So the brand-new iphone 13 pro simulates are not that faraway and the reports of pieces just keep on rolling in so today we’ve had a brand-new reportthat the iphone 13 pro one terabyte sits are coming and everyone i’m super excitedabout this news we’ve also got the latest on the iphone 13 pro liberate appointment and prizewith a summary of everything we know so far. Hi it’s Matt here, so could we be now weeks awayfrom the launch of the iphone 13 pro mannequins so for everyone who has seen my videos before you shouldknow what the format is so far for everyone new this video will be giving you the latest leaksor reports first followed by the release date and then a epitome of the iphone 13 prototypes withthe prices also as there’s the reports coming in now for both the iphone 13 and the 13 promodels these seeps are split into two videos now so we are now in august and it’s been a whilesince wwdc we now have public betas for all of apple’s brand-new os’s including ios 15. Ios 15 isgiving iphone users new facetime features and eye message changes to name a few however expectinga few more application tweaks for the iphone 12 s or the iphone 13 for them to be married up with thenew hardware put inside so let’s talk about that new report of one terabyte as an option for theiphone 13 pro prototypes so a brand-new report has come in from web undergrowth and the known specialist of theirs isdaniel ive daniel ives is claiming he’s seen the indicate to apple investors committing them an update ofthe iphone 13 progress and too storage varies on the iphone 13 pro mannequins for more detailsabout the launch info that daniel shared in this same report do check out my last iphone 13 videoon my canal nonetheless he has also mentioned that the iphone 13 pro frameworks will get one terabyteof storage as an option that you can pick this is not the first time daniel has said this hementioned this way back in progress duration but also made the claim that the iphone 13 patterns well allof the simulates will get a lidar core this year those reports started dead after he mentioned thathowever one terabyte possible options for the pro iphone 13 prototypes does keep on popping up and it would alsomake sense for apple to introduce this as recently we had reports from label german talking about newvideo recording peculiarities so the more infinite the better later on in my video i will do a summaryabout storage options for the iphone 13 pro prototypes but this also produces me on neatly to say that allreports and discloses that are coming through are not 100 proof that they will come true for thenew iphone i is impossible to present to you what i’ve been told and shown however if you’re watchingthis video then you are as curious as i am in knowing what is going to be said about the nextiphone regardles so merely instantly guys this channel recently smacked over 200 000 subscribers and we gaveaway this macbook pro that we have right here well i have some immense report and that is we’re going tobe giving away another macbook pro and this one’s a bit more specked up over this one this one has5 12 gigabytes of storage and also has 16 gigabytes of ram inside and i’m going to be giving away thismacbook pro now to one luck customer where reference is stumbled over 230 000 subscribers so all i want to knowfrom you guys in the comments below is what apple gear are you planning to buy in 2021 with the newiphones and the brand-new macbooks and everything let me know in the comments below likewise at the same timeas well make sure you subscribe to this channel and too hit that notification buzzer because whenwe punched that 230 000 chassis of subscribers you want to be notified if you are going to be the luckysubscriber to get your hands on this macbook pro likewise at the same time as well do check out myother videos on this path including the video of when we got over 200 thousand subscribersand who we establish away this macbook pro to as well so that is the latest on openings and alsothe giveaway so let’s do the handout appointment next so last year due to the pandemic it was reallythe only year we haven’t seen a flagship iphone released in september in the last five years orso however with divulges flying around that apple has started production on the new iphone earlier thisyear it is likely we’ll get a september release in fact many reports are already showingthat this is going to be the case in 2021 with an expected september or early october launchfor all the iphone 13 prototypes united bush reporter dan ives being of the opinion that the iphone 13 assortment will beannounced during the third week of september hour that would be a little later than customary sinceapple tends to launch iphones during the first week or second week of that month but thisinformation does suggest that we may be seeing the iphone 13 freeing time as september 24 th ishould point out this is a fairly good guess and it’s based on make i’s prognosi at face valueapple often contains its iphone propel occurrence on a tuesday with pre-orders then starting on thatsame week on the friday then after this the first beckon of iphones normally arrive in customer handsthe following friday after that so this entails if ives is rectify we could be seeing the iphone 13 launching on september 14 th then pre-orders opening on september 17 and then the release of the iphone1 3 on september 24 th however at the end of this year we will also encounter other apple affairs for otherapple produces like macbooks ipads apple watch and airpods and loadings more and if you miss the latestinformation about these produces do check out my other videos on this channel and make sure youhit the agree button and the notification buzzer to get the latest info about them so nextlet’s talk about the iphone 13 pro example expenditures and the most efficient way to do this is to give you asummary of what we know so far for all the patterns let’s start with the summing-up of the iphone 13 pro as i said many more spills will come along and they’ll be added to this list this was subject tochange as it were but this is everything we know so far and also in all my other videos coming upin the future for the iphone 13 pro frameworks is that any type of seeps that kind of link to any of theinformation here i will go over those holes again so first of all the screen it will be a 6.1 inch screen just like the iphone 12 pro and it will be an ltpo conducted exhibition this is a slightlydifferent kind of display that “were having” like inside the iphone 12 the iphone 11 and below that foran ole showing but like i said other reveals are coming in to talk about that further on in othervideos but the solution of this flaunt is 2005 by 1117 likewise at the same time as well holes areshowing that we are most likely finally this year going to be getting a pro motion display and whatthat mostly signifies in normal language is a 120 hertz freshen charge parade so this basicallymeans that the expose will freshen itself 120 hours per second and finally the iphone1 3 pro would have caught up with various kinds of android rivals that too give this option rightnow for storage we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytes and for the first time one terabyteof storage as according to certain new spills we’re also guessing the a15 bionic againother seeps have talked about this and the specifications behind this actual chipset and italso come here for 5g connectivity nonetheless apple will be borrowing a qualcomm 5g modem again just likewhat they did in the iphone 12 prototypes again this iphone can be equipped with six gigabytes ofram just like the iphone 12 pro and also have a stainless steel body formulated what again is verysimilar to the design we’ve got on the 12 pro but as discloses have told us the actual made will beactually somewhat thicker to accommodate a bigger battery what i’ll get on to in a moment on therear we will have a triple camera and lidar sensor and as leaks are shown already there’s going to belots of changes and modifications to those camera setup on the back of the actual iphone 13 pro thenfor artillery length we get a bump up over the iphone 12 pro in the latest spills that we’ve had andwe’re going to be going a 3095 milliamp battery now for prices the divulges is somewhat over the placeto be fair so i’ve taken this from one note so this could change subject to closer to thelaunch of the actual iphone 13 pro so starting out we’re going to be getting a 128 gigabyte optionbut we’ll start up 1049 us dollars 256 gigabytes for 1149 u.s. dollars 512 gigabytes for 1349 usdollars and then finally one terabyte for 1549 u.s. dollars now moving on to the iphone 13 pro maxthere are a lot of shared boasts with the iphone 13 pro for example like microchip move and ram width whati’ll get on to in a few seconds but one of the main big differences has got to be the screen sizing so againwe’re going to be getting that kind of 6.78 screen and it’s going to be an ltpo oled parade andagain this is that new type of screen technology what i discuss with the iphone 13 pro theresolution on this spectacle is going to be 2778 by 1280 and again it’s going to be finally gettinga pro flow 120 hertz flaunt as countless leakages have shown this again storage sizes be similar tothe 13 pro where we get 128 gigabytes 256 gigabyte 512 gigabytes and finally a one terabyte storageoption as we have seen in previous reveals we’re likewise getting an a15 bionic chipset again whati’ve spoken about and saying that we’ve had a lot of reveals and lots of details about how that’s allgonna design and also 5g connectivity with an actual modem acquired from qualcomm inside it again sixgigabytes of ram again that stainless steel made torso very similar to the 13 pro max but like isaid like in the 13 pro it’s going to be slightly thicker according to some brand-new discloses because it’sgoing to accommodate for a bigger battery inside on the rear we do have that triple camera andlidar sensor and all of those different bits and pieces ought to have improved as we’ve seen in leaksand then again battery size is going to be bigger at 4352 milliamps for rate again starting withthe 128 gigabytes storage option it’s going to start at 1 149 u.s. dollars 256 gigabytes for 1349 512 gigabytes for 1404 us dollars and finally one terabyte the newest storage option for 1649 so as per customary with this list of boasts i’ll be keeping it revised as more reveals comeon in all the way up to the iphone 13 launch well it’s time to wrapping this up so don’tforget if you have like this video to press the like button and of course to hearthe latest iphone news apple news reviews and comparisons please do thumped subscribe followedby the bell until next time chaps see you soon
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