This is not an ordinary iPhone 13 Pro. It’sthe Tyrannophone by Caviar and it expenditure around $8500 and I’m am telling you why. What’sup everybody! So Caviar is a company that is famous for creating luxury tech productsand peculiarly luxury iPhones. They pick the latest iPhones and they modify them byadding some amber or diamonds and sometimes unique commodities like a tooth from a T-Rex.That’s right! from a T-Rex! because this time Caviar has come up with their latest collectioncalled the TERA collection which is inspired from the fact that now iPhone can be spec’d upto a one terabyte of storage. And there are three phones in the TERA collection. The Monsterphone, the Tyrannophone and the TeraDiamond. All of these phones are based on the iPhone 13 Pro and the 13 Pro Max with the one terabyte alternative because it’s the TERA collection. So all of the phones arespec’d up to one terabyte. I am chiefly elicited about the Tyrannophone and the TeraDiamondbecause these phones are extremely unique.The Tyrannophone contains a T-Rex figure on the backof it and between one of the teeth, you can find the real fragment of a tooth from a T-Rex. Thecompany claims that it’s 80 million years old. I don’t know if that’s true or not but it’s a dopething. Right? and you can get the iPhone 13 Pro for $8500 and you can get the iPhone 13 Pro Maxfor nearly $9200 but with TeraDiamond, there are 1028 tiny diamonds on the back of the iPhone with1 28 rubies and that phone costs around $50,000. ” $50,000 “, for the iPhone 13 Pro and if youwant to spec it up to iPhone 13 Pro Max, it will cost around $57,000. Now that’s areally crazy price tag if you think about it. And these phones are limited edition so onlyseven Tyrannophones will be made and only 18 TeraDiamond telephones will be made.Although, TeraDiamond is more expensive but T-Rex is more rare? I don’t know, that doesn’t make sensebut regardless, I have a few thoughts around these iPhones that I wanted to share with you so firstof all, I want to talk about the target audience. I’m pretty sure that Caviar is targeting two typesof customers through this collection.Either, he’s like a super crazy rich billionaire whois just tolerated as inferno and you know doesn’t care where he’s spending his fund or secondlyhe’s maybe an Instagram influencer or a YouTuber who is just so much into this flexing culturelike if you go to the Caviar’s website, all of the things are just around flexing likethey are saying that in the description of the products. Secondly, and this is especially forTyrannophone, do we have a guarantee that tooth is actually real? like this is the first thingthat came into my brain when I understand the telephone like, “Is that even true? “.The only choice thatwe have is if we buy the phone for $8500 then we go to some archaeology center who havethe tools and the technologies to find out if the tooth is real or not. And, I don’tknow why, but this is my gut feeling that it’s not actually genuine. I don’t know I’m notreally sure about that. And before I go even further, I would like you to made that likebutton if you have enjoyed the video so far. It’s going to be great for the algorithm. Now, thelast thought that I have is actually a question. In the current era, where everybody is just facingso many problems and is so much concerned and is focused on themselves, do you reallythink that buying a fifty thousand dollar iPhone for flexing is a wise choice? like whatdo you think? let me know in the comments. Because nowadays we have pretty expensivephones like a two thousand dollar foldable telephone or the $1800 Sony Pro phone or eventhe latest iPhones, they’re not cheap.They are expensive. And by the way, if you’re wondering whythey’re expensive, pate over to this video where I’ve is why the smartphones have becomeso expensive. All claim, I’ll see you next week ..
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