iOS 16.4 is Out! – What’s New?

hi everyone Aaron here for zollotech and today 
Apple released iOS 16.4 to the public this is   available to everyone everywhere around the world 
at the exact same time on the iPhone 8 all the way   up to the iPhone 14 pro Max so if you have an 
iPhone that supports iOS 16 you'll be able to   install this update now this particular update 
will vary in size anywhere from about a gigabyte   to over five gigabytes if it needs to do a full 
install depending on what version you're actually   upgrading from now there's over 50 features 
to talk about so let's go ahead and just jump   right in and get started but if you want to see 
all the different sections we're going to talk   about be sure to check out the chapters Linked 
In the description now the first thing has to   do with messages so let's go into messages and 
you can see we have new Emoji this is to comply   with the latest Unicode standard and we have 
everything from a shaking face to a pink heart   a blue heart we have a mousse a jellyfish we have 
a hair pick we also have hands facing up and 21   total with different skin colors and more for 
the different ends and then of course you have   other things such as Maracas and more so those are 
available to everyone now the next thing has to do   with cellular voice calls something's been added 
that's been here for a while for FaceTime but if   we place a phone call if you make a phone call 
and you go into the control center you'll now   have a voice isolation option while we had this 
for FaceTime calls for a while we now have this   for phone calls so it should help isolate your 
voice from your surrounding environment if it's   a little bit noisy now within settings under 
cellular data if we go into our voice and data   settings depending on your carrier you'll now have 
5G Standalone as an option this is available on   T-Mobile some people are seeing it in Thailand and 
other places around the world depending on what   your carrier is also iOS 16.4 brings 5G support 
for turkey so those have all been added they may   have added it to other countries but they haven't 
said specifically now there's a lot to talk about   in music as Apple has updated this a little bit 
if we go into music and then we go to an artist   page and on the left I have IOS 16.3.1 and if 
we go to NF here you'll see at the top we now   have a little icon with the artist and then 
we can go into this then we get to the main   screen with the different album information so 
it's just a little bit different and it's been   updated also when you favorite an artist there's 
a new animation so if we favorite the artist you   have a new animation here let me show you that 
a little closer just want to favorite the artist   it looks a little different within an album if 
you tap the three dot menu you see rate song   If you have this enabled now has a new icon where 
it's a star that's sort of half filled in they've   also updated a bunch of animations within music 
meaning if you add to playlist play next or play   last the overall animation is different so if we 
tap add to playlist then we tap my mix playlist   we'll just add again so you can see it and you'll 
see it pops up at the bottom this was different   before where it just popped up on the whole 
screen they've done the same for play next again   it shows up at the bottom play last so you get 
the idea but it's completely changed all of the   different animations for that also when you're in 
a library you can now access your profile in the   upper right tap on your little icon in the upper 
right it goes to your account and you can view   your profile here back in the artist page we have 
a new icon for sorting instead of just the word so   if you tap on it you can sort by title recently 
editor here but it just looks a little different   now within the album if I play a song we'll 
just tap on this one here you can see the   little waveform next to it has been updated with 
a little accurate waveform of the actual song and   if you want to listen to Just classical music that 
will be a completely separate app with apple music   classical going forward and along with music we 
also have Shazam that's built into the phone but   if we have the app and we go into maybe an album 
here tap the three dots in the upper right there's   a new menu there so that has been updated in 16.4 
now if we go over one here to Apple Books Apple   Books has been updated where they've brought back 
the page turn animation when we go into a book we   go to the menu in the bottom right in that menu 
go to themes and settings and then we have this   option here tap on the option and we can now 
change it from slide to curl or none they took   away the page turn animation and now they've 
brought it back so you can turn the page like   a normal book and it looks a little bit different 
when we're in light mode here it's easier to see   and you can see we can just turn the page like for 
reading an actual book this is something a lot of   people wanted back and I'm glad it's returned 
while it gets an update as well if we go over   to our widgets and then just press here or scroll 
at the bottom and hit edit scroll down under our   widgets if we go to wallet scroll over you'll see 
we now have order tracking so there's a regular   size sort of a double size and then a quadruple 
size for active order tracking so if you have a   lot of orders within maybe Apple wallet where 
it's tracking things you've purchased they'll   show up as far as a widget goes so that's a nice 
little addition and if we go into our settings and   then go to wallet we have a new setting there as 
well so we go down to wallet and Apple pay if we   scroll down you'll see we have a new option for 
compatible cards it says verifies that your saved   cards in Safari autofill are compatible with Apple 
pay and allow you to use them in wallet so you can   turn that on or leave it off within the wallet 
app itself if you go into your Apple card in   the bottom right there's a new sort option you can 
sort by all payments disputed transactions refunds   and adjustments and purchases we also have some 
new options if you're using a Discover card and   I took a screenshot of this since the message 
has since disappeared but you'll see it says   virtual card number enabled that's for Discover 
card it says continue to use your card as usual   when shopping online it's now available in Safari 
autofill with your real card information hidden so   that's a nice update similar to what Apple's own 
card does for your iPhone additionally when you go   to make a payment for your Apple card the overall 
animation is a little bit different when you do   that so now when you make a payment it looks like 
this so you can see it's just a slight animation   or change to the overall look of it so that's been 
updated there's also some accessibility updates   that are very nice so if we go into settings and 
then we go to accessibility under motion we have   a new option for dim flashing lights this says 
video content that depicts repeated flashing or   strobing lights will be automatically dimmed now 
this can interfere with things like YouTube where   it seems dim all the time however it should 
use AI to figure out what's overly bright or   strobing and then reduce that for you to help you 
out additionally if you use voiceover they've now   added additional support for maps and the weather 
app so if you're using voiceover to recognize   what's on the display weather should now give you 
information as well as maps in general so that   should be an additional thing to help you out 
a little bit more if you're unable to see that   there's also some new Siri voices so if we 
go back and within Syrian search if we go to   our language and then we change it to Arabic 
we have two new voices here there's a couple   others as well I'll show you in a moment but 
if we go to our Siri voice here's voice one and here's voice too again if we go back and we change 
our voice to Hebrew there's also   some updates here as well so we'll go 
back go into our voice here's voice one and here's voice two hi back within settings if we go into Focus under our 
Focus modes depending on which mode we're using if   we're using one maybe for office scroll down add 
a filter and if you have an iPhone 14 pro or 14   pro Max with an always on display you'll have a 
new Option here to enable or disable the always   on display based on the overall Focus filter so 
that's available now under display and brightness   if we scroll down and go to always on display 
you'll see that they've rearranged some of the   options so this is just more of a visual change 
with some new wording but they've switched it   around where we have always on display at the 
bottom now instead within photos if we scroll   down to the bottom in an album we have the option 
for duplicates if you have duplicates they'll show   up and while that's not new with iOS 16 what is 
new is it now works across shared photo albums   so if you have a shared album with families 
using iCloud shared photo library this will   now scan that and allow you to merge those and 
it will change across the different devices so   you can merge those copies emerges them together 
and they're no longer duplicates so you'll start   seeing those as it scans the library for that 
also if we go to a landmark you'll see this   picture here which is one I actually took of the 
World Trade Center if we tap on this it actually   identifies it with visual lookup so if we tap on 
this this is something again we've had for a while   where it identifies landmarks flowers animals 
and more and it's showing up in more places   such as Philippines Ireland and others with this 
particular update so if you're seeing that let me   know in the comments below shortcuts gets a bunch 
of different actions and this time around there's   12 of them and you can see them here I've actually 
added them just to show you quickly but you'll see   there's one for shutdown auto answer calls set 
silence unknown callers set always on display   lock screen intercom said announce notifications 
set night shift set VPN set true tone set stage   manager so all of those have been added as far as 
action and additionally if we go into one of these   we can actually change the icon at the top now so 
if we go in here you'll see it says choose icon   and we can change this around whether or not we 
want the standard icons we had before or one that   actually matches what we're talking about whether 
it's settings or not you now have the option to   change that to whatever glyph you would like or 
you can use the regular settings icon depending   on what it's actually for within the podcast app 
they've updated it with a few new features one of   them has to do with the library under the library 
tab there's a new channels tab under channels   it actually has different shows from people you 
already follow so maybe there's a network if we go   to the verge you can see different ones here for 
top shows if we go back Apple Insider you'll see   the different podcasts here as well so it's a nice 
little addition to give you maybe more suggestions   as far as podcasts and also if you're using up 
next you'll now have podcast play that listeners   have saved to their library but may show up from 
shows you don't follow but they would be related   if you're using up next also under podcasts you 
follow so if we go back to maybe Library here   and scroll down a little bit it's actually showing 
you how many podcasts you haven't listened to yet   so you'll see there's three new here and it was 
tells when it was updated here we have four new   that I haven't listened to so it's actually 
giving you a count of what's actually been   updated so nice little updates nothing huge but 
these also carry across the carplay so I wanted   to show you that if we plug in our iPhone to 
our carplay device give it a second to show up   there we go go into podcasts within podcasts 
under listen now we now have up next so just   like I mentioned before with up next it's here as 
well so you have up next with maybe some episodes   of things you weren't normally listening to also 
if we go to browse we have curated playlists under   featured new and noteworthy we can go in and take 
a look additionally if we go to our library go to   our shows under shows if we go into maybe a 
podcast we haven't listened to maybe we'll go   into this one here you'll see it puts the latest 
episode at the top now if you have an Apple Watch   and you go into the watch app go to your face 
gallery and then scroll down to where you have   color color has been updated with the latest 
spring updates for the Apple watch bands so if   you go in here you'll see not only does it sort of 
archive fall 2022 we now have spring 2023 so this   applies not only to color but other watch bands 
as well where we have sky purple fog Sprout green   so you'll find one that actually matches what you 
use on your watch itself Safari gets some updates   and if you add a website to your home page with 
this link here that I have for the Apple website   you can now enable push notifications so maybe 
this website supports push notifications it will   notify you when something has been updated you can 
enable or disable that but if the website supports   it you'll now have that additionally if you're 
using a third-party browser such as Google Chrome   or maybe Bing or Firefox they'll be able to add to 
home screen now as well however the app will need   to be updated to allow it so if we go to share 
in the Google Chrome app you'll see we don't have   that option but eventually if they want to add it 
Chrome can update their app and you'll be able to   add a web link here as well additionally in Safari 
if maybe you have a text file it now adheres to   whether or not you have dark mode enabled or not 
so if you're viewing a text file you'll see now   we're in light mode and then back to dark mode so 
that's a nice little update if you're reading or   using text files on your Safari browser itself 
in settings we get quite a few new updates and   the first one has to do with the about page if we 
go to General then about within the about page we   have a new coverage option tap on coverage and 
coverage will show you all the different devices   you have currently on your account and if they 
have coverage with Apple Care or not you can go   into that device and see the coverage when it 
expires buyers and see more information as far   as renewing it and more so it's nice that you can 
manage it from here you can also open the Apple   Support app so that's something they've added 
with all the different icons for the different   devices you might have if we go into sound and 
haptics we have a new option for personalized   spatial audio we had this option before but it was 
found under the airpods settings of the airpods   themselves now we have a dedicated section for 
it so you can stop using it or set it back up   also if we connect airpods they've made a slight 
change here you'll see the icon there is actually   different than what we have on 16.3.1 so it's a 
slight update you can see it there and it just   looks a little bit different in settings under 
General and then software update you'll have the   option to be a beta tester or a developer this is 
if you've already signed up to be a developer or   public beta tester there's no longer profiles here 
if we go into this you'll see where it says beta   updates we can turn it off if we no longer want 
to receive betas or we can switch from developer   to public beta depending on if we've signed up 
for those programs also we can change our email   address associated with that account maybe you're 
using your own device but you're using someone   else's developer account you can switch that if 
it's your employers or your testing tap on your   email address and you'll see it says you can sign 
in with a different Apple ID that is enrolled in   the Apple beta software program or apple developer 
program so you'll see that in many different   developing environments where you may want to 
change that within settings if you tap your   name at the Top If we scroll down we have Advanced 
Data protection if we go into that this feature is   now available in more countries with this update 
such as the Netherlands Yemen South Africa Belgium   Germany Norway Denmark and others many people have 
been telling me they're seeing it enabled now if   you're seeing it let me know in the comments below 
if we go into the home app and then tap in the   three dots in the upper right for our settings and 
then go to our home settings and then go down to   software update you'll see there's a home upgrade 
available for the new home architecture upgrade   this is something that's returned with iOS 16.4 
and is available so you can learn more about it   and then go and continue and upgrade everything 
you'll need to update the software first on all   your different devices then it will allow you to 
upgrade the overall architecture for it there's   also manual software update support in matter 
accessories so you don't have to actually tell   them to update every single time you can actually 
choose whether or not you want them to be updated   if you have a bunch of matter accessories so they 
won't automatically update on you if we go into   the tips app Apple has updated that as well Now 
tips was redesigned a little bit recently but if   we scroll to the bottom we now have user guides so 
we have user guides for iPhone Apple watch Ultra   homepod airpods or whatever you actually have you 
won't necessarily see it unless you actually have   those devices but you can see your devices here 
and of course the different user guides which   is really nice now on the lock screen says try and 
log in multiple times and it doesn't work properly   so we'll go ahead and do that on a different 
device and lock it out you'll see here on the left   with 16.3.1 and 16.4 on the right if the iPhone is 
unavailable it says try again in one minute we now   have a support page that shows up underneath it so 
you'll see it says iPhone slash   passcode if we go into the fitness app scroll 
down to where we have Awards tap on show more   and scroll down a bit you'll see here with our 
move goals we now have new options above 3000   so you'll see that here it's a small change but 
they've added this here so on the left again is   16.3.1 we only have up to three thousand for move 
goals now we have up to four thousand so they've   just updated that a little bit the keyboard gets 
some nice updates as well if I go into Mastodon   I typically use Ivory but I'll just use this for 
an example and maybe share this post we'll copy it   then go back into messages and then paste you'll 
see here if we paste it now has Rich previews of   the actual post itself now you can paste different 
links but it actually recognizes Mastodon as   well and has Rich previews of it also Ukrainian 
keyboard is now supporting predictive text also   Gujarati Punjabi and Urdu keyboards add support 
for transliteration layouts additionally there's   new keyboard layouts that are available for 
Choctaw and Chickasaw so those have been updated   in the keyboard app itself so hopefully that's 
helpful if you're in those areas now also there's   an update with iPad and on iPad OS 16.4 if you 
have an apple pencil with a hover supported iPad   meaning you can bring your pencil over the top of 
the display and it will show what the cursor looks   like there's now tilt in Azimuth support So as you 
can see in notes Here I have the marker selected   and the line because it's my pencils tilted 
to the side the line is longer as I tilt it up   you'll notice that it actually gets narrower and 
then eventually turns into a DOT at 90 degrees so   you'll see that here as I tilt and you're hovering 
over the display developers can add this as well   so it's a nice little update there now it also 
fixes an issue this time around there's a few   different bug fixes they've mentioned and they've 
fixed an issue where the apple pencil may not be   responsive when you're actually drawing in the 
notes app so they fixed that with this particular   update Apple has fixed an issue in 16.4 with buy 
requests if you have a family account set up and   maybe you have a child they go to purchase an 
app it should pop up on your iPhone asking you   to approve or deny that purchase sometimes that 
wasn't happening and they've now resolved that   in this update they've also addressed an issue 
where matter compatible home thermostats would   sometimes become unresponsive if they were used 
in apple home scenarios that should be fixed this   time around also if you have the latest iPhone 
14 series and you're using emergency SOS and you   have crash detection this has been optimized 
again it was being set off accidentally in   many scenarios different ski resorts and more and 
they continue to optimize this you can turn this   off but I wouldn't recommend that necessarily I 
would leave it on and then maybe if you're going   to a location where you're skiing you may want 
to disable it but I typically leave it on and   just cancel the request if it was to pop up on my 
phone and it was a false alarm so they hopefully   have optimized this and continue to fix this 
if it becomes a problem now there are some bugs   remaining in iOS 16.4 that people have experienced 
sometimes there's little graphical glitches some   odd things with maybe notifications I can show 
you that so if you have a notification sometimes   it would show up improperly where it would just 
sort of pop in and out and it doesn't show as it   should it's not nice and smooth sometimes it'll 
just show little half icons as well now as far   as any other bugs remaining well mostly it seems 
to be with notifications Bluetooth seems to be   fairly stable however they haven't mentioned that 
they've fixed anything with the camera the camera   continues to not process photos as far as what you 
see is what you get it seems especially with skin   tones photos like this sometimes we'll be over 
processed and just isn't really what most people   have come to expect from iPhone quite a few people 
have mentioned this in different videos such as   MKBHD and hopefully Apple addresses it but so far 
they haven't mentioned anything about it in this   particular update the betas do seem to resolve 
it a little bit but it doesn't seem to be fixed   other than what I've already mentioned Apple 
hasn't mentioned that they've fixed anything   else with this particular update however there 
are security updates with this update and the   security website will be updated typically 
a few hours after the update is released and   then they'll tell you everything that's new with 
that security update so typically there's quite   a few things at every major release so they patch 
a bunch of known bugs and then resolve the issues   with that and so if you're wondering if you 
should install iOS 16.4 absolutely just for   the security updates if you're wondering about 
that and it seems to be fairly stable overall   as far as overall battery life well that's going 
to vary from person to person depending on what   device you're using and some people have let me 
know that it's great others have said that it's   actually an issue for them so if we go to our 
battery you'll see my battery health is at 98   percent this has been my main device and I've used 
it consistently since it released from September   or so so this has been my main device other 
than testing other phones and the last 10 days   well you can see where we had here two hours and 
45 minutes of screen on active time four hours of   screen idle time with only about 25 usage it's 
actually doing quite well for me today so the   prior days were not great just really depends on 
people's overall experience and what they're using   but it seems like it's gotten much better after 
using it for a few days it's much more stable   as far as performance performance seems to be 
quite good whether that's an older device a   newer device everything seems to be nice and 
smooth I really wouldn't hesitate to upgrade   because of that people that are on older 
devices such as iPhone 10 seem to say most   things are smooth promotion on the latest phones 
is nice and smooth with scrolling and I haven't   heard a single complaint with overall performance 
with this particular update so that's a good sign   now additionally when to expect the next updates 
well typically later this week or early next week   Apple doesn't say specifically when to expect it 
but Apple typically will release iOS 16.5 beta   1 is what we're expecting next with some minor 
updates and of course we'll see the major updates   with iOS 17.

IOS 17 in June will typically be 
shown to developers we'll see the new features   they'll release it to developers a few weeks later 
to public beta testers and then typically a final   release in September that's usually what Apple 
does every single year that was is where we'll   actually see the majority of new features we won't 
see much with iOS 16. there'll be more stability   and minor changes at this point and so that's 
everything in iOS 16.4 an awful lot to cover there   lots of little changes that Apple's getting ready 
for the future hopefully to make iOS 17 better   than ever let me know if you found anything else 
I'd love to hear from you in the comments below   and of course I'll link this wallpaper in the 
description like I normally do if you haven't   subscribed already though please subscribe 
and if you enjoyed the video please give it   a like as always thanks for watching 
this is Aaron I'll see you next time [Music]

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