what’s up chaps my reputation is Brandon and i’ve beenusing the iphone 11 frequently ever since it was released back in 2019, and now that it’s the oldestiphone currently sold by apple i wanted to compare it to the latest and greatest telephone they sellthe iphone 13. so in this video we’re going to be doing an in-depth comparison to help become yourdecision much easier should you buy the iphone 13 or save over 300 and go for the iphone 11 andif you have the iphone 11 right now should you upgrade to the iphone 13. let’s talk about it soeven though the iphone 11 is the oldest iphone you can buy brand-new from apple if you established it to arandom person on the street and told them it was the iphone 13 they probably wouldn’t question younow of course if you keep up with every new iphone and pay close attention to detail youwould know that this is not the iphone 13 because of the rounded hems the bigger notch onthe front and the horizontal stacking camera setup and if you turn both phones on you would see thatyou have an lcd display on the iphone 11 versus an oled display on the iphone 13. So the point is theiphone 11 is just two years old and in my opinion it is the best value iphone out there right nowand while that sounds great for some of you for others you might just want to cough up the extra3 00 horses to prevent future regret and you’ll understand what i mean by the end of this videoso the iphone 11 now costs 499 dollars for 64 gigabytes while the 13 rate 8.29 for 128 gigabytesnow you are eligible to get the 128 gigabyte iphone 11 for 5.49 so still a roughly 300 divergence withthe same amount of storage on each now the 13 does come in five colourings while the 11 comes in sixcolors and i personally like the pigment selection of the iphone 11 the best specially this purplecolor and the pure white-hot colour that they used for the iphone 11 s but of course that will come downto personal preference and i did just mention the design briefly but the primary external differencebetween these two is the overall chassis and you have to hold both of them truly side by sideor at least have suffer with both of them to really understand the difference in the chassis wehave routed off recess on the iphone 11 compared to the flat hem intend of the iphone 13. Andalso if you take a look at the side button it is a little bit larger on the iphone 13 and it alsogoes down on the body a little bit more compared to the iphone 11. now because of those curvededges we do also have a taller and wider phone exactly in general we have the same 6.1 inch displaybut the phone’s blueprint is just bigger on the iphone 11 because it is wider and taller now itis also lighter than the iphone 13 the iphone 13 is about 20 grams heavier than the iphone 11 andwe do likewise get the 20 smaller notch in width but you can still see it is a little bit talleron the 13 than the notch was on the iphone 11 nonetheless i would not focus on that notch prettymuch at all i imply it compiles zero difference when using the phone on a day-to-day basis andafter about a week or a month of using it you probably won’t even notice it at all both phoneshave a glass front and back with aluminum lines but when you flip them over to the back you cansee that both have a dual camera setup but the iphone 13 has much bigger lenses and they are alsoaligned oblique compared to the vertical setup on the iphone 11. There is also a slight differencein stability so the iphone 13 has what apple calls the ceramic shield on the figurehead glass whichoffers up to four times better cease resistance compared to the front glass of the iphone 11 so the screen is not going to crack as readily which is a plus but it is also ip6 8 rated for sixmeters underwater for up to 30 instants is comparable to two meters on the iphone 11. so you will have aslightly more durable maneuver with the iphone 13 but if you rock a screen protector especially oneof these glass screen defenders and you don’t go near water very often this is not going to be avery big deal to you now right once you turn these two telephones on you are going to notice a prettybig difference in the spectacle and that’s because the iphone 13 has an oled spectacle compared to thelcd display on the iphone 11. both telephones have the same 6.1 inch spectacle width but the iphone 11 has a1 792 by 828 resolve at 326 ppi with a 1400 to 1 contrast rate while the iphone 13 has a 25 32 by 1170 resolution at 460 ppi with a 2 million to 1 contrast ratio so the iphone 13 is alsobrighter with a max brightness of 800 nits is comparable to 625 on at the iphone 11 so yes thereis going to be a moderately observable divergence and that’s really a big chunk of that3 00 rate differences in that display but if you’ve never consumed an oled manoeuvre beforelike if you’re coming from you know if you’re looking to upgrade from like an iphone 7 iphone8 you are familiar with or even iphone 10 r the fluid retina display on the iphone 11 seeks perfectly fine it’sreally one of the best lcd spectacles on the market maybe even the best one on the market period soit’s not like tone it’s going to be bad or anything there’s just always a big rush when yougo lcd to oled for any manufacturer and extremely like on tvs pretty much anything you’re going tosee a big difference when you go lcd to oled but once again your movies your videos your tv showswhatever you want to watch is going to look better due to that oled spectacle you’re going to noticetext being sharper like when you’re browsing on social media or in safari your text is going tobe a lot sharper and more easy to read the pitch-blacks are going to look much darker especially in lowerlight environments and you’ll be able to view hdr video in its full character due to that oled displayand as for the speaker quality the iphone 13 is a little bit louder i don’t generally play musicor videos very loud on the external speakers because i typically have airpods in but the timesi have done it i have noticed the iphone 13 is louder it’s not going to make a massivedifference but if you provide them side by side and set a meter up to them you will see that theiphone 13 has louder external talkers all right so now we need to talk about the camera on thesetwo telephones because the iphone 11 had an excellent camera when it was released but now apple hasoutdone themselves and the iphone 13 camera is utterly maniac the photos and especiallythe videos that it creates are simply stunning and speaking of photos and videos today’s sponsorcanva is going to help you fix those photos and videos examine even better so we know that canva isthe world’s leading design platform and it runs great on desktop but honestly i think their freeapp is even more useful and occasion efficient so i use it to color grade and edit photos quicklylike this one and most of the time it’s even faster than photoshop to achieve practically thesame cause so i use it all the time for that or sometimes i’ll use it to quickly remove thebackground from an epitome you can add all types of different upshots you can animate the photo andyou can even rapidly impel mock-ups from their big-hearted selection of pre-made templates and of courseone of my favorite features of canva overall is using it to create engaging instagram storiesand actually if you go to my instagram right now you will see this story that i created usingcanva all within like 10 instants maybe from squandering the app “ive tried” out a lot of differentthings so you can determine them really quick and they inspect stunning on instagram they certainly sounds andeven if you are not a make canva is a really great platform to create things like invoicesmedia equipment resumes pretty much anything that you would use in a professional setting youcan create on canva and it’s probably gonna seem a little better than something you would comeup with from scratch and that’s my favorite thing about canva you never have to worryabout coming up with anything from scratch because there are just so many pre-made templatesthat you can modify so if you demand be made available to all of the premium aftermaths templates and capital imageswhile also being able to collaborate in real occasion with a squad of up to five people click the firstlink in the description to try canva pro for free for 45 days this is going to be your bestway to try out canva and all of the infinite alternatives that it wreaks so if we snap thesephones around to the back you will see that we do have a different alignment for the cameras on theback and while that doesn’t make a difference in the quality if you look at the size of the lensesthemselves you are able to instantaneously experience the difference the iphone 13 lenses are much larger than thoseon the iphone 11. Now both telephones have the same type of lenses so we have a wide and an ultra wideangle lens but of course the opening because of the bigger size of the lens on the 13 and likewise thepost epitome processing makes all of the distinctions between these two so the ultra wide lens is f 2.4 on both but the main wide inclination lens has an f 1.6 gap on the iphone 13 compared to f 1.8 onthe iphone 11 so that means that the 13 is going to perform better in low-pitched light-footed without eventaking into account the software betters based on the chipset inside so both phones havenight procedure deep synthesi sketch procedure some constitute of idol stabilization and the same 2x opticaland 5x digital zoom ranks but as far as smart hdr which is apple’s pole portrait processing theiphone 11 has smart hdr2 the second generation while the iphone 13 has the fourth contemporary ofsmart hdr smart-alecky hdr4 and while it might not seem like much of a difference it is apple has comea very long way in two years and that a15 bionic chipping assists with that so the colors and the dynamicrange will be noticeably better on the iphone 13 really in any environment but it certainly excelsin mid and especially low sunlight places the photos it displays are just simply incredibleand even the iphone 11 pro max would not be able to compete with the iphone 13 let alone theregular iphone 11. We likewise get photographic styles for the iphone 13 alone so this is acool feature that pretty much throws like instagram filters on your camera work as you can seewe have warm cool vibrant and rich differentiate and you can actually modify these as well to changeyou know the intensity of those right there and it actually makes every picture from here on outwith that filter you turn in so you can’t change it after you take the photo but you can changeit like in your establisheds and things like that of course you can change it from the camera app righthere as well if you time swipe up you can change it back to standard so that’s pretty cool a prettycool feature that is exclusive to the iphone 13 which can enhance your photos i frankly don’tfind myself abusing it too much but it is pretty cool to have there in case you wanted to use itnow as for video it’s a same tale so we have the same on paper specs with the addition of hdrrecording cinematic procedure and nighttime procedure era fault for the iphone 13. Now i personally is not shoot aton of video and hdr just simply because a great deal of parties don’t have hdr presentations more to view thevideos in their full tone but hdr video is simply amazing don’t get me wrong i make i wouldrecord it if it was more and if it cultivated better with other phones and just when i export it to mycomputer and things like that it just doesn’t work immense right now with third-party applicationsor third-party editing programs and really any display out there right now not everybody has anhdr display so the brightness you know the quality is far superior to any video not shot in hdrevery time i shoot a video in low-grade light i bid it was shot in hdr because it’s just such amassive difference between the two but once again i don’t think it’s a deal breaker for anybody atleast it shouldn’t be so hdr video is cool and it is a big plus but cinematic mode in my opiniontakes things to a whole other position so the ability to shoot video that looks like it was shot ona professional camera and the fact that you could change the focus spots you know after youshoot the video so if i shoot this right now in cinematic procedure and i go ahead and attitude it you cansee up here it registers it was shot in cinematic if i tap on revise take a look at this i could changethe bokeh and the background and alteration when focus is shifted from one person to another by pressinglike this button right here you can just do a great deal and pole you know after you shoot a cinematicvideo which is just awesome and you can see right here there’s just so many adjustments youcould do and this is something that is a ton of fun of course if you’re not really into videothis isn’t going to be big for you but if you desire shooting cinematic mode videos this is goingto be an awesome awesome feature now as for the front-facing camera this is also an area wherethere is a massive difference in camera quality and i don’t see too many people talking aboutthis a lot of people say it’s a small inconsistency in the front-facing camera but i sidestep to differand i have so much proof that the iphone 13′ s front-facing camera is so much better even thanthe iphone 12 but extremely over the iphone 11. so selfies taken on the iphone 13 merely constantlyblow me away ever since the first day i got the phone i noticed how incredible the front-facingphotos are now once again both telephones have nearly identical on-paper specs but the iphone 13 usesthat smart-alecky hdr4 processing to stimulate selfies look incredible and at the same time not reallybeautifying your face it doesn’t look like you’re wearing a cluster of makeup when you take selfies soit’s great the apple found various kinds of an in-between with a great quality while also not clearing yourface look like it’s full of makeup now you do likewise have night mode penetrating fusion and cinematic procedure andhdr recording on the front-facing camera of the iphone 13 none of which the iphone 11 have so thebiggest ones of course are going to be night mode and deep synthesi so those are huge for photos andof course hdr video on the front-facing camera is fine although i don’t learn myself recordingfrom the front-facing camera really at all i don’t think i ever have and then likewise cinematicmode again i don’t see myself ever utilizing that on the front-facing camera so those will be minor butnight mode and deep synthesi and smart-alecky hdr4 on the front-facing camera are huge so if you’re reallyinto photos and videos and you always want to have the best quality possible go with the iphone1 3. It’s going to be worth the extra cost and you’re going to be much happier with that rely mei’m in the same boat but on the other end if you don’t need the best quality and you’re fine withjust the quality that your current phone displays or maybe slightly better then i would just leantowards the iphone 11 because again the quality is still going to be excellent on the iphone 11 the iphone 13 just takes everything to a whole new level for both photos and video and especiallyif you have an iphone 6s 7 8 or even the iphone 10 the iphone 11 camera is going to be excellentit’s going to be a big leap for you because in my opinion the cameras didn’t really get good quoteunquote good on the iphone until the iphone 10 r came out with that smart hdr boast the iphone1 0r and iphone 10 s so if you have anything before the iphone 10 r the iphone 11 aspect is going tobe a big jump and then the iphone 13 again just takes all is a brand-new stage and it’s insanelygood but not everybody is going to need that or wanted to go and one of the biggest reasonsthat the cameras are so good on the iphone 13 is because of the chipset inside so the a15 bionicchip is more than 20 faster than the a13 bionic found in the iphone 11 but that’s not it we alsohave a 16 core neural machine which is doubled the course of the a13 chip so gaming multitasking andjust typical day-to-day tasks will be a little bit faster on the iphone 13 but it’s not something iwould refurbish solely for i don’t think that it’s worth 300 just for the performance improvementsnow on the other end one thing i would consider upgrading for is the better battery life andthat’s because the iphone 13 regularly goes me about an hour and a half to sometimes two hourslonger of battery life over the iphone 11. So the reason for this is of course because of that oleddisplay so it’s going to turn off those black pixels peculiarly if you always go into nightmode if you go into dark mode right here you’ll ever look these pixels exactly completely turned offinstead of an lcd you know powering those pitch-black pixels on an lcd parade so we have that we alsohave the more energy efficient a15 chip inside and then also the size of the physical artillery isstarting to matter less and little as hour goes on but it is even bigger in the iphone 13 as wellnow if you’re always at home or ever around a charger this is not going to make a big differenceat all but if you are constantly forgetting to charge your telephone especially at night or if you’rejust always out and about or merely ever at work throughout the entire day and you can’t have youknow access to a charger the iphone 13 might be worth paying up for because that artillery will lastup to two hours longer maybe even more depending on how you use the phone and then lastly i wantedto discuss the connectivity because the iphone 13 has 5g with those qualcomm modems while the iphone1 1 applications 4g lte so telephone calls and races will be playing better on the iphone 13 even if youare just using lt exclusively mode so if you is entered into your cadre connectivity fixeds and turned 5g offyou would still notice better achievement on lte over the iphone 11. So with all of that beingsaid should you buy the iphone 11 or the iphone 13 and if you have an iphone 11 currently should youupgrade to the iphone 13 and as usual the answer just depends so i’d say that if camera andvideo quality is your number one priority in a smartphone then just go with the iphone1 3 and don’t think twice it’s worth the 300 difference for those you know who want thebest of the best those who want to shoot 4k hdr video those who want to shoot you know top-notchselfies and those who want to shoot cool videos in cinematic state it’s going to be worth it for youbut if you don’t need the best of the best in the camera department that 300 premium differencereally starts to look a lot less intriguing now you do get a much better display much betterbattery life and more durability and even slightly better performance but is that worth 300 to youyeah i don’t know i mean i think that the better display could be worth it for some people but idon’t think that the slightly better battery life slightly better performance and you know slightlybetter durability is worth 300 bucks at least to me personally so here’s who i think should getthe iphone 11 over the iphone 13. I think it’s for those who do not use their phone for seven plushours a day so if you principally really use your phone for work for texting for announcing and maybe somesocial media browsing or watching youtube videos you don’t need the iphone 13. the iphone 11 isgoing to be a terrific phone for you even if you currently have an iphone 10 r now if you havean iphone 10 s then i would consider selling it for the iphone 13 and that’s because you willprobably want to stick with an oled exhibition and not lcd and plus you will be able to sellit you know on ebay or facebook marketplace and get some good money out of it to put towards thatiphone 13. Now if you have an iphone 11 currently should you upgrade to the iphone 13 and i sayonce again if you care about the camera quality a lot like your number one priority then yes youshould and same with the battery life although the difference isn’t nearly as significantas it is with the camera or even the flaunt so i’d say that you know camera quality numberone display number two in terms of importance to you but the difference in accomplishment connectivitydurability and really overall software suffer is very very minor so i think you’re much better offwaiting to see what apple does with the iphone 14 because they could even wreaking that 120 hertzrefresh pace to the base model so we don’t know about that yet but that would be huge and a muchmore honourable modernize for a same toll difference so just something to consider oh and i shouldalso mention the body so a lot of beings promote the bowed person wording of the iphone 11 it’s alsolighter and comes in more colorings so if you haven’t picked up an iphone 13 is how you like it youknow that boxy feel in your hand go to your local apple collect or best buy and hold one to see whichone you prefer because they feel totally different in the pas but anyways chaps there you haveit that is my comparison of the iphone 11 to the iphone 13 after over two months of usage onthe iphone 13 and over two years of usage on the iphone 11. So i hope you guys enjoyed this videoi hope this helped you make a better obtaining decision if it did or if “youve had” more questionsthat you are interested in me to answer leave them down in specific comments below but if you did enjoy thisvideo i would appreciate if you hand it a thumbs up and of course make sure to subscribe for a lotmore iphone comparisons but anyways people thanks again for watching thanks again to canva forsponsoring this video and i will see you very soon you
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