Pne of the best segments of news we love to hearis a new battery boost to an iphone and that is exactly what is coming to the 2022 iphones theiphone 14 is set to improve its battery increase over the iphone 13 with this new report and you’reprobably wondering how this is going to be done well today let’s go over all these items andalso give you the most recent on the iphone 14 pro exhaust time and toll as well so as alreadymentioned in the last couple of iphone 14 videos but employ i’m switching things up a bit withthese videos i’m now going to give you the latest on a law report of a feature for the iphone 14 examples and briefly go over the iphone 14 secrete year and price as well however about formerly everythree to four weeks i’m likewise going to give you a summary of how the iphone 14 patterns are shaping upin aspects that will be coming up in a couple of weeks time so next let’s talk about that batteryboost apple has always had a way of furnish a smaller than average battery in the body to ratiosize to other phones out there for example the 6.8 inch galaxy s22 ultra and even the older s21 ultraoffers a 5 000 milliamp artillery hitherto the iphone 13 pro planneds with a 6.7 inch screen furnishes a 4 352 milliamp battery but is available with around 20 to 25 more battery life than those in those samsungphones i just mentioned apple simply have a way of making such a technology most effective and itseems like this is going to be happening again right now nothing has been said of any of theiphone 14 representations actually getting a bigger battery inside nonetheless we have had a report showing thatthe current 5g modem from snapdragon inside the iphone 13 will be replaced with a smaller modemas it will be created on a smaller nanometer die this in return will want the 5g chipping will be moreefficient and as everyone will remember the iphone 12 simulates came out and we all noticed that batterylife was worse than compared to say the iphone 11. this was mainly due to because of 5g antennasbeing added to the iphone but now with this being improved not only with the chipset being smallerit will entail there will likewise be more space inside the iphone 14 to fit a slightly larger batteryas well with all of this the efficiency and also possibly a slightly bigger artillery it does meanthat we possibly could seen around about a 10 gain in battery life now you may not think that1 0 got a lot but say if your artillery lasted you 15 hours a day this represents now compared to the iphone1 4 models your actual battery life would last 17 hours instead this again means that apple will beextending its precede in battery life even further to what they are doing right now compared to saythe likes of the samsung galaxy s22 ultra so next handout time and premium but now is a good time thenmore than ever to mention that all reports and divulges that you are seeing right here are not 100 proof that they will come true with the new iphone i can only present you what reports or informationthat is out there nonetheless if you are watching this video you’re as bizarre as i am and knowing whatis going to be said about the next generation iphone anyway so really abruptly guys recently thischannel come over 300 000 subscribers what is absolutely amazing so in celebration of thisi’ve decided to do a giveaway of this it is an iphone 13 pro max and it is in white silver andit’s a 256 gigabyte representation alternative so recently i’ve given away a sierra blue one when we got over 300000 readers and i’m going to be giving away this iphone 13 pro max when we get over 350 000 readers and all you need to do to enter into this international giveaway is just write downin specific comments below of what apple gear you’re planning to buy in 2022 write it down in thecomments below and too at the same time as well make sure you subscribe to this channel andalso thumped that notification buzzer because i’ll be discovering who the win is when we get over3 50 000 readers via a video and you won’t want to miss that notification for that video nowquickly i just want to mention as well sadly there are a number of scammers and spammers out therewho use my face for example and likewise tell you to what’s up them “thats really not” me and i’m afraidthey’re not giving away any giveaways out there i’m the only one who’s doing the giveaway and youcan make sure it’s me by seeing that there’s a tick next to my actual appoint and too like i saidthat any comments or anything will have that click but the actual giveaway itself will be on thatactual video when we get over 350 000 customers not before well with that out of the way let’sreturn back to the video so let’s do the freeing date and premiums next so based on no chip shortagesor constituents being hard to come by from now until the end of time 2022 it is believed thatthe iphone 14 pro and other iphone 14 poses is likely to be out at the end of september 2022. Howdo we know that the handout appointment is going to be the end of september well let me just doa quick history lesson of iphone releases so if we go back to the iphone 4s in 2011 thisclassic iphone came out on october 14 th that year then bounce a year to 2012 with the iphone 5 itwas september 21 st 2012. then let’s bounce a few years ahead of that 2016 where it was the iphone7 and the 7 plus and the freeing time for that was september 16 th in 2019 we ascertained the releaseof the iphone 10 s on september 21 st and the 10 r on october 26 th and last year for example with theiphone 12 models the freeing dates were october 23 rd to november 13 th now mainly you can seerelease dates have it either been kind of mid-end september to kind of end october there’s somethingspecial coming out or something a bit different with the central exclusion of 2021 where it was a bitunusual for the iphone 12 to come out a bit later but this was due to covid we are therefore did have a releaseon all the examples however this year in 2021 we’re back on schedule with the iphone 13 and that’sbeing secreted at the end of september with all four sits having a date of their handout ofseptember 24 th so for 2022 apple be proposing an episode just before this happens however we’ll seeanother incident for other apple makes like that macbooks ipads apple watch airports and ladens moreother bits and pieces around that time and if you crave more info about those commodities do check outmy other videos on this path and make sure you stumbled the subscribe button and notification buzzer toget the latest news on them and also if you demand the latest news on the iphone 14 for example withother spills and rumors i’ve been agitate around time check out my other videos on this channelas well so for pricing it is believed that all iphone 14 modelings will start with 128 gigabytes ofstorage at being the smallest amount this year so it’s quite easy how the pricing is going to workthis year the cheapest iphone 14 will be the normal 14 is the beginning at 799 u.s. dollars then thatnew 14 max pose is just a hundred dollars more at 899 us dollars after this with the pro patterns thenormal 14 pro will be starting at 999 us dollars and then finally the 14 pro max will start at1099 us dollars so you can see here that each iphone rank simply increases by a hundred dollarsfor the lowest storage option on each model but if you crave the full specs and how this is going tolook with the pricing with all the various specs and all the different iphone prototypes out there asmentioned i’ll be making a summary video every three to four weeks showing all of those specs soif you emphatically want to see that and likewise get the latest on apple news reviews and comparisonsmake sure you guys subscribe to this channel and likewise punched that notification buzzer and with thati will see you soon guys take care now bye bye
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