are the photos from the iphone 13 certainly that is something that worse than the 13 pro and is it really worth spending an extra 200 to get that telephoto lens and the macro capabilities well today we will find out in my detailed comparison we’re going to take a look at a wide variety of shots in different lighting including night state the macro shots portraits i’ll demonstrate you every single difference and believe it or not in some cases the iphone 13′ s photos are actually better while in other shots the 13 pro inhales the iphone 13 so let’s go ahead and jump right in starting out with this shot here with standard shots and good illuminate they examine virtually identical the dyes the distinguish the white offset they’re all carolled the same the detail to the eye regards mostly the same and if we pasture in you guys could tell that they inspect the same same thing with the ultra wide lens right here and desegregated igniting and the standard lens they appear the same but when we switch to the telephoto shot wow chaps look at that difference not only can you zoom in 15 terms on the 13 pro instead of five times the difference in detail is noticeable right away and if i cultivate in so that the framing seems the same i convey the 13 shot looks a lot like a joke we have all the artifacting there’s no detail whatsoever now of course a lot of people don’t zoom in that much so here’s a shot at 3x and in perfect lighting we do realize some differences in detail but it’s not a deal breaker but if you zoom in any more than that like this five times zoom shot you could tell the difference in detail with the 13 pro searching amazing the trees in the background are detailed whereas the 13 is not merely do you lose so much detail you have artifacting in the little figures for the airplane and in general and then too with that in skies you all start get all this artifacting and sounds the shot really appears so much worse here’s a 10 experience zoom shot when i saw a rabbit in my ground i represent one line-up looks like a cartoony waxy mess where the other side actually looks like a photo that you can keep in your phone now there’s a few cases more the advantages of having that telephoto lens apart from zooming the first one is if you’re taking a portrait shot so let’s compare biographies as you can see the 13 pro has that nice compression looking more like a professional portrait shot now the 13 shot likewise looks really good but of course the pro can also take that kind of a portrait with the standard lens but then when it comes to making shots like these where once again we have the nice bokeh “were having” that delightful compressing you just can’t contact it the shot on 13 i also like but it doesn’t looking the same now i know some people say hey you can always exactly cultivate in to mimic that constriction and yeah you can look at the shot right here where i pastured in but look what happens one to the detail it gapes a lot less detailed but then look at her face it’s stretched out because of that wide lens taking the portrait shot now of course uh you can actually move closer for example here i’m standing in the same distinguish taking a portrait the 13 pros with that telephoto lens so i can walk up closer but once again we actually thumped that bia where vadim’s being warped he really doesn’t look like himself and then we also notice the flaring in the shot which we’ll talk about in time a bit now here’s a more extreme example if you’re taking a headshot that telephoto lens comes in unusually helpful being able to take this natural pleasing sounding idol compared to merely unfolding out the persona if you take a photo like this with a standard lens now with that said there is one major advantage that i concluded with the iphone 13 over the pro prototypes and that is taking an image of an objective that is large here you guys appreciate the side-by-side now that is beautiful and with the 13 pro shot we do not have any portraits there you interpret the background is fully in focus where the iphone 13 was able to take that sketch shot builds the likenes are so beautiful makes the side by side stand out from the background now i believe this has something to do with the lidar sensor here because i made a same shot in my last-place comparison with the iphone 12 pro max as well and the 11 pro max the 12 pro x too couldn’t do this while the 11 pro max which does not have a lidar sensor just like the iphone 13 did take a shot with that painting blur so i really like this capability now there is a downside for example this shot right here we’re using the same lens same distance and the 13 has the blur messing up that sign that’s because lidar is useful for penetration message you guys can be found in the 13 pro has a nice clean cutout at the top and then of course we have the option to use the telephoto lens which shapes the shot review so much better with that constriction there in the background the same thing vanishes when you’re taking a shot like this this is a super difficult shot both telephones did a very good job but having that constriction gives you additional separation and the background isn’t as you know present there you’re most largely focusing on the subject which is the airplane now here’s a tip-off for you guys as long as you’re not taking a portrait shot with the standard photo mode you can actually zoom in a little bit and imitative that compression you’re kind of getting rid of that wide lens and here the photos look fairly similar we don’t see too much background there we’re focusing on the subject but of course you could tell that the detail level certainly goes down now of course the other option is just to get closer like we did before but then you guys see all of that outside of the window that really disconcerts from the photo next i wanted to jump into macro shots and here you guys could see i’m consuming the telephoto lens and with the 13 pro it looks nicer it is sharper now this wasn’t expending the brand-new macro procedure that you get with the 13 pro so let’s be changed to that and right here you guys can see i got insanely close to this slug right here the detail examinations good gives you a perspective that you commonly don’t get compared to the 13 consuming the standard lens now of course i can actually use the 3x telephoto lens as well if i cover up that macro and that gives me a delightful please likenes without any background in the shot and it looks nice and abrupt now here’s the closest that you can get applying the standard lens on the 13 and the telephoto on the 13 pro but of course with that macro state we can get crazy close you interpret the difference right there we get the bokeh in the background that still shows up and then with the 13 of course yes you can crop but it looks like junk you have a lot of racket artifacting no item at all so the iphone 13 definitely cannot compete with that macro lens now another difference that i noticed is dynamic stray surprisingly when you’re really pushing it you see that the 13 is blowing out the highlights a little bit more and then here in this shot that i zoomed in of course we have more detail because the telephoto lens look at the background right there where it’s bright on the top claim you determine better dynamic wander with the 13 pro which i was not expecting and here’s a shot that time blew me away now both of these phones are supposed to have the same front facing cameras they’re 12 megapixel sensors but here the 13 pro is disclosing for the background more so so i have a little bit more noise on my shirts but look at that portrait with the sundown compared to completely blowing it out with the 13 which seems more like an iphone 12 or an 11 so i wonder if there really are some differences in terms of hardware now another thing i noticed now same precise lens and i didn’t do a lot of selfies because i thought they’d be identical but we’re getting more flaring on the 13 the sunlight was right there behind me and less oppose which is really weird now flaring in general has come a little better with the 13 pro unfortunately the 13 had not been able to had the same treatment if we look at the photo here we have um flaring in the sky it stands out more so and “were having” less contrast with the aqueducts with another little round pealing of explosion kind of messing up that shot and now let’s make this even more interesting and go into night mode shots starting out with right after sundown here it’s actually interesting that the 13 shot searches better the 13 pro gapes darker and in general the tuning might be slightly different between these the 13 seems is an iphone 12 photo which by the way like i may have mentioned the cameras in this phone are from the iphone 12 pro max this right here is a 3x shot working the telephoto lens on a tripod so it’s 10 seconds exposure and of course we have a lot better contrast little flaring you guys notice that and in general it does gaze quite a bit nicer now here’s a shot which was at night but it had a lot of illuminating on the street and you start to see the differences between the new upgraded lens that is in the 13 pro and the one that came from the 12 pro max into the iphone 13. We do have more contrast we have a little bit better colors a little bit more detail starting to notice the difference more so and then switching to the ultra wide here we have an even bigger difference where the 13 pro ogles sharper more detailed better in pretty much every single way now it does get interesting that when we go inside um into this kind of medium to darkish lighting the 13 actually looks nicer now um one thing that i concluded between these two is because the sensor is larger and newer inside the 13 pro apple is spawning it much more quickly to take light mode shots and this is something that most people don’t talk about with the 13 this shot was about three seconds compared to one second so you get more availability less chance to blur but in a number of cases like this the 13 actually inspects better and then switching to the ultra wide then you guys notice that the 13 pro you do have more detail once again and it overall gaze darker and that’s what i’m talking about where um the 13 glances more like the iphone 12 photos a little bit brighter at night now as far as portrait mode in lower light-headed situations they look pretty much indistinguishable and then same thing now with the subject terribly very close but when it comes to really dark portrait shots you guys could tell right here the 13 pro looks so many of them more lifelike and that is because thanks to that lidar sensor you can combine night mode shots and biography state shots whereas the iphone 13 will do merely one or the other and “youve been” view significant differences now look at his jeans you get all that additional detail little sound compared to the iphone 13 which is suppressed with more noise and then the extreme scenario where in this case it literally won’t let you do portrait state because it’s too dark on the 13 whereas the 13 pro can actually do a description mode shot and nighttime procedure it seems a lot better now here’s a shot i want to show you guys the differences between the lenses and the sensors this is actually without nighttime procedure turned on and you construe the 13 pro it’s a little bit darker but it’s a lot less noisy with less artifacts in the sky and then we actually flip when it comes in to zooming because the 13 pro is using that telephoto lens that gives in a lot less illuminate in comparison with the 13 which is just cropping in on that image and because of that in certain situations like this where you have not too dark of illuminating the difference is very little even though we’re cropping in three times with the iphone 13 and the same thing goes with this night mode shot it’s very very close in terms of detail even with digital crop on the 13 but if it gets a little bit darker that telephoto lens with the nighttime mode knocks in and sound how considerably better this glances we’re so much more zoomed in with so much more detail and hue and then if i cultivate to match in the framing i mean that is just it’s crazy the difference in tone that you get swapping to the standard lens right here i know this shot looks like it’s fairly shining but my looks literally could not see anything this right here is a 10 second showing uh hope being handheld with both of these images and in fact 13 actually turned out better for some reason even though both were 10 seconds so props to the 13 here and this one is a 30 second on a tripod so i’m not limiting it at all the 13 pro does look like it’s a little bit more detailed a little sharper with that faster lens but when you’re stacking 30 seconds of epitomes the difference is fairly minimal but then when we switched to the ultrawide you guys could see that the brand-new updated ultra daybreak in the 13 pro allows you to take a much brighter much more detailed nicer gazing shot even if it’s 30 seconds of photos mixed on a tripod that’s a best occasion situation for the iphone 13 and the 13 pro still comes out way ahead and the same thing goes if you’re entrust deeming it right here you guys can see how much brighter and better the 13 pro’s ultrawide seeks when it’s really dark now i didn’t do a lot of detail because they are very similar in most courses there’s a lot less differences in terms of video but what you can see the difference is when you are starting to zoom in this right here is that 3x the 13 pro gazes much better the 13 is noisy with a little bit of artifacts and then of course you can zoom in much more and even though we’re so much closer here the epitome still searches less loud and less artifacted than the 13. Of course both of these can shoot cinematic state which is awesome they have hdr video but simply the iphone 13 pro can shoot pro res and then with that remember you have to have a 256 gig prototype which is why i ordered that one for the first time if you want to shoot 4k with pro res so there you guys go there are all the differences between the camera so what do you guys belief does the 13 pro authorize the additional 200 for its camera capabilities in comparison with the 13. of course you guys want to hear my opinion so i think yes perfectly it perfectly does even though they are you don’t care about any of the other differences between these phones if you care about photos 200 is worth it you get a lot better abilities you guys received the macro shots you guys assure some of the night procedure shots of course we have those zoom shots and those sketch shots my goodness they glance so much nicer having that ability of course let me know your thoughts and if you guys wonder what other differences are there between the 13 and the 13 pro well i did a one week last-minute evaluate depicting all the real world inconsistencies if you guys want to see that video check it out right over there click that agree button above if you guys want to help us reach our goal of 1 million customers we would really appreciate it this has been max and i will see you in the next video[ Music]
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