That's right guys you read that correct 
touchscreen MacBooks are on their way   and they're coming sooner than you think so today 
what I want to talk about is when are these brand   new touchscreen MacBooks on their way and what 
other technology is coming along with them and   also the history of why we've only started to get 
touchscreen MacBooks now and why we haven't had   them say 10 years ago or so so let's first of all 
talk about when touchscreen MacBooks are on their   way so believe it or not it goes back to a post 
that we had from Russia at the end of 2022 where   he said that the first OLED MacBook Air is on its 
way and it could be coming at the end of 2024. now   just in case you didn't know right now the Mac 
for air uses an LCD sort of Retina Display and   we've had this technology a long long time and 
the likes of say the iPads uses technology too   except for the 12.9 inch iPad Pro what uses mini 
LED technology energy and this technology is also   in the 14th and 16 inch MacBook Pro and this will 
come relevant very very soon as you will see but   the main thing is an OLED display is not in any of 
Apple's sort of iPad lines or their MacBook lines   at all at the moment in fact we only have OLED 
displays in the likes of say the Apple watch and   we also have them in our iPhones and specifically 
mainly all the iPhones it's the iPhone 12 have an   OLED display don't get me wrong the iPhone 10 was 
actually the first iPhone to get an OLED display   but the lights say the iPhone 8 or came out that 
year and the year after every year the iPhone 10r   and even the iPhone 11 the basic one still has an 
LCD display it wasn't until the iPhone 12 where   everything switched over to OLED and since then 
we've had improvements like Pro motion and things   like this but for bigger displays we've actually 
had a mini LED display as we've seen like I said   in the iPad Pro and also in the 14th and 16 inch 
MacBook Pro but if you know any think about mini   LED and OLED technology you'll know that OLED 
technology is a bit more Superior it gives that   sort of more vibrant kind of look and it also 
sort of brightens UPS colors and also it's really   really power efficient and it looks like finally 
this could be coming to the MacBook Air at least   now the reason why I'm talking about these OLED 
displays is because I believe there's more to the   picture here as we've seen here we have another 
report coming from minchi quo as well as your   boss young who said that we would be getting OLED 
display he also confirmed that minchi quo saying   that it's coming in the end of 2024 early 2025. 
what does kind of make sense that the brand new   sort of MacBook Air this is the 13 inch model not 
the new plus model we're expecting this year that   we will have the M3 chipset will come out in 
2024 because by that sort of time you know I   would actually say that it's probably been about 
you know just under two years since the M2 MacBook   Air came out so it's due that refresh around that 
time but what's also most likely going to happen   is soon after that MacBook Air gets an OLED 
display we'll be wondering about the likes   to say the MacBook Pro well as you know we're 
expecting the 14 and the 16 inch MacBook Pro   with the M2 Pro and the M2 Max to be released 
this year around spring or summer time and if   you do your calculations probably around about 18 
months later or so we hit early sort of 2025 and   that is when it's probably an OLED display will be 
also added to the MacBook Pro lineup and in fact   if you look here at an article from Mark German 
he's also confirmed that basically touchscreen   technology is coming to the MacBook Pros as well 
in early 2025 so this makes complete sense that   for Apple to first of all make their MacBook airs 
to have this OLED technology then to move over to   the MacBook Pro in early 2025 to also have OLED 
screen and also to make that screen also touch   screen so this would to be I'm talking about 
the M3 Pro and the M3 Max chipset and it would   have these enhancements to the 14 inch and the 
16 inch MacBook Pros to have these new screens   in them with touch screen ability so it's really 
really exciting to hear that this is how Apple   will be raising the bar with their displays in 
the next sort of generation of MacBooks after   the generation that we have coming out right now 
but you're probably wondering at this stage why   is it taking Apple so long to put actual touch 
screens into their sort of MacBook sort of models   and everything like that well I believe it's 
for multiple different reasons first of all if   we go way back around about 10 12 years ago when 
Steve Jobs was around he even said himself that he   loved the idea of a multi-touch pad on the actual 
sort of MacBook and it's far easier to do that we   first got that proper sort of multi-step sort of 
gesture on the original MacBook Air and that sort   of kick-started all and basically around that time 
touchscreen sort of laptops were just starting to   come out but they weren't really popular at all 
at that time all at the same time we had the iPad   come out and that came out in 2009 and progressed 
into this leading industry of tablet devices as   we know right now and for example if Apple were to 
introduce touchscreen MacBooks during that growth   of the iPads you know the iPads could have fallen 
flat on their feet the iPad needs to establish   itself to be its own device I think Apple's been 
waiting for the perfect time to finally release   touchscreen ability also at the same time as well 
I think Apple have been a little bit reluctant   we've also have heard in the past in 2016 when 
we actually saw the introduction of the touch   bar inside the 13 inch and the 15-inch MacBook 
Pros back then but basically we were told that   it's not really comfortable to use sort of a 
touch screen on the actual sort of a Macbook   because of the AG or the actual display is so this 
is why the touch bar came out and as we know the   story here the touch bar wasn't the greatest 
success in fact we've only got one model now   what is the M2 MacBook Pro 13-inch model it has 
that touch bar and we think that's going to be   replaced very soon as well so to be deadly honest 
you know everything else has moved away from that   touch bar but since then we have had other devices 
that have come out for the iPad line and what I'm   talking about I'm talking about the magic keyboard 
folio and the magic keyboard This is the ability   to actually use a touch pad and a keyboard and 
also touch the screen I think Apple are warming   up to the idea that they need to bring in sort of 
touchscreen technology into their actual displays   and basically this is finally going to happen and 
I think a big pressure behind this is because of   a gen Z sort of people out there now getting used 
to sort of touch screens gen Z people have always   had sort of touchscreen technology near them and 
they're kind of sort of pushing forward to say   well why can't I map but have that I'm going 
to admit to myself I'm actually a millennial   sort of person and so we I've been used to touch 
screen sort of devices and also touchpads as well   so I can use sort of both but mainly that gen C 
sort of generation it's got used to using sort   of touch sort of displays and they're probably 
crying out there why can't the MacBook have this   don't get me wrong I'm sure other Generations 
out there you would love it too but basically   I think you know you can understand that Apple 
I've been waiting on this to get the time right   and one thing that we got to understand with all 
of this I think it also proves the point that the   iPad live will still be moving in its own separate 
Direction and that we probably will not see Mac OS   come over to the iPad because if we do bring out 
sort of touchscreen abilities on the MacBook Pro   there'd be sort of no point in having one device 
or the other because of this so as you know got   the magic keyboard like I said with the iPad Pro 
or the iPad sort of portfolio design you get the   idea there's just no point whatsoever putting 
Mac OS on that because you'd sort of defeat   the object of a MacBook Pro yes you'd have less 
ports and also there's no point doing any other   way around to bring iPad OS crazy idea onto the 
MacBooks because again it just makes no sense to   do that I think Apple wants to distinguish both of 
these products still going into the future and the   best way they can do this it just probably makes 
slight adjustments to Mac OS to begin with to have   touchscreen abilities what I'm talking about 
I'm talking about like the ability for like   sliders and scrollers as it was so scrolling 
through web pages with your finger flicking it   through like we do right now on an iPad I don't 
think you're going to get anything sort of too   intricate I don't think we're going to get sort 
of apple pencil support maybe straight away but   we might get it in the future you never know we'll 
have to see I think Apple are going to be sort of   touching the water here just to see how much of 
an appeal sort of touch screen is going to be they   do not want to make that same mistake with sort 
of the touch bar technology so it's going to be   really interesting to see but the main thing to 
take away from this video it does look like that   touch screen MacBooks are finally on their way and 
also OLED displays are also coming to the MacBook   range so this is really really exciting to hear 
and on that note guys I would love to know your   thoughts on the touchscreen MacBook what do you 
think about them do you think you would love to   have one or do you think they should just leave 
them as sort of a multi sort of touch sort of   um sensor that we have right now the actual pad 
I would love to know your fault so please do put   them in the comments below and also at the same 
time guys it's also time to wrap up the video so   if you have enjoyed watching it please do press 
the like button and also if you want to hear the   latest Apple news reviews and comparisons please 
make sure you subscribe to this Channel and also   hit that notification Bell until next time guys 
I will see you really soon take care bye bye

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