-[ Justine] Say helloto the brand-new iPhone 13. Like the previous year, we’vegot the 12 Pro, Pro Max, the 13, and 13 mini. With increased battery life, recital, brand-new exposes, colours, improved camerasystems, with cinematic state and sensor shifting on alldevices and macro procedure and 3X telephoto on the Pros, with pro res raw video coming later on. It did seem initially likethis was only a small refresh from the twelves but I wasactually quite surprised to find out this was more of an ascent than I initially supposed.( upbeat music) So researching out cameras on the brand-new iPhones is obviously somethingthat I desire so much, so we’re gonna start by do that first. So the cameras on both Pros and both thirteens are identical, so either one that you choose, it’s gonna be the same. With the iPhone 13 Proyou’ll have the 3X zoom, but on the iPhone 13, there is no zoom on this.So that would be the reasonthat you would choose the Pro. So for the purposes of the this, we’re gonna test it outusing the pink iPhone 13 and the Sierra Blue 13 Pro Max.( upbeat music) On the iPhone 13, here’sthe wide angle and the 1X. So on the iPhone 12 Pro and the 12 Pro Max, there was a camera different, so you had to choose, is it you people want the sensor change technology and the 2 1/2 experience zoom? This time, you don’t have to choose. Thank you Apple for reaching themconsistent across the board. Let’s take some more photos, shall we?( upbeat music) So one of the things that I’m so impressed with is macro state and thisis exclusive to the 13 Pros. This will basically justauto switch into macro procedure and you can get abouttwo centimeters away. Like look at this color, look at this item, and if you think that this is something that you could do before, you’re absolutely wrong. Let me show you. So if I try to do this on my1 2, yeah that looks great, really good content, veryclear, crystal clear. No. So the fact that wewent from this to this, if that’s not a reason to upgrade? I thought that this was a pretty big one.I’m super amazed. This also works with video. So this is video. Look how close I am to that. No freaking mode.( upbeat music) I’m gonna try to take a picture of my heart. What do we feel, is it focused? -[ Man] It actually fastens, yeah, you can go closer, right there, keep going closer, depart closer. -[ Justine] Really? -[ Man] Yes. Oh my God, it’s so – -[ Justine] But it’s in my eye. Eww, it’s so disgusting. Eww, eww, I don’t like it, it looks like there’s like a tarantulacoming out of my eyelid. So this is a 13, which itdoes not have macro state so I merely want to showyou in case you think that I’m lying about it. No macro state, it is not focusing.( upbeat music) All claim we have found, we knew a flaw. Next term we’re gonna do macro content, prompt me not to drinklike four bowls of coffee .( upbeat music) One of the cool thingsabout the brand-new iPhone 13 s is there’s a newcinematic mode and this is across all four iPhones, sono matter which telephone you get, this procedure will be enabled. And what’s really cool about it is it kind of mimics the lane that filmmakers form videos. A lot of films and movies and music videos and even my own videosare all shot on cameras with big sensors, with high-end lenses, and these things can getvery, highly, very costly. So what’s amazing is thefact that Apple has been able to kind of integrate all ofthese filmmaking skills and even get this really cool Boca look.So the real question that I have though, do you think A is the iPhone or do you think B is the iPhone? I’ll left open up to you guys. Leave it in the comments belowand you can check Instagram and Twitter for the answerafter this video is announced. The cool thing though about cinematic procedure is you can actually go inpost and edit the hole. So I can go in and decideif I crave more or less Boca. And to be able to do this on the iPhone is pretty impressive. Also use AI, it will decidewhat should be in focus. This is a really cooldemo that I did in Panera, where I was talking toJake super casually , not planned or written at all and watch how awesome this is. It started focusing on me, as soon as I lookedback it focused on Jake, and then back to me whenI turned back around.Impressive.( upbeat music) Oh, I did not realize there was cinematic front-facing camera. -[ Man] What? Cinematic front? No lane, oh my, I’m freaking out. -[ Man] That’s crazy. I’ve had this phone for room too long. At this item I should have noticed this. This new display glances incredible. Not merely does it go all the way up to 120 Hertz refresh rate, but it’s also much brighter and in pleasant places, I’m always outside filming, I’ve already noticed a huge difference.( upbeat music) So I do have both versions ofthe Pro, this is the Sierra. This is the new, beautiful bluecolor and this is the gold.The golden actually looksa little bit different than the previous account, like iridescent kind ofgold color on the back and then patently aroundthe edge it’s super shiny, but these both gaze so good.( upbeat music) Also, because I’m running IOS 15, I forgot that they have the livetext alternative, watch this. Oh, emergency after hours, let me take a picture of that. And I’m going to copy that telephone number and I’m gonna call them.Ready, past. Yeah, so my disaster is thatI’m so incredibly excited with the brand-new iPhone 13 that I might need some sort of resuscitation, do you guysoffer that kind of a service or what do you guys do?( beep) I believe a lot of people sometimes forget that the Pro version ofthe iPhone has the ability to shoot raw photos. This is actually incrediblebecause you’re able to shoot photos, you canedit them however you like. The iPhone automatically alreadytakes really great photos, but sometimes they dohave a little bit more of an over-processed inspect, so with fresh, you are eligible to acquire them look nonetheless you require. Another really cool new feature that I’m gonna appearance you guysis how you can now swipe to customize the examines on your camera.And this is amazing becauseif you have a certain look that you like, I lovesuper unforgettable, contrasty, saturation all the way upif you haven’t noticed. So with this, I can actuallyset that as a custom-built preset and all of the photos that I take will automaticallybe taken like that.( upbeat music) I’ve been having so much funtesting out these phones, and now it’s time to makemy little iPhone rig. I’m gonna be testing out acouple of different things, but doing this allows me tokind of get the same shot and the same angle at the same time. so we can really assess what’s going on.( upbeat music) For this measure I’m gonna try the 13 Pro Max against the 12 Pro Regular. And the difference here is in the 12 Pro, this one did not havecensorship technology, so I want to kind of seewhat the difference is as far as stabilization and I’ll show you guys thedifference in the zoom as well.Let’s take it to the streets or sidewalk. Oh, I did not see you there.( beep, upbeat music) Okay, I just wanted to testout the ultra wide now. The 12 has a defined focus so the 13, this closeup little bud rightthere, that’s all in focus and you’ll realize over here on the 12, even if I tap to try to focus, it can not. Like all this nonsense is in focus on the 13. That’s impressive.( upbeat music) This is a video that’salso shot on the mini, but likewise shot on the Pro Max.Look at you cool truck. Okay, 1X zoom, guy that 3Xreally get us that detail. Now let’s see what it looks like if we do a digital zoom allthe style into 3X on the mini. So you’ll be able toreally see the difference of visual versus digital zoom now. Let’s zoom in even moreon that 13 Pro Max. So that’s 9X digital versus3X digital on the mini. Should we get some ice cream? Probably, I have Apple pay hooked up now, so, I wonder what else Ican buy with Apple pay? So the new pouch actuallyhas detect my amalgamation, and this is pretty much very similar to the previous version.It lookings the same, feelsthe same, except for this. I haven’t positioned it up yet so you guys are witnessingthis for the first time. There’s my pocketbook, it isconnected to the back of my phone, and when I open, I can add it in so that I’ll be able to find my pouch, which is really convenientsince my last wallet got stolen. This is cool. Let’s see if I completely lost, ifI’ll be able to find it.I’m gonna go demonstrate my walletto this nice gentleman over here. Could you hold my billfold? – Sure. -[ Justine] Just, just, I’m gonna is coming for it, I’m gonna encounter it, andact like it was missing. -[ Woman] Is there fund in it? Can we get ice cream? – Do you crave some ice cream? -[ Woman] Oh no, my minors are in there. – Okay. The thing is I precisely ate lunch and I don’t really demand ice cream, so perhaps I can buysomebody else’s ice cream.Look, I just got a notification that said Justine’s wallet was detached. My wallet was left near now.( upbeat music) Look at that, there itis, it just got rained. It’s so cool. Can I buy their ice cream for them? Get whatever you want. Oh my divinity, I’m so happy, Igot to buy her ice cream. Okay, here “theres going”. Now I got to go find my billfold that I leave this being over here. Yes, back on.Cool, billfold measure, ended. You know what else, wecan do cinematic horizontal. It’s a thing. I envisage the best thing aboutcinematic is being able to adjust the opening subsequentlies since establishing an all newmeeting to fix it in pole, which I dislike to say andI also dislike to hear it.( upbeat music) I can’t believe how impressedI am with this macro mode. Like it’s honestly so incredible. The other thing that I’venoticed is it does definitely sounds like with HDR 4, the colors and everything are so much more vibrant, I’mable to really be back lit. The iPhone 13 is stimulating me so celestial.( upbeat music) Hey listen up, I’ve tried totell you this a hundred times Not getting better by lyingthere, pretending to cry You all you listen but you’remissing what it’s all about Rise up now, if you neverfall, you don’t change at all. Rise up now, have you givenup, I will never stop there. I’ve tried to help you But you stop readingbetween the lines. There’s nothing therefor you to complicate Where’d I’d align You say you listen by guessingthere’s just another side. -[ Justine] It’s on, yes. When do I have to go? How much day do I have? Now? Shoot. I meditate I got the shot. You don’t change at all. Rise up now, have you given up I will never stop there. -[ Justine] We have zoom. It really is something. Setting up for a season interval. So I’m gonna do a duration lapsewith the 13 and the 13 Pro Max .( upbeat music) Thank you guys so as you’re watching. I hope you guys experienced this video. I had the appropriate time ever, of course as ever, reviewing these telephones. There has become still more videos to come so make sure you subscribe, thumped the bell to be notified when I affix a brand-new video and be sure to leave me some comments below if you guys have any questions or anything that you would like to see metest out in the next video.And now cue the sunset term relapse.( “Pr Hagstrm – Doesn’tMatter What Is Real” ).
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