– They removed the chargingblock and the headphones, then decided they neededto raise the cost $30 and still have the startingmemory at 64 gigabytes. What imparts? And I’ll actually pointout they grew it by $130. I’m Rene Ritchie. And “youve had” questionsabout the iPhone 12 contest. You required asks, you craved the truth and I’m here to handle that for you. And as always members overat patrion.com/ reneritchie have Q& A priority. That’s just how it toils. But if your question didn’t get answered and “youve had” more questions or follow up time affected the subscribe button and bell, so that you can be notifiedwhen new videos go live and I’ll hang with youfor the first hour or so. And we can chat. Cool? Let’s do this. No 120 refresh charge, why? Why 5G instead of 120 Hertz? Why Dolby Vision instead of 120 Hertz? I didn’t ask for Dolby Vision? Why can every other phone justdo this and not the iPhone? Why precisely, why? RedLetterMedia style, why.My guess is that simply because, there is not enough capacitynot enough yield yet for LTPO OLED committees. Those are the ones thatSamsung is using in the greenback 20 and they admit adaptive freshen similar to what Apple has donefor years with the iPad Pro. When Apple came oxide into the LCD parades for the iPad is when they were able to do adaptive refresh there. And what they’ve been using for a couple of yearsnow on the Apple Watch. And again, that’s becausethose exhibitions went into LTPO and they use the variable refresh there to go from 60 to one forthe always-on display. On the iPad pro they useit to go from 60 to 120 for things like scrollingand Apple pencil. And also to go down to 48 Hertz or 24 Hertz to do things like reveal 24 chassis per second movies or to keep battery power.And that’s really what Apple wants to do. They don’t wanna have 120 Hertz, they wanna have adaptive refresh rate so they can drive it ateverything from 24 to 120. And based on the panels thatApple is believed to be using which are similar to the Galaxy S2 0 not the mention 20 panels, that’s just not possible yet. And if you can’t do the adaptive responsibility you have to make a bunch of trade-offs which is how other corporations are doing it. Either they switcheddown to lower resolution and they have scalersof controversial character, or their emblazon managementgoes out the window and you are eligible to literally seethe white-hot pitch modifying as the refresh charge deepens. And I think that’s probablyjust a slew breaker for Apple. So again, my guess is we’ll get this as soon as Apple comes those boards, which is probably next year. And they just decided to do it right instead of doing it right now.”Why no 8K video recording on the iPhone? Who cares about Dolby Vision, give us 8K other telephones aregiving us 8K, why isn’t Apple.” This is actually super interesting because I would have liked 8K, exclusively because , not a lot ofpeople can display 8K hitherto, but when you’re editingvideo, you can punch in to 4K. You can wash and scan around in announce. So it exactly gives you a lotmore options in editing. But Apple is stickingwith 12 megapixel sensors. They haven’t gone to these huge, 48 or 108 megapixel sensors. So they’re limited to those 16 megapixels. And I think you need atleast 33 or more for 8K. So Apple is sticking tothe quality of the 4K instead of the quantity of the 8K. And they’re doing DolbyVision for the similar rationale. And I recollect a few years ago when I went to WWDC, Bob Borchers who only went back to Apple you experienced him in the home pod mini segment of the affair earlier this week.He was Adobe back then and I got to go there when they were introducing Dolby Vision. And they gave us this demo with “The Last Jedi, Star Wars” trailer. Where they pictured it to us in 4K and then they showedit to us in 1080P HDR, high-pitched dynamic reach using Dolby Vision and the Dolby Vision the HDR version only blew the 4K copy out the irrigate because after you get to a certain point the pixel density doesn’t matter as much. It simply becomes squander. And a better quality of the likenes becomes more important than the length. And the high dynamic rangeis what is improving there. So that’s just the abilityto show deeper colors and maintain maintain highlightsas the white-hots get brighter and have that real deep red and sort of lush lettuce that really represents the part image better. And it’s why we all want Dolby Vision on Netflix and Disney plus, and with all the Star Wars and all the Marvel moviesand everything like that. And Apple emphasizing Dolby Vision as much as I crave 8K and as much as yes,( spoke about foreign communication) I think it’s gonna take a while before Apple gets into bigger sensors especially considering thetrade-offs you then do with the size of the pixels and technologies likepixel-binning and all that.So it’s a nice to have, butif I was given the choice I would definitely wantHDR over 8K at this level. “Why didn’t Apple leant Touch IDinto the iPhone power button like they did the new iPad Air? Don’t they recognise face ID isa huge pain with disguises on.” And I think this is where what’s usually a huge strength for Apple became a bit of a weakness. And that’s always the case. Our biggest fortes arealways our biggest inadequacies and that is they work onthese phones years out. And it might seem if you listen to leaksand things like that that these decisions are allbeing made at the last minute but that’s not at all true.They’re hearing resonates of decisions that weremade a long time ago. Very, very few things are decided late on in a concoction hertz. So when they’re releasingthis year’s telephone, they’re already workingon next year’s phone and the phone after that. And I think if they had their druthers if they were more agile in their process if they weren’t as tightlyintegrated in a way they would been able to spin around faster and do something likeadding Touch ID as well. But currently the rumors say that Touch ID is coming back next year. That that was the sort ofplanned reintroduction period. And so far, the rumors have said, it’ll be in-display Touch ID, not supremacy button Touch ID. And Apple has patents on anacoustic form of that.Not the visual category yousee in some Android telephones, but the acoustical style, which I think is similar to what Qualcomm has done on Samsung phones, that sort of technology. So I would have really liked it because we do live in a worldthat’s been radically changed over the last few months. Kenneth Perry on Patreon asked, “Any idea what the back of the iPhone 12 telephones are made of? ” And MehNitesh2, on Twitter asks, if ceramic glass is also on the rear of either the pro or non-pro modelings. And no, the ceramic glassis only on the figurehead. What Apple is calling Ceramic Shield. Is mostly ceramic impregnated glass. So it’s scientifically not glass but it’s a hybrid complex. And that is on the figurehead. On the back is the sameglass as last year. Which I believe is still stronger than any other Gorilla Glass type product chemically thickened, ion exchange mode glass on the market yet.Apple works with Corning. They’re literally on the floor at Corning working on this stuff and they accessed through unique or practice and early versions of all the stuff thatCorning is working on. So it’s not Ceramic Shield, but it’s among the bestin class that you can get. Maybe even the best in class that you can get on the back still. GAdams_Spink on Twitter expects, “Ceramic Shield, will it signify an goal to glass screen shields? ” And no alas, because one of the things, one of the trade-offs thatyou get with these glass these composite composite chemicalion exchange glass makes, is that they can be optimized for smash resistanceor scratching defiance but they don’t seem to be able to do both. And some years, it goes back and forth between one or another. But for the last few years, it seems like Apple and Corning both have really been focusingon shatter resistance. And you’re getting a lot ofprotection from Ceramic Shield in areas of that.And likewise the new intend, the loss of the curves, simply the flattening, the great flattening of the telephone genuinely improves the concentration when it comes to shatter resistance but I don’t believe there’s any change in scratch resistance. So if “youre gonna” use aglass screen champion for that previously, you’regonna wanna keep on doing that. If you’re worried about scratchings you’re absolutely gonnawanna keep on doing that. And Thomas Frank. Hey, Thomas Frank of YouTube productivity and #gearfame on Twitter says, “I merely caught a bit of the launch video, but which telephones will have IBIS? Which ones should I belooking at as a camera guy? ” And so if you’re not familiarwith camera lingo IBIS is in body image stabilization.In cameras, you are eligible to have stabilization in the body of the camera andalso stabilization in the lens and then likewise you can have electronic idol stabilization as well. And so all of the iPhone 12 s have OIS, which is optical image stabilization. And that time necessitates ifthe sensor is being shaken if it’s sway, the lensis sort of floating and will overcompensate asbest as it can for that. And Apple exactly maintains ramping up the response rate on the lens, but it’s still a two factor arrangement and it’s a little bit more complex. So what the iPhone 12 Pro Max is doing, is creating that stabilizationinto the sensor itself.So only the sensor now isfloating instead of the lens. It’s a much simpler process and it should be much morestable even than the previous OIS and likewise result in betterquality photos and video. So if you are a camera person you’re unquestionably gonna wanna entered into with the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Joshua Karp on Patreon requests, “Trying to decide betweenthe Pro and the Pro Max. What exactly are the camera differences? ” And Kyle Giglio also on Patreon requests, “How large-scale of certain differences do you project between the Pro and the Max cameras? ” And Tim Gjenvick on Patreonasks, “Any other inconsistencies? ” So you’re gonna have thestandard basic inconsistencies which is just biggerscreen and bigger battery. And the differences in the camera is that, there is a bigger sensor, physically bigger sensor on the wide slant onthe I phone 12 pro max.And that time means you’ll be able to bring in more light-headed andget better, better photographs extremely better low-spirited illuminate pictures. The telephoto camera hasgone from a information of 52 I imagine 52 millimeter to 65 millimeter. So it’s just a different type of lens. The opening is not quite as good, so it doesn’t let in as much brightnes, but it’ll give you atotally different look and an additional 0.5 of zoom. So instead of going from, zero in the wide slant it’ll go to 2.5 now in thetelephoto instead of only two.And then there’s the stabilization the sensor-based stabilization that I already have mentioned. I’ve done a whole videoexplaining the differences between the various iPhone 12 sits. So I’ll link to that inthe description as well. Cgxos on Twitter, “Should we improve from 11 Proif we use the camera a lot.” And I always kind of cringewhen 90% of the videos talk about refurbishing yearover time because I feel like, if you have enoughmoney, you simply do that. If you care about ever havingthe best, you only do that. If “youre on” an annual upgradeprogram, you only do that. And if not, you probably keep your phone for two, three, four years. But I realized tech Twitteris a very specific audience. So a few years ago when therewere still iPhone lineups I think it was probablythe iPhone 10 S opening. I was at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store, and I was just talking to parties in line and expecting them why they were upgrading.And one of the people there said that the iPhone was their primary camera that they just exerted it for everything. It was how they took photosof their newborn children. And they are unable to never go backin time and to be all right photos. So they ever wanted to make sure they are unable to make the bestphotos of their kids possible. And so they always drew surethey had the latest iPhone with the best camera possible.So if that’s your place if the iPhone is your primary camera and photography videographyis really important to you and “youve had” the finances to make love. And the camera seems like it’lloffer you more abilities like the iPhone 12 ProMax is doing this year, then utterly make love. But if none of those things are true, then again, I don’t think most people ever need to upgrade year over year.Warwick on Patreon wants toknow about the differences between the regular and the pro. And this year, there doesn’t seem to be that many differences, justsome emblazons and the camera. And is there anything else? Apple has essentially madethe regulars into virtually pros, and so the difference with thepros really is the materials. You have the stainless steelinstead of the aluminum you have the different finishes and then you have theextra telephoto camera the LiDAR scanner, and on the Max, you just have the enhanced photographic abilities in general.So “youve been” have tospecifically require those things. Otherwise, the non-Pro nearly Pro I fantasize, is just as good a appreciate, probably a better cost for most people at this item. @ChrisPirillo on Twitter icon Trailblazer, original streamer. “When is Apple gonna stop are concentrated on a dozen variants and instead on a single spectacularsoftware knowledge again? ” And Chris is super salty that ever since we went to more than onescreen width on the iPhone he is believed that the interfaceand user experience has just plummeted on the iPhone. And I think that’s really, really fair. Back when there was onepixel perfect screen solution through the original iPhones and into the iPhone 5, 5s beings were literallydesigning by the pixel and there was only one phone to sort of manage to focus on every year. So everyone on the human interface team was carrying that phone, and complaining about anylittle defect they saw.But even back then there were just all sortsof glitches and weirdness. I think that some of thisis rose colored glasses and you can make a list a mile long, about difficulties that existedwith only the one screen sizing. But clearly that’s exaggerated now that we have so manydifferent screen sizes, because everything fromsize categories to auto layout it just introduces much more opportunity for those things to go wrong. And scale is always the enemy of quality. It’s much harder to do many many things much more broadly than it is to do one thing. So I belief those dates had only just been progressed and it’s only tech morons like us. It’s the 1% that reallydeeply care about that. And if any firm wants to be successful they eventually haveto look beyond the 1 %, they have to address themass market and the needs and requirements , not their needs, but theirpriorities are genuinely different .@ reekeanu, whoa, on Twitter questions, “Any hazards the iPhone1 2 mini, is likely to be less RAM than the iPhone 12 andan underclocked CPU? ” My guess is it won’t have less RAM. I don’t know about the CPU. We’ll have to wait and see. But this is one of those things where I wouldn’t worry about it. And again, it goes backto the nerd culture versus mainstream culture is that, we want everything with zero settlements and that’s just not howdesign, growing, yield, implementationany of this works. There are always trade-offs. If you miss something smaller there’s less chamber to settle things inside it. If you have a smaller battery it’s less able to absorb to handle spikes in CPU demand for example.It’s why Apple no longer moves phones as small-scale as the original SE or 5s Modern processors like A14 would just reached it more hard-handed and it would brown out andthe phone would shut off. So Apple is gonna do, my guess, my expectancy is that Apple will do what they usually do and that is make sure that everything is workingin an integrated way. And the CPU is demanding exactly what the battery can supply. And at who are in need of slight changes in base or peak frequency they’ll do that. I don’t expect any of that but I wouldn’t be surprised by it.And I truly don’t think it matters. It’s more of a implementation item and something thatnerds get anxious about, I think often for no reason. @deerspider on Twitter, “They remove the chargingblock and the headphones. Then decided they neededto raise the premium $30 and still have the starting memory at 64 gigabytes, what devotes? ” And I’ll actually point outthey heightened it by $130 , not $30. And @Zaigum, “What’s yourview on USB-C being included but not the accusing block. We all have charging blocks for USB-A. Is it actually an environmental reason, or time a style for us to waste more on a USB-C compatible charge block? ” So the iPhone 10 R was $800 andthen the iPhone 11 was $700. And now the iPhone 12 is going back up to $ 800 on Verizon and AT& T but $830 if you simply buy it outright or on any other carrier.And the iPhone mini is slotting in beneath it at $700. But again, $730 if you’renot on Verizon and AT& T. And that’s a considerableprice hike particularly in 2020, when I feel like just as a world we are less able to absorb. A much of beings arereally hurting right now and phones general, theprice of almost every phone has shot up this year. Mostly due to, higher caliber exposes more expensive exposes, but likewise 5G. And what Qualcomm ischarging for processors on the Android side, but alsojust 5G modems in general. A plenty of them buy $100. And so I get that, the iPhone, the regular iPhone has vanished from a lower concentration LCD, much less expensive display, to a much higher density OLED, much more expensive display. And from a relativelyinexpensive LTE radio to a significantly more expensive 5G radio, especially in the US where theyhave millimeter curve radios. If you look at Google’spricing for the Pixel, the Pixel 4a( 5G ), idol, so many figures and letters.That’s $100 more time if youget the millimeter motion form on top of the extra charge for 5G. And Apple is maintaining theprice on the pro mannequins those are still $ 1,000 and $1,100 but they are just not eager or able, I suspect to eat that much additional cost on the regular modelings and on the mini. So I’m really conflicted on this because I think in oneway, it’s really great that they have increasedthe quality so much of the regular modelsthat they are as good as the pro prototypes wereprobably just two years ago.Certainly as the iPhone 10, maybe as the iPhone 10 S. Probably actually between the iPhone 10 S and the iPhone 11 pro. It’s remarkable how good that showing is, and it’s not the same processor and the same 5G millimeter ripple in the US and 5G in countries around the world. But 2020 human, it is just so hard. And the removing theplug and the headphones I think it’s just, again, 2020. It’s the worst possible timing for that, because it supplements one more burden to parties. And even if it’s not a fiscal burden it’s a cognitive load becausethey have to worry about it.And I know like tech geeks areall, USB-C this, USB-C that, and they would make fun, I would make fun of Apple for including a USB-A to lightningcable in previous iPhones because the Mac bibles havehad USB-C going on five years. But the truth is mostpeople don’t have Macs. It’s still a majority PC market and a majority older PC market that have USB-A type connectors. And Apple has onlysupplied USB-C for 1 year and only on the Pro representations. The iPhone 11 Pro is the first one to have a USB-C the lighten cable. And USB-C charging brick in the box. So doing this, varying the cable and taking out the accusing brick , not only do you have, maybe you have one fromyour Nintendo Switch or from an Android tablet, maybe you have one from another manoeuvre, but if not a lot of parties are gonna be without a charging brick or at least one that doesn’twork or requires an adapter. But they probably have to just go out and get another charging brick.So I truly wish Apple would have articulated a little more moneywhere their cheek is here in terms of the environment. Like for sure, removethem from the box for people who don’t need them but only have a little check box. And I’m saying this ordershaven’t gone live yet. So we don’t know exactlywhat they’re gonna do and maybe they can still do this. Maybe they will still do this, but have a little checkbox thatsays, I need a power brick. And then that comes shipped as well. And then people who don’tneed it, don’t get it. We save all of that e-waste, all of that extra shipping but the people who really do need it can get it and get a high quality one. They’re not sort of running out to the corner store inthe centre of the nighttime going the cheap discount version that may not be anywhere nearlyas safe as one that they get from a reputable brandlike Apple or Anker.So on the pricing, I still have to thinkabout it a little more, but on the power cable there’s still a couple ofdays until it pre-orders, but I actually hope Apple handles this well. I don’t expect it but I actually hope they handle it better. ARYMANBHattac2 and this is an all cap. So I’m guessing I “re going to have to” shout it. “What is the plasticy thingon the side of the iPhones? ” And that’s in reference to a small round rectangleon the bottom side of the US version of the iPhone 12, and that’s for millimeter tide. Millimeter gesticulated compels more RF, more radio-frequency transparency. Previous explanations had tohave RF transparency windows I picture on four out of thesix areas of the phone. And so you had like the screenand “youve had” the back glass and then you’d have these various cutouts.It’s probably gotten a little bit better but you still have to have more open places for reception with the high-pitched bandings than you do for LTE or themid or low-pitched circles of 5G. So millimeter tide on the iPhone in the US means they just have tohave that additional cutout to let the signals go in and out. @LangfordGuy, “Why millimeterwave simply for the US poses? ” And that’s just a realityof the current 5G market. As nascent as the millimeterwave high circle 5G deployments are in the US, they’re still way aheadof most other countries.For two reasons, one is, some countries like Canada haven’t even auctioned off the range for millimeter ripple hitherto, that’s been pushed out to next year. But non-eu countries have goodenough low party and mid strip that they don’t seem to feel the need or the hurry to push out high party anywhere as rapidly as Verizon and AT& T are doing in the US. Where the the low and midbands are far more confined. And I think ideally midband will be so good that a lot of places simplywon’t roll out 5G mmWave or they’ll do it in veryspecific implementations like the cliched fields do now. But just for most of the world it’s gonna be an FR1 frequency range one, low-toned and mid-band world for 5G. And China remains to be seen of course, but for now, there’s noreason to do it anywhere other than the US. MaxyJprime on Twitter says, “Since the Canadian iPhone 12 swon’t have millimeter gesticulate, if I buy one from the USwill it work in Canada and also down the road when Canada patronizes millimeter movement? ” 5G doesn’t roam yet.It’s like the early days of LTE, if you get a 5G and youput a US 5G SIM card in it then you go to Europe, it won’t work at all. You’d have to get a Europeanspecific 5G SIM card placed that in. And then it’ll drive probably most sits, because Apple is supportingjust the widest possible amount of 5G strips that theycan on the iPhone 12. So you should be able tojust get a regional SIM card wherever you are, introduced that in and work with whatever 5G is available in that area if any. Millimeter gesticulated being the exception though because it’s US exclusively for now. So if you get a US iPhoneto have millimeter beckon in different countries, first I think you’ll bewaiting a long, long time.And second it’s uncertain whether it’ll even work in that country, because the bands are so different. Never buy based on whatmight happen in the future merely ever buy based on what you have now. So you’ll have better LTE. You’ll have 5G where it’s available. And in a couple of years you can reassess and there’llbe much better deployment much better network equipment, and much better 5G modems in whatever you buy in a few years. And as for 5G in general and all the different collections of that. I’ve done a entire explain on that, so I’ll link to it in the specific characteristics. And JullianSibi asks on Twitteralso about the $30 dismis from AT& T/ Verizon onthe iPhone 12, 12 mini. And is that misleadingto advertise the expenditure to those used discounts? I think it’s just unbecoming.I belief John Gruberused the word unseemly. And I see a companyespecially a company like Apple would do better to justadvertise the price most people are going to get. And then note that you canget an even lower price through Verizon or AT& T, just for clarity, simplicityto avoid mistakes. And simply to avoid parties having a negative feeling about Apple, precisely leant the sticker price on there and then realize them feel goodabout going the rebate not bad about not going it. Darius Dunlap on Patreon asks about differences betweenthe A1 4 on the iPhone 12 especially iPhone 12 Pro Max. And what we know about the iPad processor. I’m guessing iPad Air processor. “And what do you think thatportends for Apple Silicon Macs presumably coming next month? ” As far as we know they’reidentical processors right now.The A14 Bionic is in both the iPad Air and all the iPhone 12 s. And I did a whole explainer video a depth diving on the A14, where I addressed this. So I’ll link to that in the description but mostly Apple wants to be efficient. So they make a chip that they can scale from the iPhone 12 mini, all the way up to the iPad Air. And, you know, maybe the iPhone, peculiarly the iPhone proshit the persona signal processor style more often, wayharder than the iPad Air does. And maybe the iPad Air because it has a muchbigger thermal envelope can run high-intensity graphicsapplications for longer. They can sustain performancefor longer than an iPhone but the microchip really is builtto scale between those machines. And in terms of Apple Silicon Macs. I think we’re seeing thisgeneration of Apple Silicon IP, like all the different compute machines and all the different blocks, accelerators, or controllers all of that. And I think that’s what we’llsee in Apple Silicon Macs but I would be surprised if wedidn’t see dedicated blocks.They’ve already talked abouthypervisor acceleration and just think about anything that you’d want accelerated on a Mac that would be differentthan an iPhone or iPad. And I think that’s thesort of chip moves we’ll consider particularly in the earlygenerations of Apple Silicon Macs. Donald Hawk on Patreonasks, I’m really concerned about putting these MagSafemagnets in my pocket close to my cards. I guess for credit cards, foranything that’s really robust that’s meant to last, it’ll be fine. I mean we’ve got magnets and a assortment of other thingson our products these days. I fantasize for flimsierimplementations, like hotel placard keys if we’re still applying those these days when we get back to using those, I would be more concerned. But for daily call, specially since Appleis making a wallet case where probably, Imean they’ve gotta know that people are gonna putcredit cards in there. I don’t think it will be a problem for any of those sortings of parts. And silverjohnlongs queries, “American bacon or Canadian bacon? ” And American bacon, Canadian bacon is like ham.It’s fine, but it merely, itdoesn’t have that crispy deeply filling bacony bacon appreciation the lane good old fashionedAmerican sliced bacon does. And if you have any morequestions about bacon or otherwise or merely wanna chat in general check out our members exclusively discord, where we talk about sure bacon, chocolate, but also iPads, watches, iPhones, Apple Silicon, gear, workflows, and more mostly 24/7. And you can find it atpatrion.com/ reneritchie. And I mounted that up liberty after I discontinue my large-hearted media hassle back in March, right before 2020 happened. And I started this new indie channel because I needed a way, I needed a community tomake these videos better. And this is great. It’s so great because there’sa totality preview region where it can share ideas and sketches for videosbefore they even get shot. And sometimes early versions of the videos before they go live. Longer versions of interviewswhen I have them available. Like 45 times withiJustine and Walt Mossberg and the full part of my AppleiPhone 12 occasion reactions. And there are even ways to get your name in the description of everyvideo, even in the credits.So to be more involved in this community and to contribute directly to the creation of thesevideos and future projects, like my new podcast with Georgia Dow, only check out patrion.com/ reneritchie. Or click on the link in the specific characteristics. And clicking on that link, really helps out this channel. For a ton more only aton more on iPhone 12, click on the playlist above. I’ve got videos up on allthe new aspects comparisons and a lot, a lot more to come.So click on the playlistand I’ll told you next video ..
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