Hi everyone Aaron here for Zollotech and this isthe iphone 13 pro as you can see it’s the gold color but it also comes in silver graphite and anew sierra blue-blooded now this starts at the same price as last year 9.99 in the united states that willget you 128 gigabytes of storage and then you can go all the way up to one terabyte of storagefor 1 499 so there’s a huge amount of storage options this year you have four 128 256 512 andone terabyte now let’s go ahead and unbox this and take a closer look so as you can see it’sthe gold color and let’s draw off the little push invoices now to remove the the top ofthe box and they’re reducing plastic even further this year so the box apparently hasless plastic in it so we’ll take the top off and it doesn’t slither off with a suction likeprevious years and here you can see the gold color and the gold really clears the camera module standout i’ll compare that in a moment with others but we’ll enter into negotiations this in a moment but insidethe box you’ve got your usbc to lightning cable as you can see here so usbc to lightning and youalso have your conventional paperwork with a sim placard removal implement a little warranty and safety andhandling as well as your apple sticker now there is no charger in the box and that’s where today’schannel partner comes in who sponsored this video so if you need a charger anker nano pro reallyis one of the better ways to go as you can see this is incredibly big it’s 45 smaller thanapple’s stock charger commissions at 20 watts so about 50 percent in 25 times and it employs anker’spatented active shield to monitor temperature and adjust current to make sure the phone doesn’t gettoo hot it has four different shades glacier off-color cool lavender arctic grey and pitch-black ice it alsoincludes anker’s patented superpower iq 3.0 to work flawlessly with your brand-new iphone or other devicesi’ll leave a link to them in the description below and thanks to anker for sponsoringthis video so we’ll settle the box apart now and let’s take a closer look at the phone itselflet’s remove the front dealing off the parade and as you can see we have the gold color aroundthe outside edge so very similar to the colorings last year now as far as a comparison with theiphone 12 pro you can see the camera module is different it appears huge on the 13 proand that’s because there’s no compromises this year with the camera there’s no downgradejust by getting the pro versus the pro max you get the exact same camera setup and modules andeverything else we’ll talk more about in a moment if we look at the two sides now you can seethat they’ve moved the power sleep wake button to make different room for internalssince they’ve deepened that quite a bit and they’ve also moved the millimeter tide antennadown a little so the capability sleep aftermath is down and a millimeter tide but the antenna lines arethere as well on the top there’s nothing genuinely different but you can definitely consider the cameramodule difference there so on the other side you can see the same thing they’ve moved the silentswitch and volume buttons down and they’ve also relocated the sim poster tray so it’s all beenmoved around simply a little bit then also on the bottom here it reviews the same as well so it’sbasically the same layout with lightning also now as far as the overall force there isdefinitely a force difference between the two so the heavines of them is vastly heavierwith the brand-new telephone you emphatically can feel it it’s 7.19 ounces or 204 grams versus 6.66 ouncesor 189 grams so it’s almost an ounce more or so it’s definitely noticeable and the top is prettyheavy due to those cameras now as far as the notch this year let me turn on the brand-new telephone so wecan see the notch a little bit more prominently now so we’ll turn it on and let me line it upwith last year’s phone so you can see the notch now as you can see the notch is definitelysmaller this year it’s narrower but it may stick into the display a little bit further thanit did before so there’s definitely certain differences there and when i situated these side by side itdefinitely seems like the brand-new phone is a little bit thicker and most definitely deposits up furtherbecause the camera bump is so much larger so as you can see it protrudes up quite a bit andis definitely a thicker phone but that adds to better things such as battery life this year wehave a battery that should include about an hour and a half of artillery over the previous pattern so if youwere happy with battery life on the iphone 12 pro you’ll be even happier with this one now there’sa lot to talk about with this new display and we’ll check pwm and things last-minute but let’sgo ahead and i’ll get this set up and then we’ll take a closer look so i’ve put in my passcodeand i’ve connected the account to my phone so we’ll wait for this to set up and internallythis year we have the brand-new a15 bionic cpu so it’s a new six core cpu with two accomplishment coresand four efficiency cores and also a new five core gpu it’s an extra core compared to the 13 and the 13 mini so it’s a little of extra strength for the pro frameworks it also has a new 16 core neural device and 6 gigabytes of ram so they haven’t increased the ram this year now let’sgo ahead and set up face id we’ll do that set up and we’ll merely move aroundthere we go we’ll do it again and there face id is set uppretty simple we’ll stumble continue now it’s asking if i want to transfer my data i’mjust going to set it up as brand-new this time around merely to get to the home screen so we’ll giveit a moment we have to agree to the terms and conditions and now it says setting up yourapple id so we’re waiting for that so now it’s asking if i want to transfer apps and datai’m going to set it up as new like i said before so i won’t transfer anything at this time nowit says make this your new iphone and it’s just showing if there’s backups or your differentsettings that you can change now or customize your regulates or only continue with what you haveso we’ll reach continue now it’s asking if i want to participate in the apple beta software programsince the previous maneuver had that set i’m going to smacked don’t continue on this betaprogram but you have the option now which is nice and now it says welcome to iphone so now we’re atthe home screen so let’s check a marry different things we’ll go to settings just see what versionis installed on this so we’ll hit not now and you can see we have ios 15 pre-installed and if wetap on it we have develop digit 19 a 341. So if we go back we should have a software update itseems like it sent with the secrete campaigner so when you get your new telephone you’ll probablywant to update to this newest version or it may prompt you to do that as well now let’s go aheadand check the wallpaper since we should have some brand-new ones with this device so we’ll go to choosenew wallpaper and we’ll go to live and you can see there’s four brand-new ones now these are specificto the pro they won’t be on any other modelings even the 12 pro max won’t have them but if youtap on them they are live wallpapers and they move if we go to the gold one that matches this phoneyou’ll verify there that it moves you can made mounted and now it pairs the phone it goes with thegold color but of course you could change it to whatever you’d like so again we have the pinkishpurple and red one and then too the light-green and blue-blooded one so you can pick whatever one you likei actually like the blue one quite a bit so now i’m expend the blue one so now we have thatlive wallpaper and of course you can access that on the residence screen as well if you want to usethe live wallpaper so let me flip this over to do not disturb and let’s take a closer look atthis presentation because this is the 120 hertz pro motion display that is super smooth “well it alittle bit on the promax and if we go back here it’s just unbelievably smooth and if i bring in the1 2 pro let me show you what it’s like side by side so if i move side by side and i’ll show itto you at 240 encloses per second so you can see the difference and as you can see it’s justincredibly smooth on the new 13 pro you can see the difference at higher formulate frequencies and youcan notice it when really utilizing it regularly and scrolling through things we are currently do have the optionto turn off pro motion if we don’t want to use it and we can go to settings and then we’ll go downto accessibility and then under gesture you’ll see it says restriction enclose frequency rectifies the maximum framerate of the display to 60 chassis per second now that will help with battery but apple finagles itnow by going from 120 hertz to down to 10 hertz so what that does is maybe you’re on a creates pageit doesn’t need that high make rate it will limit it on on displays to save power now at other timeswhen you’re watching a movie if it’s 24 encloses per second it will alter the display freshen rateto 24 encloses per second so it’s intelligent and genuinely can adjust to save power as needed now thespecs are similar this year as well as far as the overall length and answer 6.1 inch super retinaxdr it’s also an oled committee it’s 2532 by 1170 with 460 pixels per inch however it can go to athousand nits brightness in regular apply so it can go super shining you won’t even be able to see itproperly on the screen here and it can go up to 1200 nits peak brightness just like it could lastyear it has hdr genuine style and ceramic shield which seems to be holding up pretty well after usingthe other telephones with it for a year we still have haptic style i don’t think we’ll assure 3d touchanytime soon so if we go and perhaps haptic press on places “weve had” that alternative so nothingthere has changed but we do have that pro action which is really nice now the hue of the displayis a little bit different it seems like it’s a little cooler this year now it was very warm lastyear and some people didn’t like that so both of these exposes have true-blue sound turned off or nothat’s on the brand-new telephone there we go we’ll turn it off and you can see the difference in thedisplay overall so we’re same brightness and the flaunts at least on this showing looksvery similar nonetheless if we turn on true-blue tone you can see the 12 pro examinations a lot warmer and almosthas a yellowish tint to it so there’s definitely a difference as far as that moves i thinkthe newer presentations are much better that nature also the second thing is pwm that’s how it controlsbrightness now i was not able to detect that on the 13 pro max and ordinarily you’ll spot that bygoing in and going to slow motion and then going to 240 frames per second and reading if you cansee it so i’ll collision record we can see if we spy any flicker or anything else now it could be atsuch a high rate that you only don’t identify it so you can see it a little bit in settles but notso much on the residence screen so i don’t know if it’s just flash a little bit differently or it’sat such a high rate you can’t see it but hopefully that means that it’s much easier on your eyes thisyear so in general it seems like it’s going to be a better expose all around now the cameras thisyear have an improvement now the forward-facing camera is the same camera as last year but they’vejust relocated it since they’ve moved the speaker to the top due to the smaller notch the camerais now to the left and then you have all of the different sensors and things for face id tothe right of it so this is a 12 megapixel f 2.2 camera that can record 4k 60 in hdr so it canuse dolby vision hdr now the rear cameras are the biggest change this year we have no compromisesbetween the 13 pro and the 13 pro max and you have the same sensor shift stabilization that we hadintroduced last year with the 12 pro max we have a telephoto f 2.8 we have a wide f 1.5 to let in alot of glowing and an ultra wide f 1.8 we also have the capability of three times optical zoom and upto six epoches digital zoom 4k dolby image hdr a brand-new cinematic procedure and macro states as well as wellas smart hdr4 that can recognize up to four people so we have all of those things building in so let’sgo ahead and take a look at the camera specifies so if we go into camera i’ll bring in the 13 promax behind it so we can see the differences but we’ll go to photographic vogues which is new thisyear you can set the camera default to have the standard iphone look maybe you want it to have alittle more contrast or maybe more vibrant or heated or have a cool style to it you can use whicheverone you like and if you want to change it later on tap the arrow then tap this button here and youcan change the flavor and kindnes to your affection so if we snap this or we’ll move this out of the waywe’ll bring in the screen of the 12 pro so you can see that a little better as i switch between themodes “youre seeing” the very different changes to the camera and you can adjust this how you’d likeso if you want colourful you can adjust the ambiance so perhaps we want it to be a little bit more likethat and then we want it to be either cooler or warmer and it will change and maintain that settingfor you if you want to use that in the future so that’s a new feature there you also have newcinematic video modes which record in 1080p hdr and it will show you the screen but you won’t beable to see it well because it’s so color in hdr let me see if i making this down and it helps butthis is cinematic mode and it will spot beings and when you’re turning away from them or turningback it will automatically see your face and i’ll be researching this out further in the reviewvideo but it’s a nice feature but it is only 1080 p but it is hdr as well now one of my favoritemodes is the brand-new macro procedure so let me turn the brightness back up here so “youre seeing” the screenand macro mode lets me gets close to maybe the phone and it will swap so i can get reallyclose there will take a photo and it will do that automatically so where you can see the pixels nowif i bring in a cloth we can get really close to that as well and you can see the fibers in thecloth so we’ll go back and as i get close you can see a switch to macro there’s a substitution we go backand let’s see how close we can get to those fibers so we can get a couple centimeters away or soabout an inch away and now “youre seeing” the fibers in that maybe using deep fusion or more but youcan see the detail in the fiber of the microfiber cloth behind me it’s incredible the amount ofdetail this can pick up so it has all of that built in now the phone is getting a bit warm afteri just set it up it’s not red-hot but it is quite warm to the touch so the processing of the photos andthings probably uses a lot of power that’s conventional but the phone is getting a little bit warm i’m notsure how it will sustain the brightness outside as i know that was a bit of a matter for theprevious generation phone so we’ll have to evaluation that out later on when we’re outdoors more nowas far as 5g it’s improved various regions of the world so you do get more 5g ability but not millimeterwave everywhere so it simply depends where you live and then you have the same thing as lastyear 802.11 abgn and ax wi-fi or wi-fi 6 as well as bluetooth 5.0 so you have all ofthat capability built in none of that has really changed too much now as far as the rambuilt in let’s go ahead and take a look at that so we’ll load up geekbench now and you cansee it says 5.56 gigabytes so it is in fact six gigabytes of ram on this phone and thenalso some people were expecting does this notch protrude down enough to cut into videos thatare formatted in widescreen so i thought we’d test that out along with the speakers so we’llgo into youtube so the first thing i noticed on youtube this is one of my iphone comparisonvideos you can see the notch does protrude into an 18 by nine vistum fraction a little so itdoes protrude ever so somewhat if i zoom in now “youre seeing” the notch zoom back away it doesstick into that surface precisely a little bit so that’s a little disappointing if you like to watch thesevideos that may be something to consider now let’s take a listen to the speakers as well so i’llmove the microphone now so you can hear it better so you heard the speakers and we got about 80 decibels or so measured by the watch so i’m not sure how accurate that is but the speakers go niceand loudly and seem to have a great stereo hubbub the locale of the new loudspeaker at the top doesn’tseem to make a difference as far as that starts so the telephone overall seems really nice let’s justtake a quick look at the magnets see if they’re any different than what we had before so we’ll setthis down and this is magnet paper i’ve proved it in every iphone video that i’ve done unboxingsfor and this gives you an idea of the overall scheme they’ve made a change to what seems to bethe microphone here the magnets are a little bit different but magsafe in general seems to be aboutthe same and if we go up to the cameras you can see the sensor alteration stabilization with the ultrawides and everything else so we should have a much nicer camera better ultra wide and of course i’lltest that out in future in the future so that’s it for the iphone 13 pro and i may be using the 13 pro as my central telephone this year mainly due to its lack of endangers other than battery and screensize everything else is the same in fact i’m apply the buttock camera of the iphone 13 pro max to recordthis video without any external microphone or anything to give you a general idea of what it’slike here i am thinking the cameras are incredible and the beginning of this video was also recorded withthe 13 pro max but with an external microphone it is therefore gives you a general project of what the camerasare capable of now if there’s anything you’d like to know about the 13 pro that you want me to coverin the review that you haven’t seen abroad let me know in the comments below and if you need acharger be sure to check out anker nano pro again relation in the specific characteristics below if you haven’tsubscribed previously though delight subscribe and if you enjoyed the video being given it a like asalways thank you for having watching i’ll see you next time
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