– So while I was busy coveringApple September event, two things happened, first, we progressed 100 videos, 140,000 subscribers and 10 million views. And I just wanted to thank all of you for your continued support, I couldn’t do any of this without you. And second, iPhone 12 rumors. Well, they just retained on rolling and I figured now, as we’re in the end sport, as we’re check downto the iPhone event, the actual, this timein October iPhone event, it was worthwhile goingthrough all the rumors to date, the reliable rumors to date and give you my live reactions to them , not just what’s happeningbut why it’s happening what it measures and whether it is possible I think it’s actually a goodidea for Apple to get it on. And I’m gonna do all of that right now. Sponsored by CuriosityStream with Nebula. One of the most interestingrumors that have come up recently has been this sound of magnets that people are saying will be included with the iPhone 12. Now, it has nothing to do withreverse inductive accuse, which was one of thebigger rumors last year, where for example, you couldput your airpods on top of your iPhone and the iPhonewould charge the airpods.My understanding is thatthat was actually never, merely never in the roadmapfor the iPhone 11. And I don’t think anyonein any of the teardowns has ever noticed any hardwareto actually support it. But what this gapes to beis something closer akin to how the Apple watchhandles inductive accuse. The iPhone is cheese standard, the Apple watch is not and one of the reasons for that is back when Apple was realise theApple watch, they required a behavior for it to be absolutelysecure when it was charging. So you never had to worry about it falling off the accusing pad and waking up and precisely nothaving your watch, ready to go. The last few iPhone simulations by oppose have just been hellaslippery, kept them on anything that’s not an absolutelylevel massive surface and they will work theirway towards the edge of it and that is not conduciveto inductive charging.So what this looks likeis a way to get some of that Apple watchdependability, you are familiar with perfectly you’ve got it fastened on in theright place onto the iPhone both if Apple has got an air power style next generation charging pad and maybe some differentform factor accuse pads going forward. For the chipset weactually have less rumor and more actuality nowbecause Apple did announce the new iPad air that hasthe A14 bionic cut in it. The chip widely, principally, almost certainly expected to be in the iPhone as well. And it’s falsified onTaiwan semiconductor’s new five nanometer process, which means that it has 1.8 timesthe transistor density of the previous seven nanometer process. And that means that Applecan fit more transistors into a smaller package. So we’ll do modest act increases but really good efficiency increases. But I repute Apple’s SoCsare also rapidly evolving beyond just what the CPU and GPU can do, including things like thenew 16 core neural locomotive and the new machine learning accelerators and all of the practice silicon blocks, the new IP that they’ve beenadding to the overall chipset.And I think we’ll getvery specific performance and very specific efficiency improvements in various key points. And it’s sort of funny to me that we hear things like Nvidia announcing their new ampere technology, boasting about the amplifications that they get but then the harshnessof the reality gives in and not just the reality of thecompletely botched pre-order because apparently bots area engineering just Nvidia and their retailers havenever heard of it before. I convey, you can throwvoltage at these problems like Nvidia or cores atthese problems, like Intel but they remain questions because that brute forceapproach genuinely expenses you in other areas, hitherto the A14reception was a little lukewarm because people simply looked at the year over time conduct gains. They did that C-Tech astronomymath and figured out ah, it’s only like 16% here, 13%, 8% there but the efficiency gains are really high.And when you articulated boththose things together, accomplishment and effectiveness, that’s when you get to deliverreal substantive betterments that beings feel year over year. And that increased efficiencyis gonna be really important when it comes to battery, because rumor has it, the physical artillery capability is about to be somewhat smaller this year. Now, quantifying batteriesin milli ampere hours is kind of archaic at this time because Apple and every merchant is using computational technology, is using machine learning, is using bits to obtain far moreperformance out of the atoms than the atoms alonewould ever make possible. And we interpreted that especially last year where improvements inefficiency in the OLED panels and the A13 chipset exactly lent hours to the iPhone pro battery life. So it’s much better to look at battery now in terms of overall effectivenes, not the physical faculty, but the overall efficiencyof the entire system, what that delivers.And I’ve done an entire deep dive video on simply all the aspects ofthe A14 bionic as well. So make sure you have reached thatsubscribe button and bell, so you don’t miss any of those. When it comes to storage, it looks like the 64 gigabyte alternative is going away and we’re gonna baseline at 128 gigabytes which I think is great becauseiPhones are inventive implements, people from Tik Tok toYouTube to Instagram, we’re all using them tocreate more and more content and I mean at a mainstream tier now. So only the more storage, the better. They do still top outat 512 gigabytes though, which sort of opens thequestion about how recognition and storage are being handled here. The iPad pro, part of thereason it went to six gigabytes of RAM was to supportone terabyte of storage. Now there’ve been rumorsabout six gigabytes of RAM on the iPhone pro as well but the lack of oneterabyte of storage there constructs me wonder how accuratethat’s gonna end up being. Pretty much each year, everyone in the industry starts talking about the next iPhone using only the nextnumber in the sequence.And inevitably, inevitably, weget beings sounding in saying, well, shouldn’t it certainly be an S. So for example this year, we all started talking about the iPhone 12 and abunch of parties immediately proceed, don’t you necessitate the iPhone 11 S? And the truth is Applecan call any iPhone, any specify they want to. There was no iPhone 7S, there was no iPhone 9, Apple could call the nextiPhone, iPhone 11 S, iPhone 12, iPhone mother of dragons, iPhone dark night detective, actually, literally anythingthey want to call it, it’s just a marketing decision. When Apple frequently uses the S, it’s to tamp down promises, is to help the market realize that there aren’t gonna beany big cosmetic the modifications and help them kind of focuson the internal converts which romps to Apple’s strongs in those previously intermittent years, singular intermittentyears , now it doubleds, sometimes triple sporadic years.And when they increment the list, it’s to signify there is a bigger change either because the change is really big, like it’s a brand new design or Apple misses peopleto be more interested in the changes they’reputting in the design, like the iPhone 8 instead of iPhone 7S. And yes it has wireless charging, but it didn’t seem likethat large-scale of a difference, but uttering it its entire brand-new count kind of amplifies how importantit comes off to people.And this year, because theiPhone is getting a new motif, it just fits Apple”s patternto give it a new multitude to go along with it. Now that scheme has beentalked about for over a year. I visualize even before the iPhone 11 came out because people arelegitimately agitated about it. The moment we looked the iPad pro, the 2018 iPad pro discovered, with its retro futurelook, everyone was like, can we have that for theiPhone and now please? So the rumor is the regular iPhone 12 is gonna get a squaredoff design, very similar to the iPad pro and to theiPhone 5S, iPhone SE lineup and the iPhone 12 pro thenwill take it a stair further, will compute the stainless steelfrom the iPhone 4 or 4S, probably the most belovedbroon, like a form industrial intend Apple’sever brought to an iPhone.And so we’ll have two similar but seriously distinguished poses representing off each other in the market. For hues it’s widely expected that we’ll keep the Apple chromatic moods, the Apple chromatic palette atthe regular iPhone 12 rank. I’m just hoping it’s notpastels again this year. I realize everyone has different savors, pastels certainly weren’tmine and we heard Samsung go in on them for a second year in a row and that time may seem like more 2020 than I can take right now. And with the iPhone 12 pro, last year we got the laker jungle greeninspired midnight green, this year it sounds likewe’re gonna be coming a late off-color color instead.And really frankly, the more color at the prolevel now, the better. I’m gonna exactly stop low-key hoping for a make red copy as well. In calls of immensities, there’s supposed to be both a regular and a pro modeling in the 6.1 length. The length for the iPhone 10 R and iPhone 11 kind of the middle immensity, the goldilocks size but the small iPhone is supposedto be getting even smaller going down to 5.4 inches and recently rumors have suggested heavily that it’s gonna actually becalled the iPhone 12 mini. And mini is a name that’s beenfloating around the industry for a long long time, backafter Apple went big and bigger with the iPhone 6. If they exited smaller again, soconventional wisdom suggested that they would use the mini moniker, they aimed up exploiting SE instead but they did use mini foriPod mini, iPad mini, Mac mini and yes, always with a lowercase m, P as in pro, gets acapital, but m as in mini, gets a lowercase letter, I approximate precisely to signify the sizing gap visuallyin terms of brand identity.And this would represent the new iPhone 12 mini smaller even than the iPhone SE. And I make a lot of beings have been waiting forthis for a long time, both people who want a lessexpensive full flagship iPhone but also people who justwant that smaller blueprint and Apple tends to win bigger when they combine twomarkets like that together. On the opposite side, the max version, the pro max edition is supposedto be getting even bigger than ever going all the wayup to a 6.7 inch display. And this is probably a combination of time people wantingbigger and bigger phones because in some marketplaces, the phone is the primary computing device and exactly the bigger displayit can get, the very best, but likewise time therealities of trying to fit a millimeter wave 5G modem into a device.Those things are just hella hungry but more on that in a hella red-hot instant. And for those displaysApple’s rumor to be going OLED just across the line now, even on the regular iPhone 12 prototypes, the regular iPhone 11 representations had LCD liquid retina at the lower death and they hadOLED simply in the pro poses, the higher end but this timeis just all OLED all the time. My guess is that the lower discontinue simulates will have lower purpose OLED exhibitions, maybe analogous to the iPhone 10 S, maybe even precisely theiPhone 10, more like HDR, high-pitched dynamic range and not the XDR, the extreme dynamic rangethat Apple has been propagandizing over the last couple of years.I think that’s just the waythey get OLED into those patterns without spawning the pricesimilar to the proto frameworks. And then on the pro area, they’ll have more recenttechnology, OLED bodies probably very similar towhat’s in the galaxy S20 , not the memorandum 20 unfortunatelywith variable refresh paces, because it sounds like those boards are still in very short supply, Samsung really can’t fab fairly of them to go into something that shipsat the scale of the iPhone and hundreds of thousands of units.So that might be more of a next year thing but that also plays into thecontinual tragedy of this year which is everyone losing theirminds over 120 hertz freshen and I am one of those peoplebecause I require it super badly but it doesn’t sound like the fabrication comes into force to do it this year. And I won’t go into that extremely passionately because I’ve made a bunchof videos about it previously but I’ll link to all ofthem in the description. There are no real suggestion IDrumors going into the iPhone 12. I know the minute everyone appreciated the return of impres ID in the iPad air especially in the powerbutton for the iPad air, there was all of thisexcitement in persons under the age of responsible maskwearing that only shambles with face ID because faceID needs three points, it needs two noses and a nose to make a secure biometricfacial geometry examines and the disguise blocks the nose off. So the hope has been thatwe would get touch ID back at least as an alternativesooner rather than last-minute, but the rumors for handle ID on the iPhone relate merely to an iPhone SEplus style device next year with the similar kindof supremacy button layout, and maybe in screen for the iPhone 13 or whatever comes in 2021. And that would be using Apple’s acoustic in display thumb set technology, which is similar to theQualcomm tech used by Samsung and different from the opticaltech used by other dealers. And that’s still several steps away from my beautiful multi-biometric passive continue authentication dreams. On the camera side of things, the biggest change issupposed to be the addition of a LiDAR scanner, whichwe determined on the iPad pro the beginning of this year. My guess on the iPhonethough, is that it’s gonna be a much more encompassing, amuch more fleshed out story on the iPad pro, it seemedreally like a developer implement, a action to get beings makingapps for a LiDAR earlier on not having to wait for the iPhone before you could yell go.But with the iPhone in particular, I feel Apple has now had timeto sort of collect that data, get those initial apps propelled but too improved out their own technology, build out the brand-new camera app, which we’ve heard about for years that’s gonna expend LiDAR forthings like faster focus shot, but also better 3D environment searching probably better depth impressions and too the advent of full on AR cameras. And it’s hard to tell exactlywhere that’s gonna exit yet but I think we’ll get thecapabilities on the back that we’ve had on the frontwith the true depth camera for a while now. And Apple is also supposedbe improving the zoom aspects on the phone because that’sjust one province where Google and other manufacturersare still way ahead. Apple is doing two times opticaland up to 10 ages digital but it’s just not a good digitaland Google super rear zoom, if Apple could take theirsmart HDR and compile smart zoom out of that with enhancedoptical abilities, that would just be better for everyone trying to make every photo frommore than a few steps away.For radios, we’re getting 5G this year. That’s the big change, that’sthe thing that every carrier, finance and marketing departmentis super evoked about and every technician andindustry person is just like, yeah, I’ll expect it, when I see it. the regular iPhone 12 will be getting FR1 or frequency compas one, which is the low-spirited and mid-bands of 5G. What some people announce sub-6 but which might end up beingsub-7, sub-8, sub-9 eventually. When you receive things likeT-Mobile’s mid-band rollout and you’re delivering upto one gigabit per second to a much wider range of people and providing justreliability, dependability that they never managedto achieve with LTE, I think that’s great. For the higher end model, for the iPhone 12 pro we’re expecting FR2, frequency wander 2, which are the higher straps or what’s commonly calledmm motion, millimeter gesticulated the kind that Verizon andAT& T ought to have pushing but that is still somehow flummoxed by you turned back orturning a region or going inside or the wind changing, the rain coming, the buds on the tree ruffling and I don’t think that’s aconsumer facing technology hitherto, I think that’s more aboutcarriers and less about us and it’ll end up being real interesting in high density city places, like realms but exactly not a commercial technology.And again, I made a bunchof videos about this already explaining exactly whatit is, how it wreaks and yeah, why is Gomorrahand I’ll framed links to that in description below as well. If you were hoping for, requesting for, pleading for USB-C in the iPhone 12, itsounds like this again is just another of 2020 s dejections. Apple has put USB-C on the iPad pro, they have just announcedUSB-C for the iPad air, but they seem to be putting hard to lightening for the iPhones. Personally, I would much instead, much prefer to have USB-C in the iPhone pro, like the iPad pro, I recall part of the wordpro should want USB-C and sure continue lighteningin the regular representations and the representations for peoplewho have spent the last six, seven years accumulatinglightening cables and accessories and if you tried to take away from them, they would just trimmed you but tell us pros have ourUSB-C at least until next year when you try taking allthe ports away from us.We will though, blessed Zeus, apparently be getting betterimproved braided brighten cables that will be farmore resistant and reliable and just last longer than the current ones which seem to pop their skins as frequently as an aliens movie. As to pricing, rumor currently has it that instead of time havingthe 699 of the iPhone 11, we’re gonna ensure a modest reduction for the mini going down to 649 but a modest escalationin the 6.1 inch pattern, going up to 749. As for the iPhone 12 pro, itsounds like Apple is gonna hold the line at 999 and for the max at 1099. Now this is different thana lot of other dealers over the last year, who’vebeen bumping up prices peculiarly because the Qualcomm chipsets and the 5G modems have been more expensive and bodies with things like1 20 hertz freshen frequencies have been more expensive.Apple would probably be eating those costs going into these iPhones andthat may be why we’re realise pricing play out this waybecause it’ll do 2020 this terrible Michael Baydisaster movie of a year, exactly a little bit more bearable for Apple customers and keepthe average selling price hopefully within at least afew tops of normal for Apple, so they’re not eating it too much. And we’ll too probablysee some environmental e-waste messaging aroundeliminating the headphones and the AC adapter bill brick, which will save Apple a pair bucks a chest over hundreds of thousands of boxes and make it just slightlyless better for them but depending on howthat messaging is handled maybe course more better in reaction.As to when all this is gonna happen, there’s nothing official from Apple more but rumors are suggesting the event on October 13 th with pre-ordersgoing live on October 16 th. There’ve been all sortsof different reports about which mannequins will go on sale first, some have said the regulariPhone 12 s followed by the pros, others have said the 6.1 inchmodels followed by the 5.4 and 6.7 inch examples. We’ll have to wait to see, it is indeed not unique for Apple to split the rolloutbetween the different designs and this wretched hellscape of a 2020 th is certainly not compiling things any more predictable for anyone. And that includes leakersand reporters, frankly.And if you’re bizarre about the culture behind simply all of that, their motivations what goes through their reporter’s minds, their cravings and distress. Why some stop and why others flop? And how real people get real fuelled? Check out my brand-new podcast with Georgia Dow. You got to find it on Nebula, the stream video pulpit I’m building alongside musing creators like Jordan Herod, Techwalter, Thomas Frank, Epus Fox, Poly Matter, Brain Craft, Jenny Ma, Legal Legal and so many more. It’s a place where we don’t need to worry about demonetization or thetyranny of click-through rates or watch time or the algorithmor like I said ads, yeah, you can find all of my videosthere, perfectly ad free and sometimes with extra bonus material. For illustration, you can get boththe video and audio version of my new podcast withGeorgia Dow on Nebula and is not merely the Apple topicand the general tech topic but with a special bonus topic as well. What does all this have todo with CuriosityStream? Well, as the go-to sourcefor the best documentaries on the internet, theylove educational content and educational creators.And we worked out this deal with them, where if you sign up forCuriosityStream with the link in the description, you notonly get CuriosityStream, but you also get a Nebula subscription for free, absolutely free. And for a limited period of time, CuriosityStream is offering 26% off all of their annual programs. And 26% off is by contract, the best deal you’ll find anywhere. So, clink the link of description and get both CuriosityStreamand Nebula for 26% off. Or you can go tocurisitystream.com/ reneritchie. It’s a great behavior to support this channel and educational contentdirectly for really 1479 per year. Just click on the link of description or go to curiositystream.com/ reneritchie and clicking on that link just really helps out this channel.For a ton more on the iPhone 12, made the Subscribe button andclick on the playlist above, I’ve already come videos upon every single brand-new facet coming our style and fortunes more to come. So click the playlist andI’ll see you next video ..
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