hi everyone Aaron now for ZolloTech andthis is the brand new 20/20 iPhone se in cherry-red lily-white and pitch-black and so will unboxall of these and this is a replacement for the older iPhone se which isbasically an iPhone 5 or 5s figure that they brought back as a less expensivephone and smaller phone for those that like a little smaller immensity and amore inexpensive premium so let’s go ahead and take a look at these now they comein at 399 and go all the way up to five hundred and forty nine dollars sothey’ve all been offered in 64 128 or 256 gigabyte variances so the red iPhonese that I have here is for 49 and 128 gigabytes whereas the others are 64 gigabytes and are 399 so let’s go ahead and unbox them so the red one here let’sopen it up we’ll taken away from the wrappers on each onefirst now let’s remove the box meridians now andsee if there’s any differences I don’t suspect there will be now immediately onthe black one you can see some words popping out here in the top paper andinside we have a welcome to iPhone presenting a little overview and then wehave a sim card removal tool as well as our Apple stickers that you would expectalso you’ve got a little warranty card in there now the exact same thing is inthe middle so we’ll set that aside now in the make red variant we have alittle pamphlet here at the top that says product red and each time youpurchase a product red make a portion of that goes to fight HIV and AIDS or inthis case the current issue we’re facing now we’ve also got the exact same thingwith our sim ejector implement and our stickers so let’s set all of this asideand take a look at the phones now if we pick up the phone take this out we’llset all of these aside for now you’ll watch the exact same thing comes in eachone of them you don’t have any differences here but you do have youradapter for the wall here it’s just your 5 watt adapter now you could use afaster charger with it but this is what’s included and then you’ve also gotsome ear pods and these are the lightning adapter ear cod so you’ve gotthis you can of course use wireless headphones with them as well and theninside you’ve got your USB to lightning adapter so you’ve got all of theseincluded and that’s exactly what we expect with any iPhone we acquired nownow each one of these is identical other than color so let’s take off the wrapperand then take a closer look at the overall blueprint and specs now each one of these has the touch IDbutton on the breast and it’s got the familiar iPhone 8 or iPhone 7 or 6design to it and it’s a great design for numerous parties in fact many beings considerit their favorite motif of iPhone of all time I personally liked a littlemore squared off edges of the iPhone se or 5, 5s, 4, that epoch and maybe we’ll seethat with iPhone 12 but the se looks like this so let’s go around the outsideedge and take a closer look at it now compared to previous contemporary iPhoneslike the iPhone 10 are they’ve moved the Apple logo to the middle just like theiPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max and then placed produce at the bottom the maroon isalso a slightly more vibrant color as compared to the iPhone 10 are now on theright-hand side we’ve got our superpower sleep/ wake button together with our SIMcard tray that will hold One SIM card but it does support dual SIM through esim so you’ve got that SIM card tray now you can see here like you wouldexpect then on the bottom we have our loudspeakers together with our Lightning portnow we do not have a headphone jack on this and you wouldn’t expect that theiPhone 8 didn’t have that either on the left hand side we have our volumebuttons and our silent swap and it’s just like any of the others you’ve seenand then of course on the back we have our camera microphone and then LED flashso it’s exactly what you would expect but it is glass figurehead and back now let’stalk about the specs for a moment now internally this has the a13 Bionic chipthe same as the iPhone 1111 Pro and 11 pro max but it also has three gigabytesof RAM so it’s down a little from the pro but given the smaller size ofthe spectacle it should be just fine on the breast we have a 4.7 inch 1334 by 750 at 326 pixels per inch spectacle and yes that’s closer to 720 p but this displaywith 326 pixels per inch should be fine for most thingsit also supports genuine manner and has wide pigment p-3 as well as haptic signature andgoes up to a brightness of 625 nits so it should be plenty light for mostpeople now internally it has an 1821 milliamp hour battery which earlyreviews are saying it gives 4 to 5 hours of screen on time which is pretty goodfor a phone of this width it also supports faster blaming andwireless blaming and has an ip6 7 rating of one rhythm for up to 30 minutes thatdoes not mean the phone is waterproof only symbolizes it’s water-resistant on theback we have a reused camera system from the iPhone 8 but that used along withthe iPhone 11 a 13 Bionic chipset is apparently giving this better imagesthan we investigate on say the iPhone 10 our it should be better it also supportsportrait mode has digital zoom up to 5x can record in 4k 60 and the lens covershould be sapphire according to Apple now on the figurehead we have a 7 megapixel F2. 2 lens that records in 1080p 30 we’ll take a closer look at that a little bitlater and then internally we have Wi-Fi a b/ g/ n AC and a X or also known asWi-Fi 6 and it subsidizes bluetooth 5.0 now let’s go ahead and turn on all thephones and we’ll wait for them to boot up and we’ll get them set up so we’llpress home to open I’ll select my language now we’ll select the regionand then we can bring a phone next to it to set it up more quickly now I haveother videos to show you exactly how to do that but it’s a pretty simple processlet me bring my phone in here it connects to them and I’m not sure whichone it’s going to go first it’s going to go up for the centre one first and allyou do is use the camera scan this little sort of QR type code and then itsyncs all indications over and moves your chronicle now it wants me to put inthe pass code from the previous phone so I’ll do that from the iPhone 11 Promaxand it says setting up telephones so we’ll wait for this to finish here now I’llset up touch ID on the grey iPhone se and then I’ll do it on all the others sowe’ll go ahead and create it up here and these are by far the best fingerprintsensors that I’ve use there’s few that are just as good and just as quick thatI’ve applied we are only our traction move our digit around a little bit more and we’regood to go and we can either transfer information from the old-time phone or go toother options and pitch it up as new which is which is something that I want to do now I’veset up each one of these with my fingerprint and now we can recover appsand data or in such cases I’m just not going to transfer anythingwe’ll go to the next step and then it’s asking me if I want to get the settingsfrom my other telephone I’ll simply stumble be maintained and on this one it’s sayingwill I agree to the terms and conditions so I’m not sure if I did that before butwe’ll pop continue on all of these keep the phone up-to-date I’ll probablyswitch this back to manually afterward and so let’s just give this all up we’llset up the Apple pay last-minute in the billfold app I don’t want to share my audiorecordings I don’t mind sharing data with app makes although I sharedthe information on that one now this is where you can actually set up the hapticfeedback when you pulps the dwelling button so I like it on on two one is a littlebit too glowing three might be good for some but it’s just how much the phoneshakes when you push the button so I’ll left open on the default value will it continueand then for those of you squandering a smaller display you can zoom it in I’lljust leave it set up as default and then it says welcome to iPhone and we’re inso now we’re at the home screen and I don’t want to use this manoeuvres locationbut if we go into settings let’s take a look at what form we’re running hereyou can see this one’s running version thirteen time four and so there’s nowan update available for it with a software update that imparts the bugfixes of iOS 13 moment four time one so there’s a cluster of different issues itcan prepare which is nice and it’s exactly what you would expect now one thing Idid want to try is run a pair benchmarks on it and check out thecamera itself because those are some things that should be a little bitinteresting “were having” the rear-facing camera that will take portraits it willalso take 4k 60 video so we’ll check that out in a few seconds but let’s takea look at the Geekbench ratings and just see what we get compared to say aniPhone 11 pro max now before I go into running the Geekbench you can see hereis the current version the update doesn’t really make much of a differenceas far as the processor acceleration and things like that so you can see we have twopoint eight eight gigabytes or basically three gigabytes of RAM so let’s go aheadand pas a CPU benchmark now the benchmarks just completed andit’s interesting to see the huge variance between all three of them sowe’ll go with the highest since these are probably busy doing something in thebackground but with the white iPhone se it orchestrated 1326 for single core 3029 formulti-core so comparing that to the iPhone 11 pro max let me slide theseover here you’ll determine we’ve got same values as far as the single core and alittle bit higher with the multi-core score and so you’ll understand 3400 frommulti-core score on the iPhone 11 Pro Max and 1328 for the single core soagain these are going to change a little bit but it doesn’t really affect theoverall usability and exactly to give you an idea of change in screens you’llsee this is the iPhone 11 pro max it has genuine manner turned on and if you turn truetone off on all of them it will give you a little bit different seem I’ll turnthem off on two of them to give you an idea of what it looks like and you cansee the difference between OLED and LCD now you’re not going to see much of adifference with overall usability so we’ll go home now on this one and we’llgo home on the 11 pro max and the actual pixels are going to be very difficult tosee it should look pretty good in general I wouldn’t expect much of anissue there and let’s take a look at some of the wallpapers because I know alot of you so wishes the new ones from this and of course I’ll link them in thedescription so we’ll go home now we’ll go to wallpaper change brand-new wallpaper andhere’s some stills and here are all the brand-new ones so we have six differentvariants with light and dark themes and so let’s just go back we’ll join themfor each one of the phones so this is the white iPhone and on the box theyhave this blue theme so it’s setting wallpaper there and then again we’ll dothe same on the others now all the wallpapers are determined with the default onesthat are on the box and one of the things you can notice maybe a little bitis this one has genuine manner turned on so if I turn it off the presentation may gape alittle bit better maybe a little bit more vibrant and I actually like to lookat these without true-life colour on sometimes it merely depends what I’m doingso now let’s take a look at the cameras and so the forward facing camera on thisone let’s turn it around here like continue and you’ll realise the forwardfacing camera looks pretty good let me go ahead and move it over to video andyou’ll see it says HD 30 in the upper title so HD 30 we can’t change it herebut I think we can change it on the back end of the camera so now I’m recordingit with the iPhone se and so you can examine my expres through the microphones inthe iPhone se and in general the idol examines okay but the forward facing camerais not as high quality is the rear facing camera so if we go back in hereflip it around we have the photo in sketch states but we also have HD 30 inthe upper claim we can tap on this and change it to 4k 60 and so let me go takea little bit of video and photo tests and let’s see what this actually lookslike now for those of you that reallyappreciate a small phone this is definitely small-minded it looks really smallin my hands but everything is super fast so far time using it for the few minutesthat I have it feels very much like abusing an iPhone 11 but with a homebutton so it is kind of peculiar going back to touch ID but I really like touch IDand have no issues with it whatsoever now there’s a couple interesting thing I wantto take a look at but before we do that let’s take a look at a size comparisonso this is the iPhone se in my left hand is the iPhone 6s and so you’ll appreciate thesize is identical it’s identical to an iPhone 8 the heavines is about the sameand it’s exactly what you would expect with an modernized inside with internalstorage that’s a little bit different and things like that so everythingshould be much better to use and much faster in general now as far as a quicksize analogy if you’re looking for the smallest phone that would be the SEand then we have the 11 pro the 10 are the 11 and the 11 Promax this is all ofthe current lineup from Apple to give you a size comparison it’s very close insize to the iPhone 11 but a little bit thinner now as far as the overallusability well let’s go into YouTube and here is one of my Apple watch sequences forreview videos and if we take a look at the options we have for length we can goup to 1080 p so even though this is closer to 720 p it will scale on thescreen so you can get as many pixels as is practicable now with a smaller screen likethis it won’t impel too much of a difference but the option is there youwill not have HDR though now let’s take a listen to the speaker’s quickly – andsee what they’re like since they should be stereo performance and wait for it to playhere turn it all the way up so it’s prettygood in general nice and loudly the showing gazes good just like you’dexpect and it croaks neat and bright and so you can use this as a modern iPhoneif you just really like touch ID you’ll have that alternative and everything else isthe same of course you won’t have a headphone jack but again you do have theoption for wireless charging which is nice just like the iPhone 8 so if Iplace this here it’s now charging so we’ll turn the display off you’ll see itsays 68% billed framed it back on and it’s accusing again so I really like thatoption it’s something I use all the time now the iPhone se I think is a greataddition to the iPhone lineup it’s giving you the top-of-the-line CPU forthe least amount of money possible at 399 up to 549 depending on the storagesize you pick and I think that’s a really great value hypothesi and it’sreally hard to beat compared to other phones out there at this premium detail nowthis is only the toll Apple is selling them for so if you can get them fromyour carrier maybe free or hundreds of dollars off it manufactures it that much betterand then you can have a phone without a phone payment or anything like that withthe latest specs if you realize a smaller display or exactly require somethingthat’s a little bit more sizeable for your hands or your pocket but let meknow what you think in the comments below of course I’ll link all of thesedifferent wallpapers in the specific characteristics as I usually do and if you haven’tsubscribed once delight subscribe and if you experienced the video please give ita like as ever thanks for watching this is Aaron I’ll see you next time
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