– Look what we’ve got today, the brand new iPhone 12 in purple. They only announced this attheir Spring Loaded event. I’m so excited about this because do you know whatmy favorite dye is, other than pink and black, purple. They did have a purple phone previously. It was the iPhone 11 which we have here and not gonna lie to you. Iforgot which phone this was. I was like, was this a 10 R? Is this a 10 what? It is the 11, I did infact substantiate with Google. So I’m excited to seewhat this emblazon looks like in comparison to this one. Oh, Oh, Oh, okay. It’s kind of a very similar purple to our other violet friend. It’s like a little bit more saturated. Like if you were in Photoshopand you only, you know opened up the saturation andyou were just like, “oop” that’s what you get.Okay, inside the box, we’ve got the usual believes. We’ve got our USB-C to lightning cable and SIM card ejector anda little Apple sticker. And here’s our little phone. Here “theres going”. Like a brand new phone. Like there’s nothingbetter than a new iPhone. I liked that the iPhone 12 went back to the squared margins. So you guys can see here on the iPhone 11 the difference between thoseedges. I like the squared off advantages so much more because I do feel like you get a little bitmore screen real estate and they were able to kind ofmake it a little bit thinner. Like this just feels kindof like a little chunky. This feels slim and nice, but I genuinely, really liked this dye. Look at that. Look at significant differences. This could quite possiblybe my shortest YouTube video that I’ve ever posted. -[ Tyler] That phone’slike it wants to be violet but it’s not like committing to be purple. – You’re right. But the thing is this fit in sort of with the theme of allthe rest of the colors.Cause they were more of likethe lighter pastel complexions but this one also kindof fits into the theme of all of the colourings that and we still have preparations. So we’ve got the purple, the blue, the lettuce, the produce red, white-hot and the pitch-black. Actually, I happenedto have the light-green now. Like they kind of justkeeping them all on kind of that same hue clas. Here’s the black iPhone 12. You can’t even see it onmy desk, but it’s there. This purple also comesin the iPhone 12 mini which this has been areally fun phone for me. If I’m going on a hike or something, this is always the phone that I make unless I want to have some zoom photos.But if I know I’m just going on a hike only exclusively for usage, not to create content, this is the phone that I make. It’s just such a small devicethat it fits in my pocket. And it’s almost like I don’teven have it there, but I do. So here it is in size comparison, to the 12, it really issignificantly smaller. Then let’s show you guys what this looks like in comparison to the 12 Pro Max. Like this is such a big phone. So to go from this telephone, to this phone when I’m going on a hike orsomething is significant. Look at you guys. You guys arelike a joyful little household. So I’d love to know from you guys what do you guys thinkof the brand-new violet colouring? I think it’s really, really beautiful. I like the fact that itis way more saturated than the previous iPhone 11 colouring. I detest when your hum depart. It’s like. So this is the purple casethat they came out with. I love MagSafe. The MagSafe disputes, everything about them are awesome.Let’s open this up. I desire the colour. It parallels my organization. This was of course, Iplanned this. I coordinated. Oh yeah, look at that. I like that it’s a darker, kind of purple extremely. So it’s a little more contrasty. Hey Tyler, are you able accompany me? -[ Tyler] No. – Look what I got. This isthe MagSafe duo charger. This has been one of my mostfavorite little accessories in a really long time. I cherish that it justfolds up just like that. I take this with me prettymuch everywhere I get. I haven’t been travelingas much as I used to but I did do a three week artery trip.And this has been amazingbecause I make this, I drawing my brighten cable charger and I’m set to go charge my phone. Charge my Apple watch. I don’t know. It’s like, I don’t like it like abig like wafer cracker or something that youjust, don’t do that COVID. Also this has absolutelynothing to do with this video but I precisely bought this. This is an Aura band and this is somethingthat will allow you to be able to road your form form. It’ll tell you if you’re dehydrated and it’s kind of justan added little bonus to be able to get more metrics about what’s happening with your form. So I’m super excitedabout this.I just got it. I’ll give a relate in the specific characteristics if you want to check it out as well. And I even measured it out on arecent occurrence of our podcast. If you want to check that out, it’s youtube.com/ samebrain. I’ve been revel this. And I envision one of the mostimportant things, especially in this day of not being ableto get into doctor’s offices precisely to be able to kind ofmonitor your own health. So in case there is something going on you’ll be able to have this backlog of data to be able to take to your doctor and is just like, glance, this is what’s normal.This is not ordinary. Help, something’s wrong. Anyway, I do plan on doinga video about this entirely but I kind of just wanted to simply test it out a little more and I don’t know get more data about this, this container of intellect. Well thank you guys for watching. This was just a quick video. I wanted to show you the brand-new iPhone 12 in the violet with thisbeautiful brand-new purple occurrence. I adoration this color. I lovethe color of the case. And I guess that’s the end of the video. If you guys enjoyed this video, or if you want to see some more videos about some cool Appletech that’s coming out, be sure to affect’ agree ‘, like this video and leavea comment and let me know what your favoriteiPhone 12 hue is currently. And I will see you guys in the next one.Buh-bye.( upbeat music ).
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