It’s no secret that the iPhone XRis one of my favorite iphones of all time it was one of the best valueson the market when it came out in 2018. And year after year it continues to stay relevantand get recommended when people ask me what telephone they are able to buy but now that we’re in 2022 and the rival is stronger than ever does it still make sense to buy an iPhoneXR is it still the best bang for your buck iphone on the market right now or shouldyou sell my shares and refurbish while you are eligible to when the iPhone XR was first announced alongsidethe iphone 10 s and 10 s max it was met with severe backlash due to its LCD display that had aresolution of 1792 by 828 under 1080 p but this was also before beings realized how well apple’sliquid retina displays appeared in person since this was the first of its nature so once people encountered thesedisplays in person and examined that price tag of 750 compared to a thousand dollars for the iphone1 0s they were sold and the iphone 10 r went on to become the number 1 best selling smartphonein the world in 2019 and it was easy to see why once you set aside all of your biases i intend thedisplay glances perfectly fine and your average consumer will not be able to tell the differenceespecially if they are coming from an iphone 8 or earlier this showing has genuine flavor it has the p3wide color gamut it has a 1400 to 1 compare ratio and the same peak brightness as the iphone 11 and1 2 at 625 nits so watching movies playing games and browsing the web is delightful and just normali intend it’s not like you’re going to use the phone for a week and want to sell it because the qualityof the parade is bad that’s just simply not going to happen unless you’re coming from an oleddisplay and expecting to see the same or better quality so overall the display of the iphone1 0r is as good as it gets for an lcd display and anybody who is even considering this phonein 2022 will utterly have no issue with it whatsoever but it’s more than time the full sizedisplay and the absence of a residence button it’s the back of the phone that constructs the iphone 10 r sospecial to me still to this day i think this is the cleanest and most enjoyable iphone the apple hasmade recently maybe even ever and it’s mainly due to that one solo camera on the back gapes so cleanand the fact that there are six different colourings to choose from now i will say that the durabilityis a weaker area of the iphone 10 r as “youre seeing” by some of the scrapings on the screen and alsoon the back but frankly it could have been a lot worse this phone is ip6 7 dust and liquid resistantso it can be submerged in up to one rhythm of ocean for 30 hours thankfully it’s not just one minutesubmerged in spray because i have declined this phone in a puddle more than one time actually in theocean as well but it lived and you never know that it happened if i did not tell you becausenothing has been affected by that on the display the camera or anywhere else the ports nothinghas been impacted by those plunges in the liquid the breast and the back are both made of glass andthe edges are made of aluminum so it feels solid and the sides albeit a little slick in myopinion but it apparently won’t feel as payment as the iphone 10 s or any of the other iphones with astainless steel frame but if you use a contingency all of this is going to be irrelevant to you anyways nowunderneath the notch on the breast of the expose is the front-facing camera and when i first gotthe iphone 10 r i used it a good deal i made a lot of selfies and even videos from the front-facingcamera and everything was fine everything was perfect it was frankly nothing special it wasjust about what you expect from a front-facing camera of an iphone it wasn’t a huge jump up fromthe iphone 10 so everything was fine but now that we have the iphone 11 the iphone 12 and theiphone 13 and after we’ve seen how they play when i go back to the iphone 10 r you know herein 2022 “i know i m” frankly extremely underwhelmed not only by the image quality but likewise the videobeing limited to precisely 1080 p and sure you can point to the 7 megapixel lens as the issue but it’sdeeper than that it’s mainly due to the chipset inside and that next generation of computationalphotography aka smart-alecky hdr that was introduced with the iphone 11 the year after the iphone1 0r release so we still have smart hdr here with the front-facing camera but the next gen thegen 2 of smart-alecky hdr is what really started to turn you know the the quality and only build everythingso much better but with all that being said the selfie camera on the 10 r is not bad i convey i’mjust comparing it to the latest and greatest so of course it’s not going to be as good your facetimecalls your snapchat selfies everything is going to look perfectly fine peculiarly if there iscompression involved like on facetime or social media the iphone 10 rs front-facing camera isgoing to look just about as good as the most recent and greatest when there is compression involved andthe tale is pretty same when it comes to the rear-facing camera on the iphone 10 r so we do havea single 12 megapixel f 1.8 lens which gapes a lot less potent compared to the crazy lenses on theback of the phones today but as i said earlier it’s a big part of the reason i love the lookof the iphone 10 r so much it merely searches so clean-living with only one tiny lens i don’t know what itis about it it time appears impressive but anyways as we talked about before it’s not as much aboutwhat’s on the outside it’s more about what’s on the inside and what we’re referencing here is thatpost image processing and the iphone 10 r was one of the first three telephones that had smart hdr sinceit was introduced in 2018 with apple’s a12 bionic chip smart hdr improved the dynamic range itimproved the colors and simply the overall watch and feel of photos was so much better like it was veryobvious how considerably better photos gaped compared to the iphone 10 and prior iphones at the timeeverything just popped more and it wasn’t really because of the lens the sorcery was what happenedduring and after the photo was taken and the game would be changed from this part on now of courselike with everything there are some drawbacks due to only having that one single lens and themain one is zoom so we do not get that handy 2x or 3x button to tap to zoom readily we haveto digitally zoom with our digits and rely on the software to crop into the shot and thisobviously leads to very poor and grainy decisions so i did genuinely miss zooming in while i was youknow shooting photographs and videos on the iphone 10 r but frankly it’s not the end of the worldespecially if you are not used to zooming in regardless if you don’t like zooming in this isnot going to be a big deal to you but once you get used to that telephoto lens obviously it’shard to go back to something without a telephoto lens another thing i missed when switching backto the tnr here in 2022 is portrait mode more specifically shooting objects and photograph modeand that’s because the iphone 10 r is impossible to shoot portrait shots of parties we likewise is not getnight mode or deep synthesi on the iphone 10 r and darknes mode i candidly don’t give very oftenanyway so i didn’t really miss it too much but deep fusion actually makes a difference inthe detail of epitomes and videos so i did miss the sharper personas from the iphone 11 through theiphone 13 but overall compared to the iphone 11 and 12 there’s really not a big differencein photo or video excellence especially if you are not pixel peeping and nitpicking like i am yesthey’re gonna make slightly better photos and videos thanks to deep fusion a more advancedversion of smart-alecky hdr again that second and third generation of smart-alecky hdr and of course thedual camera setup but the difference will not be worth the extra money for 90 of beings now on theother pas compared to the iphone 13 i do think there’s a big gap in both the photoand video quality both from the breast and the buttock facing cameras but again if you’re looking ata 10 r and 20 22 you likely are not trying to pay at least double the cost for the iphone 13 butif you are looking for confirmation on ameliorating from a 10 r to a 13 i think that’s an excellentand frankly a terribly honorable upgrade and we’ll talk more about that following the adjournment of this video butoverall the camera on the 10 r is still very solid here in 2022 even after working the most wonderful of thebest with the iphone 13 pro max there are just a few aspects missing but if you never had them tobegin with you won’t be missing them so it won’t be a big deal for you everything’s going to bejust fine with this camera and since we talked so much about that chipset inside let’s continueby discussing the implementation of its so the iphone 10 r has the a12 bionic chipping which is the same chipfound in the iphone 10 s 10 s max and even the 2020 ipad 8th generation so it’s obviously a verypowerful chip and using it here in 2022 candidly feels great you know we spend so much time doingthese speed research here on youtube to see how much faster the iphone 13 is compared to the iphone 10 rbut when you separate them and time use one device you care a lot less about how it compares tothe latest and greatest iphones because this 10 r moves perfectly fine now almost four years lateri’ve been using this phone every day for the past two two and a half weeks so i’vebeen using social media i’ve been gaming i’ve been assure my music through the homepodi’ve been texting i’ve been shop the web and pretty much everything you commonly do ina day and i’ve had zero editions so far i want no issues whatsoever now i will admit that thedisplay sounds a lot less you know good and colourful nowadays since i am used to that crazy 120 hertzpromotion display on the iphone 13 pro but again if you’re not come that the exhibition isperfectly fine as is the performance yes there are periodic hiccups but never anything too badi’ve not had to restart the device for any reason at all another major selling point for the iphone1 0r ever since it was first introduced is the battery life and the iphone 10 r has participatedin my massive battery drain comparison videos now on the path and it’s fared very wellagainst phones with bigger artilleries and more powerful chipsets so it’s always been abeast when it comes to the battery life and the funny thing about it is the apple actuallyclaimed the iphone 10 r will get you 16 hours of video playback or 65 hours of audio playback andwhat shapes that so funny is because those alleges were bolder than what apple advertised for theiphone 10 s and 10 s max their two flagship phones of 2018 so that’ s another reason i think that alot of beings genuinely gravitated to the iphone 10 r to begin with because it had immense battery lifeeven better than the flagships while also being inexpensive and still rocking that modern edge-to-edgedisplay this modern glance that we realise right here even still on today’s iphones aside fromthe edges i intend it looks very very similar to today’s iphones but anyways here in 2022 it’scrazy to say but the iphone 10 r is holding up extremely well in at the artillery agency aswell i was not able to quite make it through a full day like i used to be able to back in 2018 honestly through 2020 i want 2021 and then now going into 2022 i’m not able to get through anentire day so we’re starting to see some wear on that battery but it roughly goes me there i meanit previous me almost the part daytime now awarded i don’t use it as much as i use like my iphone 13 but still i symbolize battery life is perfectly fine and most people are not going to have any issuewith the battery life on the 10 r and if you’re wondering about my artillery state on this phoneyou can see here we have a maximum capacity of 95 so i never supplanted the battery i’m still rockinga 95 artillery ability which is pretty good if you ask me and if you’re looking to buy an iphone1 0 are used make sure you look for one with a 98 to 95 or higher maximum capacity right herenow with all that being said let’s answer the great question and actually the level of this videoshould you still buy the iphone 10 r and 2022 and if you have one now should you keep it or shouldyou upgrade it to a newer iphone so first off i think the iphone 10 r is still a superb cost in2022 now you can’t buy them new from apple anymore but you can buy them in enormous health fromplaces like ebay and i actually just recently made a video presentation you how to get the best dealson utilized iphones without coming scammed so you’ll unquestionably want to check that out before going topurchase an iphone 10 r online so if you look at the current becoming rates for the iphone 10 r you’llsee that they’re going for anywhere from about 200 to 350 depending on the condition and the storagecapacity now i will say that you should only consider looking at the iphone 10 r with a 128 gigabyte you know internal memory or higher don’t go for the 64 gigabyte and you know if you narrowyour search results down you will see that there are more in the 300 stray for the 128 whichhonestly is still an amazing deal extremely is of the view that these sold brand-new for 750 really a fewyears back so yes i think the iphone 10 r is worth every penny if you can get one in batch conditionwith a 90 plus percent battery ability peculiarly if you’re coming from an iphone 6s an iphone 7 oran iphone 8. Now if you currently have an iphone 10 r should you upgrade now or should be used hold onto it for a bit while longer maybe another year or two and to this i would normally say to hold onfor a little bit longer but candidly with how good the iphone 13 is i would strongly considerupgrading to this either this year or wait until you know in the end of the year when the iphone 14 does exhausted and the iphone 13 puts a little bit and rate i think that we reached a whole newlevel with the iphone 13 and pretty much every category so in my opinion it is worth upgradingfrom the iphone 10 r if you have one right now now you might want to wait again for the 14 toget liberated to get a price drop on the 13 but i would not disagree with you if you merely decidedto upgrade right now and pay the full price for the iphone 13. I represent it’s really that good buti understand everybody is not in the position financially to do that but even if you if you couldsave up for a little bit i would candidly go for the iphone 13 but still i’m not taking anythingaway from the iphone 10 r because this is still a awesome phone at a marvelous premium here in 2022 and if you do decide to hold on to the iphone 10 r or if you’re just planning on getting one soonrest assured you will be getting software updates for at least another two to three years so youdon’t have to worry about the phone exactly becoming obsolete you know next year or even the yearafter that you’re gonna get again at least a bare minimum two to three years of software supportyou’re gonna get all the brand-new the characteristics and things like that so there you have it that is my opinionon the iphone 10 r and 2022. I affection this phone to fatality again it’s one of my favorite designings of alltime genuinely one of my favorite iphones of all time so it’s no surprise that i’m still recommendingit now and at 2022. so if you have any reckons to share let me know with a comment down belowif you enjoyed this video i would appreciate if you make it a thumbs up and of course make sure tosubscribe for a lot more long-term iphone recollects just like this one but anyways people thanksagain for watching and i’ll see you soon you
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