So it is September and the iphone 13 will be outvery soon more reports have dropped in recently and one of them is talking about a new nighttime camera state and I want to share the details about this and a summary of everything we knowincluding the iphone 13 release year and premium. Hi it’s Matt here, so reports and reveals arecoming in fast and for these videos not to be any longer than they already are i’m making a fewmore videos a bit more regular as we get closer to the release date and as more reports are comingin for everyone new this video will be giving you the most recent discloses or reports first followedby the release date and then a summing-up of the iphone 13 examples with the prices too as there’sreports coming in now for both the iphone 13 and the 13 pro sits these reveals are split into twovideos now so we are now finally in september and the iphone 13 is close we now have public betasfor all of apple’s brand-new os’s including ios 15. ios 15 is giving iphone users brand-new facetimefeatures and eye message changes to name a few nonetheless expecting a few more application nips forthe iphone 12 s or the iphone 13 and for them to be married up with the brand-new hardware put inside solet’s talk about that report of the iphone 13 brand-new nighttime camera mode so observe weinberg has claimedthat the iphone 13 will be getting a brand-new nighttime camera procedure that allows you to take pictures ofthe night sky the state is an astrophotography mode and it will likely expect iphone users to holdtheir iphone 13 s placing at the light sky and for a certain level of seconds while the cameralens is open and the iphone 13 s a50 newer engine will get to work in creating the best nighttimesky astrophotography picture it can start in what it is seeing now some of you will besaying that this isn’t really a new piece and other fellowships like google with their pixelrange once have this ability for some time now but apples like they usually do like to perfect amode or engineering before secreting it so expect this new astrophotography mode to be one of thebest out there on any smartphone invention this also conducts me on neatly to say that all reports andleaks that are coming through are not 100 proof that they will come true for the new iphone i canonly is presented below what i’ve been told and shown however if you’re watching this video thenyou are as inquisitive as i am in knowing what is going to be said about the next iphone anyway sotoday’s patron is from castify now i’m a massive love of caseify cases and they’ve got a new varietyright out now and it’s called the unadulterated coloring scope so as you can see here i’m feature this lovelygreen colored cool color sort of dark-green on my iphone 12 pro max but they have lots of othervarieties as well you can also get yourself a sort of a plain coloring one now we’ve also went orangeone here you’ve also get this kind of mirror design as well these are just some of the kindof different lawsuits that are out there and they do ladens of variety of different subjects in factsome of the cases you can even get customized like this one that i’ve got right here it’s got myname on it as well it says matte now and even for example the ink what is actually used on this caseis eco-friendly and it even gets better than that all of their cases are actually made out of5 0 recycled substance and i think that’s really amazing what they’re doing with their cases nowtheir cases are also made out of this really strong kind of kind of material what’s actuallycalled chi tech and as you can see here like with this mirrored one if i try to bend it or snap itit’s really really strong to be honest you know on the orange one here as well in fact they’reso strong that a lot of these cases can withstand up to six hoof six or nine for eight dropsin fact i’m gonna demo those for you so i’m actually going to use it first of all with thisgreen case that i have right here and this one should be able to withstand the lower from sixfoot six so let’s go and test that right now so as you can see there’s no damage at allto my iphone 12 pro max the screen’s intact the case hasn’t got any damage and that wasa drop from around about six foot i’m going to exam out this next one that was theultra impact kind of case that we have here we’ve got some extra bits of protectionon the areas here and this can withstand a descend from nine for eight now i don’t havea nine paw eight throw but i could probably drop it from around about nine paw so let’sgive that a going to go on this iphone 12 pro max so from an even bigger drop you can seethere’s absolutely nothing wrong with my phone whatsoever it’s absolutely intact and sois the case so this is absolutely astounding what is also amazing about these cases that allof them have a anti-microbial coating on them that be protected from 99 of bacteria was absolutelyincredible so yeah i would definitely check out these cases because they’ve got so many featuresof them and they’re absolutely fantastic and i absolutely love them in fact right now casetifyare giving a 15 rebate and that’s just being exposed right now and likewise you can use thislink to take you straight through to the website and you’ll get a 15 discount on your firstcase and also i’ll kept a attach in my description as well now these suit 5 actions you merely realise arefor the iphone 12 but suit to volley offsetting instances for the iphone 13 start as well so if you arethinking of getting the new iphone surely get a case to fight case for it so let’s do therelease date next so last year due to the pandemic it was really the only year we haven’t seen aflagship iphone released in september in the last five years or so however with openings flyingaround that apple has started production on the brand-new iphone earlier this year it is likelywe’ll get a september release in fact many reports are already showing that this is going to be thecase in 2021 with an expected september or early october launch for all the iphone 13 poses wedbush adviser dan ives being of the opinion that the iphone 13 collection will be announced during the third week ofseptember time that would be a little later than usual since apple tends to launch iphones in thefirst week or second week of that month but this information does suggest that we may be seeingthe iphone 13 exhaust appointment as september 24 th i should point out this is a fairly good guess andit’s based on make i’s projection at face value apple frequently regards its iphone launching event ona tuesday with pre-orders then starting on that same week on the friday then after this the firstwave of iphones frequently arrive in customer mitts the following friday after that so this wants ifives is rectify we could be seeing the iphone 13 launch on september 14 th then pre-orders openingon september 17 th and then the release of the iphone 13 on september 24 th nonetheless at the end ofthis year we will too experience other apple incidents for other apple produces like macbooks ipads applewatch and airpods and consignments more and if you require the latest information about these productsdo check out my other videos on this direct and make sure you smacked the subscribe button andthe notification bell to get the latest info about them so next let’s talk about the iphone 13 prototype premiums and the best way to do this is give you a summing-up of what we know so far for theiphone 13 and 13 mini patterns so i just wanted to say these summary pages what i’m about to showyou are going to be updated endlessly whenever we get brand-new discloses coming in for the iphone 13 miniand too the iphone 13. Any new openings that are in will kind of mix up with various kinds of other openings thatwe’ve heard that knowledge will also share information now so like i said any kind of changes they willbe reflected in upcoming videos in the future so let’s begin then with the iphone 13 simulation so firstof all we’re going to be getting a 5.4 inch ltpo oled showing and this is very very similar to theiphone 12 parade it has a resolution of 2340 x1080 according to most reveals that we have discussedabout it is looking likely that the iphone 13 mini will still have a 60 hertz refresh ratedisplay this conveys it will not be getting the pro motion display what is a 120 hertz parade whatbasically signifies the screen refreshes itself 120 hours per second like we should be getting onthe iphone 13 pro and the pro max expose the mini is not be get this but for storage wisewe’re going to get a bump up at last the actual minimum storage this time is going to be startingat 128 gigabytes then 256 gigabytes and 512 gigabytes this is according again to recent leaksbut this could change again but at the moment this is how it stands we’re also “il be going” gettingthat brand new a1 5 bionic chipset inside it and again these brand-new spills that we’ve been having havebeen picturing what the power is going to be behind that actual chipset and too that productionhas also started on them we’ll also be going to be going 5g connectivity all over again andthis will be the same qualcomm kind of modem that was acquired inside the iphone 12 is going to beput inside the iphone 13 mini so not too much is changing there the ram amount is 4 gigabytes ofram and again this is the same amount that we had inside the iphone 12 mini the body is going to bemade out of an aluminium form nonetheless this torso is looking likely to be somewhat thicker accordingto some latest new seeps to accommodate a bigger battery what i’ll talk about in a second on therear we’re going to be getting a dual camera setup again and as you’ve seen in the most recent reveals we’vegot some components on the go and a lot of those components are changing for the actual iphone rearcamera setup then for artillery immensity we do have a bump up according to the most recent leakages and this is2 407 milliamps and then finally for the cost wise the 128 gigabyte modeling is going to be starting at6 99 u.s. dollars the 256 gigabyte mannequin is going to start 749 and then the 512 gigabyte at 849 usdso let’s move on to the iphone 13 next and to be deadly honest a lot of the bits and pieces whatare in the iphone 13 mini corresponded to what’s going to be put inside the iphone 13 normal butone of the biggest main changes has got to be the screen immensity so with the iphone 13 we’re going tobe getting a 6.1 inch ltpo oled presentation again it’s very similar to what was put inside the iphone 12 normal its resolution is 2532 by 1170 and again we’ll be getting a 60 hertz exhibition no pro motionor 120 hertz display like we’ll be getting inside the iphone 13 pro and the pro max so basicallythe screen will freshen about 60 occasions per second again for storage we’re getting that jolt up from6 4 to 128 gigabyte as the starter according to numerous brand-new leakages here and mostly we’ll be gettinga gigabyte and a 512 gigabyte option as well we’ll also be get that a15 bionic insideit what again comes with all the brand-new bells and whistles and of course being more efficient thanever we’re also coming that qualcomm 5g modem put inside it was identical to the one was putinside the iphone 12 normal we’re likewise getting four gigabytes of ram just like we had with theiphone 12 again and then just like the iphone 13 mini we’re going to be getting aluminium organization andit’s going to be somewhat thicker to accommodate the slightly bigger batteries what we’ve seen someof the most recent leaks we’re too get that dual camera setup and again that dual camera setup isgoing to have some big changes that we’ve seen in recent discloses so far and then finally the batterysize is going to be a 3095 milliamp battery and that is definitely bigger than the one thatwas put inside the iphone 12. for price rise it’s going to be starting at 799 u.s. dollars for the1 28 gigabyte copy then the 256 gigabyte model “re gonna be all” 849 u.s. dollars and then finally the5 12 gigabyte pattern “re gonna be all” 949. us dollars so as per customary with this list of aspects i’llbe keeping it informed as more divulges come on in all the way up to the iphone 13 launch well it’s timeto fold this up so don’t forget if you have liked this video to press the like button and of courseto hear the latest iphone news apple news reviews and likeness satisfy do thumped subscribe followedby the bell until next time chaps see you soon you.
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