcut difficult to use by pressing two buttons on the, the right side of the screen because there are none on the left. Instead of with the iPhone you exactly mostly gripthe phone with two fingers and then you take a screenshot. Even though it is does mean you then accidentally take a few screenshots on the phone when youpick it up sometimes. And then for the keyboard, there was an annoyance around when an iPhone you canjust tap and supported the infinite to then mostly get like a mouse where you can scrollaround the text freely, whereas on an Android it moves forward or backwardone character at a time rather than only beingable to move anywhere.So, so it does then gradual the process down but you can probably fix that, somehow. I too find the key linkto my Tesla model three, actually unreliable the number of terms I would have to get a phone out my pocket and load up the Tesla appfor it to wake up my car so I could then unlock thecar, got really annoying. I never had a single publish with my iPhone only woke up the car, phone inpocket and it unlocks always. And this now wreaks me on to my final biggest complaints about the S21. Notifications. Notifications are far, I don’t know whether it’sme or something I’ve done. I didn’t have this onthe cheaper Google Pixel and I’ve not witnes manyreports of issues online, though I have found some. Which range from nipping a few cases aims to mill resetting the phone, but I do get a lot of notifications. My email and social media appsare crazy every single day. And I do customise these, so I restrict the number of notifications but that entails when Ido get a notification it’s actually something Imight wanna insure enter Android.Or instead I suspect, penetrate S21. Out of the box, It wouldn’tupdate the little button icons to say to me when I had notifications or then remove them when I had predicted them, I went into all the fits. I’ve even exploited a few cases revises to make sure it wasn’t a bug in the iOS. Nada. Exactly the same. Then I made I’d try new launcher. And for those of you whodon’t know what a launcher is, it’s mostly like a themeor surface for your telephone. It varies the examination andthe feel, for example, I repute the GooglePixel passes inventory Android whereas the Samsung phones operated like a Samsung version of Android. First, I extended for Nova Launcher, which from my Android friendsis apparently the best and definitely one of the mostpopular launchings available. Ah! That didn’t workproperly on the S21 either. For me on Nova launcher Igot no notifications at all. And I’m pretty sure I predict somewhere that is not officiallycompatible with S2 1 so , nope. And eventually I landed on of all things, Microsoft Launcher.And I selected this becauseactually it reflected some of the features I wasused to with my iPhone. Things like swiping down toquickly get to the search bar and searching for whateverapp I demand, wanted to use. But even with the Microsoft Launcher, I’ll get notificationsbut they won’t clear after I’ve been into the app. And that drives me nuts. Because when I look at my phoneand there are notifications, I’m the guy who cleanses allthese notifications because, any little like red list signifies I have something to respond to like kind of like an OCD thing. But that for me is, is pretty essential. It can be really, genuinely frustrating because it implies I’m picking up my phone to respond to somethingwhen I don’t need to. Again, personal mind but, something as simple asnotifications , not working? I, come on. But again, simply a remembrance, this did seem to be kind of unique to me so make that one with a tinge of soul.And too are talking here about notifications, and I know this is kind oflike self-inflicted pain because when I switched toAndroid for my phone and watch, I’m still using Mac as my daily operator. But whereas with beingin the Apple ecosystem if I swiped away from anotification on my watch it would then disappear from my phone which would then disappear on my Mac. Well, with Android in the S21you of course don’ t get there. So, so each time I cometo sit down at my table, I still had a flood ofnotifications to sieve through even though I’d read them onmy phone or my watch already. And then we come to the universalcopy and glue discussions and I considered this would have been a big issue for me to get over. But in all honesty, it really wasn’t. Frustrating at times, yes. And I do use a fake and pastemostly for telephone number. Copy a number on my Mac, glue out to my phone, but it’s easily toiled around and you can download specific apps to like imitative this for Android but they’re just not asseamless as Apple’s ecosystem.Because of course, well, it’s Apple’s ecosystem. Well, without drawn-out this video on and, and for those of you who are interested in switching from iPhone to Android, do I speculate Android is great? Yes. Do I make Android is bad? Yes. Do I think iPhone is better? No. Do I picture Android is better? Well equally , no. Confounded? Me more. I adoration so much about the S21 Ultra. I am enjoying all the freedomthat Android gives you. So I approximate my question is, would I switch from my iPhone1 1 Pro Max to the S21 Ultra? Right now? No, personally I wouldn’t. And I know I’ll get hammeredon the comments for, Hey we knew this Applefanboy was never gonna, gonna swap. But, really hear what i just said out. The notifications forme at least are broken and that’s a distribute breaker for me. And too the next iPhoneis just around the corner and I still have around six months left of warranty on the iPhone.But what I have achieved in these last two videos oftesting both the Pixel 4a and now the S21 Ultra, is confirmed what I kind of hada idea about all along, Android is and can be really good. I precisely need to find the title telephone that doesn’t have these glitchyissues with notifications and, and the rest ofthe issues I discussed, they’re probably gonna disappearance over time. I’m exceedingly, very self-awarethat I’m unusually, unusually, I’ve been deeply conditionedby Apple over the last decade. But for me personally, Iam now at the perfect time to see what Apple brings out with their iPhone 12 S or, or 13, or whatever they bring out next. And see if this year actually, actually will be the year when I see the substitution permanentlyfrom iPhone to Android. Will I be swapping? No , have still not been. But ask me that same questionwhen the new iPhone comes out and you might be getting areally, certainly different answer.All with that said, is there a different Android phone that I should be trying out? Let me know in the comments. Otherwise, if you haven’t watched previously, read my awfully, very first impressions of swapping from iPhoneto Google in this video. Smash the like button, subscribe to the channelif you aren’t already. And I’ll see you in the next video. Thank you.Bye-bye.
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