android or apple the combat that has alwaysseen these two operating systems opposed and what do you have and above all whatwould you have selected as your next mobile phone hello to all chaps welcome and welcomehere alone between technology well yes today we talk about the battle that has always visualized these twosystems operating android or ios which you have as your primary mobile phone what are youusing i am currently using an android but in reality i have always usedandroid and “ive ever done” let’s say some findings of the analysis because i am really considering tochange operating system to go to the dark slope and then buy an iphone ratherthan an android again uttered this uncertainty of mine I did some analysis I read articlesI viewed videos of people who have swapped from android iphone or iphone to android andso in this case today with today’s video I want to talk a little bit of the analysisI did but sop Above all I need and I want that maybe you liaise your indicationsyou intercede your analyzes reached when you have selected android you chose iphoneso in description tell me what you have an android smartphone or an iphone for kidsbefore continuing I absolutely invite “youre going to” expressed support for canal merely a simple clickof the button agree below in red and click the bell in order to receive allthe notifications in the liberates of the next videos and placed a neat like this video and if youlike the bulletin of the bulletin guys immediately under the deed find these t-shirts, sweatshirts or mugsthat you can buy with the emblem is there among so if you like it you want to buya sweatshirt or simply give a hand to the channel to grow acquired throughthe link that you find below of these gadgets really that you utterly must havelike my readers but no more chatter let’s go sub ito to the topic to the heartof today’s topic android or iphone I have made some deliberations I am considering buying aniphone even if I have always derided iphone why we start from this we startfrom the fact that I do not like iPhones much needed I is not “ve never” liked the philosophy ofapple even if it is partly successful but partly not in the sense that for my work for workI do most of the software that you use the lotions I use with mymobile are optimized for the android life and they operate is a good one for the android nature applealways has procrastinates on iphone certain updates ever arrive late and thereforevery often some employments may even not work and it is against productivebecause by selling concoctions that work through applications having an iphone and not being ableto show to their clients how that concoction labours because iphone doesn’t going to be home some occasions iscounterproductive so I have always chosen android likewise for the above reasons but let’s go in order andI want to list all the points that assure android winners in some fields and iphone inother orbits so the first extent is that I favor android for better and greater compatibilitywith the software the applications that I use with in my work environment I am consideringthe purchase of an iphone because you know an optimization between the operating system and variousapplications numerous software really great a brand-new iphone 13 that has just been presentedon 13 pro with the video camera then with the software of the genuinely spatial video cameraand above all perhaps using the mobile phone likewise to blog to use it there is a channel there betweenmotors where very often I happen to have yes the gopro but I need another device that take meback to buy another leave pro is a bit too expensive so since I’m about to change thecell are perhaps I would like to framed a cellphone ii and take back one thing have anoptical stabilization of the sensor immediately one other thing and not having it did simply optics soin that case surely the stabilization of an iphone compared to a phone that is evaluating thesamsung s2 1 ultr is much better and also the video sector the video recordings have abetter quality the you are able to ever stop stable thing that having understand and having heardthe reviews of numerous consumers ds21 ultr at a consumer level so at an amateur levelwe do not care if we they are small hops in fps but at a professional and good levelalways have stable fps so the second element that I promote iphone rather than androidis its video camera sector and not cameras because it read 21 ultr with the tele withmuch higher answers in some areas and better than iphone or even iphone 13 proactu almente I have read some wide-angle photos at night or in the main cameraat night that are truly spatial I prefer the third android pitch for its open-mindednessthe possibility of being able to safely go to use supplements of any useheadphones of any help watches of any macrocosm and it is not closed with its own accessoriesso iphone certainly its accessories are qualitatively outstanding but they too havetheir cost so by doing so we do not have the possibility to buy third-party accessoriesbut in the sense that a little less than android therefore android much more open withits operating system and the possibility of expanding it with different accessories the fourth pointwhere I go to prefer more iPhones so we are 2 to 2 and the evaluation process unlike androidiphone never belittles I have very little if I were to go and currently sell an iphone 11 pro thedevaluation really is low-toned the diversity of an android form this 9th to me propagated 400 eurosabout a year and a half ago currently I can not get it for more than 200 euros so in any case ithas been devalued by half its price and also any other type ofandroid phone ellesse 21 ultra merely secreted this is 1200 1300 euros currently it is newaround 900 950 euros this depreciation in the iphone is not find so it is also a plusfrom that point of view because its value remains fairly constant over time andalso a resale of used gear “its also” better over era so let’s recap it by equating itto the samsung s2 1 ultra surely we have a better camera a better telephoto lensa higher resolution under the camera sector calledpro photos for android so we can go and manage it just like a reflex frog instead for what concerns iphone we still have to use a software of you rze divisions to use the phone as a reflex camera even ifeven the rum in the photographs so actually a lot of stuff but above all the night vision of theiphone the management of the videos through the iphone 13 pro the cinematic procedure the most wonderful photosfrom the viewpoints of macros surely contribute degrees in favor and nando beyond anotherpoint last but not least but I don’t even want to give it too much importance they arealso instagram storeys iphone with instagram is fantastic utters spectacular fibs if not totake a samsung if 21 13 we do of the videos on instagram we realize that it seems thatwe have a phone of about 45 years ago so a better quality with the software I under the point ofview of android then under the software under the iphone optimizations still goes to overturn thesituation to be better under these aspects tell me yours also in other aspects thatour chaps have evaluated in the comments in the description there is the telegram link justreleased the iphone 13 13 pro pre-orders or even some discounts of the 12 ready have been immediatelypublished in the telegram path where there were really nice offers evenof the most logically dated iPhones with the release of the new 13 and also the pre-order immediately if you already wanted tobuy new ones to the boys let me know what you think below in the commentsstart a discussion or enter the telegram group where perhaps we can talk about it betterand perhaps who knows if a tomorrow I will go to buy an android between an in-depth analysiswhy I picked an android or if I am going to buy an iphone almost an in-depth analysis of the differences why I select iphone attending I wasforgetting something very important if I had to switch from and to iphone the text of the data fileswill not be quite as easy as I have read a bit around sicuram society there arepaid software that lend a hand to build the swap but most likely if you do notwant to pay and spend money that further whatsapp naturally you will not recover yourconversations so from this point of view there could be problems but reject me ifI did something wrong people writes I’m afraid nor below in the comments we see this as if it werea live so an interaction between us this was a let’s say in excerpts of the analyzesthat I have be done in order to first party for weeks that I am assessing this acquisition but I want todeepen even more these analyzes with you so write me everything in the comments we willsee you in the next video thanks to all guys I recommend agree I like enterthe telegram direct and if you like these shirts you can buy them below we told you in thenext video hello everyone from elitra engineering
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