what’s up guys this is mehran and you are watching dynamic tech in this video i’m about to do battery exhaust evaluation between the iphone 6 7 7 plus 8 plus iphone xr xs 11 and 11 pro so i will be playing only pubg mobile game till its battery perfectly flood let’s just make sure all of them are running on ios updated version so you can see some of them have already got ios 14.5.1 inform and some of them are still flowing on the ios 14.5 so before starting the test you guys can see the battery state as the iphone 6 7 7 plus and 8 plus have got new batteries so it’s going to be tough battery experiment between these smartphones make sure to subscribe my channel because that is the only thing that i need in return after some hard work okay so sit back enjoy the music and i will see you on the other side[ Music][ Music][ Music] is[ Music][ Applause] i’m[ Music][ Music] they’ll be calling me calling me[ Music] oh[ Music] okay[ Music] is welcome back and it was incredible battery drain test you can see the iphone 11 did a very good job and won the battery test now after this result i will tell you from the iphone xr till the iphone 11 pro you can play pubg mobile game for around four hour continuously and i think it will be enough even for a hard gamers and from the iphone 6 to the iphone 8 plus the artillery period would be around two to three hours which also isn’t bad but with a new artillery so before buying any of them make sure to consider that you will have to change the battery after acquiring probably from the iphone 6 to iphone 8 series okay people so it was all about the ios 14.5.1 pubg battery ditch research if you guys have got any question feel free to ask in the comment section thanks for watching our videos and all your patronage and i will see you in my next video
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