So this year in 2022 we’re going to begetting five brand-new iphones we’re gonna be going a brand new iphone se and we’re alsogoing to be getting four iphone 14 simulates along with that apple i’ve got some bigsurprises with the iphone lineup that I want to talk about today and I too want totalk about a lot of those features that we’re going to be getting contained in these fivemodels well without further ado let’s begin.Hi it’s Matt here, so that’s right in 2022 fivenew iphones are coming and the first iphone out of them is the iphone se in fact the iphone seis expected to be coming on the next couple of months or next few months time and there’s goingto be some big changes along with that so i’m going to talk about that first and then after thati’m going to talk about the iphone 14 mannequins so with the iphone se we’re going to be getting thisyear the next generation of this sit this are really be the third generation we’ve actuallyhad an iphone se the first one that came out was based on the iphone 5s and then we likewise had onein 2020 what was more based on the iphone 8 layout but inside that iphone we actually got an a1 3chipset inside it will increase battery life over the iphone 8 and also made things like the cameraa little bit more better and sharper generally because of that a13 chipset inside it and becauseof that machine learning bits and pieces and factors in it it prepared it a really great iphoneso what’s going to be different in 2022 with the iphone well first of all i’m actually going to putout there there is some disappointing news from what we’ve heard from what we’ve heard from lotsof leaks and rumors out there the actual overall designing of the iphone se isn’t actually going tochange at all the iphone 8 layout we’ve had or the iphone 2020 se framework blueprint we’ve had is goingto stay the same there’s not really going to be any changes whatsoever i predict a positive out ofthis is that we still will have touch id on this iphone and likewise the screen will be still that 4.7 inch length where some people out there still really like a smaller iphone but in my view if youwant a smaller iphone should go and get yourself an iphone 12 mini or a 13 mini but the item ofthe iphone sc range isn’t to be about the smallest iphone out there it’s about being a budgetiphone and the major changes that are coming with this iphone this year is that we’re going tobe getting an a15 chipset situates inside it and in cases where you want to know what that is that is thesame chipset we have right now in the likes of the ipad mini and also in the likes of the iphone 13 range so this is going to be slammed inside this iphone on top of this as well one of the biggestchanges “re gonna be all” 5g capability so this is going to be the first time that a fund iphonewill actually have 5g ability was pretty amazing now along with this a lot of you mightbe wondering what about battery life well to be honest the a15 chipset is quite an efficient chipbut with that 5g ability personally well judge battery life is probably gonna be worsethan what we’ve actually had with the iphone 2020 se simulate probably not by much but you mightprobably end up with an hour less battery life compared to that example but i guess you knowswings around about you’re getting 5g ability personally in my opinion i think it’s a little bitof a inadequate display what apple have done here with this iphone model i think they should actually borrow adesign from something else so a lot of people out there said to use like for example the iphone 10 rdesign or one iphone 11 layout and use that as the iphone se but more and more i think about it to behonest apple actually did that this would actually mean the new iphone sc sit would be a 6.1 inchmodel was quite a large one and one of the large-scale things that the iphone se is known for compared tothe rest of the lineup is actually the screen and the actual kind of overall torso generally speakingcompared to the rest of the range is smaller so i think this is why apple are protruding withthis but there again in my view you could have used for example the iphone 10 blueprint or the 10 sor even you know the iphone 11 pro scheme that we had a few years ago and i think even if we usedthat with that 5.8 inch expose that would have been a great simulation to use for the iphone se butwe have heard divulges and rumors going around that another iphone se might be coming out in 2023 witha whole new design so fingers traversed that that motif will be of that kind of iphone 10 or evenso it might even be of the iphone 11 design on iphone 10 intend we’ll precisely have to wait and seebut for now surely we’ll be coming an iphone se with 5g capability and it’s going to be verysimilar pattern to what we had in 2020 and that is going to be coming along at the springtime occurrence ina couple of months time in march or april meter so let’s move along then to the big ones let’s movealong to the iphone 14 assortment and i would say this is where the big-hearted surprises are actually happeningthe most this year well first let’s talk about the actual simulations that are going to be available wellthis year there’s going to be a bit of a change to the lineup with the iphone 12 and the iphone1 3 compas we had a mini range so we had the 12 mini and we likewise had the 13 mini and to be honestsales of these iphones have not been as good as apple expects them to be they anticipated there was aniche market for this smaller iphones and there is don’t get me wrong but not as many people havedecided to buy these iphones as apple originally intended for so because of this apple from lookingat leakages and reports out there are ditching the mini collection but what will replace it is a brand newiphone and that iphone will be known as the iphone 14 max so the 14 max will actually have the samesize screen as the likes of the pro max simulate so right now for example if we use the iphone 13 wander for example as you’ll know the iphone 13 and the iphone 13 pro have the exact same sort of bodyshape and screen width yes there’s an extra camera on the back yes “weve had” 120 hertz of refreshrate for example on the pro representation but the actual overall mold of the iphones are very very similarand in fact if you buy contingencies out there basically you can buy it for the iphone 30 and the iphone1 3 pro because mostly they are the same thing is anticipated that then with the 14 max the 14 max willbasically be the same size as the 14 pro max but clearly it’ll have a few less features in theresome of those lesser peculiarities we’re expecting is a 120 hertz freshen rate don’t think this will bein the max and also at the same time as well that extra lens and likewise those extra sort of cameraabilities what the pro max and the pro can give us they probably will not be in the 14 max but it’s really exciting to see that there’s going to be a larger kind of uh sortof median iphone out there i’m gonna call it the average iphone it’s not a budget one that’s whatthe sc is for the sort of mid-range kind of iphone collection there’s gonna be a larger screen versionso some other varies that are gonna be happening with the iphone 14 stray is of course we’ll getthe new generations of the a microchip and oh the a16 chip and probably one of the biggestchanges on the a16 is that it’ ll actually has become a four nanometer die right now with the a14 andthe a15 it’ s a five nanometer die so this base it conveys transistors and everything are made evensmaller closer together and then basically return a bit more efficiency and you can also push a bitmore performance out of the chipset in this way along with that as well we’re gonna be probablygetting some big-hearted modernizes in the camera range so for numerous many years generally speakingthe iphone range has had a 12 megapixel camera snappers on the rear all the cameras on therear have basically been 12 megapixel no matter if it’s the telephoto the wide or ultra wide they’veall been 12 megapixel this year we’re expecting for the first time they might actually jump up toaround about a 48 megapixel so it’s really really cool that this is going to be happening this yearand we’re looking forward to some great brand-new photos that will be coming out from the iphone 14 andthe 14 pro assortment with these cameras inside them now something i am only rapidly want to talk aboutand that is the giveaway that we’re doing on this direct right now and it is for this it is foran iphone 13 pro max in a silver white dye and it’s got 256 gigabytes of storage inside and i’mdoing an international giveaway with this iphone and to be in the chance to get your hands on thisiphone all i’d love to know from you guys in the comments below on this video is what apple gearyou’re planning to buy in 2022 or what technology gear you’re planning to buy in 2022 settle it down inthe comments below and make sure at the same time as well that you subscribe to this channel and hitthat notification bell if you’re brand new here because i’ll be announcing who the winneris when we get over 350 000 customers and trust me you’ll want to get that notification tosee if you’ve been the luck person to get your hands on this iphone 13 pro max something elsei just want to quickly touch on very quickly is there are a lot of scammers spammers out therewho are pretending to be me expending my mention saying that you’ve won a loot what’s at them these arescammers these are spammers perfectly ignore them as you’ve heard right here from me right now i’llonly be announcing the winner when we get over 350 000 readers and also it will be via a videoit is not be via a sense well with that out the nature i’m putting the iphone down let’s talkabout a few more peculiarities with the iphone 14 so with the actual pro versions of the iphone sothe iphone 14 pro simulates something else that’s looking like it’s going to change this year isthat we’re actually going to see come titanium person intend and this is really really going to be cooland along with that i’m just going to chuck that out there there’s actually been holes and rumorsout there that the iphone 14 will have a whole new design this year when i say a whole new designit won’t gape tremendously different to the likes of say the iphone 12 and the iphone 13 but for examplethe kind of little square block on the back with the cameras this is going to disappear and alsothose lenses get to be propagandized a little more further into the actual iphone design andsome of the makes that you can see right here are showing so this is looking really really coolon the front of the iphones especially for the iphone 14 pro simulates we’ve been told that thenotch is finally going now there has been some confusion out there recently on the internet andleaks and the two reports of what this notch is actually going to look like some people are claiming thatthe actual notch is just going to be a hole punch some people are claiming that there’s going to bea pill sort of design with some sensors inside it and some people out there even claim thatyou’re going to get a hole punch and a lozenge so it’s kind of really confusing right now butthe main thing was curving around the notch is going and it’s going to be changed rightnow i’m not going to confirm whether what that scheme is going to be because it only keepschanging so regularly but one thing like i said is very extremely specific is that the actual kind ofnotch blueprint is definitely disappearing at least on the pro frameworks but for the standard iphone 14 frameworks it’s kind of a bit of a mixed at the moment it might keep the notch it might not we justdon’t know but as time is moving forward further onward we will probably obviously catch out if it’s goingto have a notch or not for at least the 14 patterns something else that might actually behappening in 2022 to the iphone range and to be honest it’s something i’m quiteactually excited about and it’s something so basic and that is a lot of people out thereincluding the beacons will say mark german has said that the iphone sort of charging mechanism hasbeen really really confusing in the last few years so for example the likes of the macbookpro up until recently with the magsafe um you could actually blame this by usbc in factyou can still charge your macbook pro with a usb c sort of charger also the likes of most of theipad range out there likewise have usb c now apart from the 10 th or the ninth generation ipad that’sout there which continues to be use lightning and the only other major device that uses lightning right nowreally to accuse it is actually the iphone range yes i know you can still charge up your airpodswith a lightning cable and whatnot but do you get me as the standard kind of traditionalchargers and maneuvers out there the iphone still use lightning and a lot of parties wonderingis this going to switch over to usbc well as you can see here from some leaks and reports wellthe good news is there is a possibility that it could switch over to usbc and to be honestit’s really really exciting usbc has definitely taken over even apple do adore usbc because theyput it in so many of their inventions and compared to lightning it is far better and lightning hasserved as well for so many years since 2012 when it uttered its introduction with the iphone 5 but you knowthere is a time when you do need to retire it so hopefully and fingers traversed these reports aregoing to be true and that large-scale surprise is that we will finally get usbc on the iphone 14 modelswell guys that is pretty much it for the iphone 14 range in 2022 so you’ve got your five brand-new iphonesthe iphone se 2022 you have the iphone 14 iphone 14 max iphone 14 pro max and also the iphone 14 pro so a big range and a lot of changes in 2022 for all of the iphones well it’s time to wrapup this video so if you have enjoyed watching it delight do press the like button and alsoat the same time as well if you want to hear the latest apple news reviews and comparisonsplease make sure you hit that agree button followed by the notification bell until nexttime chaps i will see you really soon bye bye you
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