Google I/O 2021 keynote in 16 minutes

good morning everyone it’s great to be back at io today i’m agitated to share our recent breakthrough in natural language understanding lambda it’s a language model for talk employments and it’s open domain which implies it’s designed to conversation on any topic and while it’s still in research and development we’ve been using it internally to explore novel interactions for example say you wanted to learn about one of my favorite planets pluto lambda already understands quite a lot about pluto and a few million other topics let’s listen to a exchange the team had with pluto a few days ago i’m so puzzled about you i ability your thrill ask me anything tell me what i would see if i called you would get to see a big valley some frozen icebergs geysers and some craters it chimes beautiful i give you my assurances it is worth the trip however you need to bring your coat because it gets really cold i’ll save that in mind hey i was wondering have you ever had any pilgrims yes i have had some the most notable was new scopes the spacecraft that seen me let’s break down what moved it feel so natural first learn notions as you heard the pattern has spoken about the brand-new horizon spacecraft and the coldness of room lambda synthesized these concepts from its discipline data because none of the responses were predefined lambda rebutted with sensible responses obstructing the dialogue open-ended natural discourses are generative and they never take the same path twice and lambda is able to carry a discourse no matter what we talk about hitherto it’s still early experiment so it doesn’t get everything right sometimes it can give ludicrous responses imagining pluto doing flips or frisking fetch with its favorite ball the moon other times it precisely doesn’t keep the conversation proceed extending we feel lambda’s natural exchange abilities have the potential to constitute information and computing radically more accessible and easier to use we looked forward to receiving incorporating better communicative features into products like google helper investigation and workspace lambda is a huge step forward in natural gossip but it is still drilled merely on verse when people communicate with each other they do it across idols text audio and video so we need to build examples that allow people to naturally ask questions across different types of information these are called multimodal models for example when you say show me the area where the lion roarings at sundown we will get you to that accurate time in a video advances in ai are helping us reimagine what a planned can be but now you can also use it to explore the world around you you’ll be able to access live viewpoint right from the map and instantaneously consider detailed information about the browses and the restaurants sector around you including how busy they are recent reviews and photos of those popular dishes in addition there are a host of new facets coming to live vistum later this year we’re adding pre-eminent virtual street indicates to help you steer those complex intersections second we’ll time you towards key alarm landmarks and residences that matter for you like the direction of your inn third we’re bringing it indoors to help you go around some of the hardest to navigate houses like airports transit stations and malls indoor live you will start rolling out in top train stations and airfields in zurich this week and will come to tokyo next month we’re bringing you the most detailed street maps we’ve ever make make this image of columbus circle one of the most complex intersections in manhattan you can now see where the sidewalks the crosswalks the pedestrian islands are something that might be incredibly helpful if you’re go young children out on a saunter or absolutely essential if you’re using a wheelchair thanks to our applied in boosted ai engineering on robust street goal and aerial imagery we’re on track to launch detailed street maps in 50 new metropolitans by the end of its first year so we’re making the map more dynamic and more tailor-make foreground the most relevant information exactly when you need it if it’s 8 a.m on a weekday we’ll display the coffee shop and bakeries more prominently in the map while at 5:00 p.m. we’ll highlighting the dinner diners that equal your appreciations you’ll start seeing this more tailor-make planned in the next week parties have found it really useful especially during this pandemic to see how busy a plaza is before heading out now we’re expanding this ability from specific lieu like eateries and patronizes to places with the piece called area business say you’re in rome and want to head over to the spanish paces and its nearby supermarkets with area business you’ll be able to understand at a glance if it’s the right time for you to go based on how hectic that part of the city is in real experience orbit busyness will roll out globally in the coming months let’s talk about the whole way we’re innovating in supermarket soon on chrome when you open a new invoice you’ll be able to see your open carts from the past couple of weeks we’ll also find you promotions and deductions for your open go-carts if you choose to opt in your personal information and what’s in your go-carts are never shared with anyone externally without your dispensation we captivate photographs and videos so we can look back and remember there are more than four trillion photographs and videos stored in google photos but having so many photos of loved ones screenshots selfies all placed together makes it hard to rediscover the important times soon we’re launching a brand-new space to look back that we’re calling little decorations little patterns display the occult in everyday instants by relating not so obvious instants and resurfacing them to you this facet applies machine learning to convert photos into a series of numbers and then equates how visually or conceptually similar these images are where reference is find a set of three or more photos with affinities such as shape or colour we’ll surface them as a pattern when we started testing little patterns we read some huge fibs come to life like how one of our engineers traveled the world with their favorite orange knapsack or how our make overseer christy had a habit of capturing objects of same appearance and pigment we also want to bring these minutes to life with cutting edge upshots last year we propelled cinematic photos to help you relive your remembrances in a more glowing way cinematic instants will make these near reproduction epitomes and use neural networks to synthesize the movement between idol a and likenes b we interpolate the photos and fill in the cracks by creating new makes the end result is a vivid moving picture and the cool thing about this effect is it can work on any duet of idols whether the government is captivated on android ios or examined from a photo album in addition to providing personalized material to look back on we also want to give you more ensure we heard from you that holds can be helpful for anyone who has been through a hard lifetime occasion breakup or loss these insights provoked us to give you the controller to hide photos of certain people or time periods from our remembers piece and soon you’ll be able to remove a single photo from a remember rename the remember or remove it wholly instead of form following purpose what if form followed feeling instead of google blue we imagined fabric you a brand-new motif that includes you as a co-creator letting you transform the look and feel of all your apps by generating personal substance palettes that concoction hue discipline with a designer’s seeing a new blueprint that can flex to every screen and fit every design your apps adapt comfortably every place you go beyond light and dark a mode for every mood these selections can proceed with your chronicle across every app and every invention information u comes first to google pixel this fall including all of your favorite google apps and over the following year we will continue our vision bringing it to the web chrome os wearables smart-alecky exposes and all of google’s makes we’ve modernized everything from the fastening screen to plan rectifies revamping the action we use dye shapes glowing and motion watch what happens when the wallpaper reforms like if i use this picture of my teenagers actually getting along for once i provide it as my background and voila the system generates a practice palette on the basis of the colorings in my photo the result is a one of a kind design just for you and you’ll see it firstly on google pixel in the tumble starting from the fasten screen the design is more spirited with dynamic lighting pick up your phone and it illuminates up from the bottom of your screen press the superpower button to wake up the phone instead and the brightnes ripples out from your touching even the clock is in tune with you when you don’t have any notifications it sees large on the fastening screen so you know you’re all caught up the notification subtlety is more intuitive with a crisp at a glance thought of your app notifications whatever you’re currently listening to or watching and quick settleds that give you assure over the os with merely a swipe and a tap and now you can invoke the google deputy by long pulping the superpower button and the team also shortened the cpu duration of android arrangement server by a whopping 22 percent and with android 12 we’re going even further to keep your information safe to give people more transparency and control we’ve created a brand-new privacy dashboard that shows you what type of data was accessed and when this dashboard reports on all the apps on your phone including all of your google apps and we’ve make it really easy to annul an app’s assent directly from the dashboard we’ve also contributed the performance indicators to make it clear when an app is expend your camera or microphone but let’s go that a pace further if you don’t want any apps to access the microphone or camera even if you’ve awarded them dispensation in the past we’ve added two new toggles in immediate settles in order to be allowed to altogether disable those sensors for every app android’s private estimate core enables things like now playing which tells you what song is playing in the background and smart-alecky reply which suggests responses to your chit-chats based on your personal reply decorations and there’s more to come later this year all of the sensitive audio and word processing happens alone on your invention and like the rest of android private compute core is open source it’s perfectly inspectable and verifiable by the security society with a single tap you can unlock and sign into your chromebook when your phone is nearby incoming chat notifications from apps on your phone are right there in chrome os and soon if you want to share a picture one click and you can access your phone’s most recent photos to keep movie night on track we’re building tv remote boasts immediately into your telephone you can use voice search or even nature with your phone’s keyboard we’re also really excited to introduce support for digital car key car key will allow you to lock unlock and start your auto all from your phone it works with nfc and ultra wideband technology acquiring it super secure and easy to use and if your friend needs to borrow your auto you are eligible to remotely and securely share your digital key with them automobile key is propelling this precipitate with select google pixel and samsung galaxy smartphones and we’re working with bmw and others across the industry to bringing it to their upcoming gondolas that was a quick look at android 12 which will propel this fall but you can check out many of these features in the android 12 beta today let’s go beyond the phone to what we believe is the next progression of portable compute the smartwatch firstly building a unified pulpit jointly with samsung focused on battery life performance and inducing it easier for developers to build huge apps for the watch second a whole new consumer experience including informs to your favorite google apps and third a world-class health and fitness service established by the newest addition to the google family fitbit as the world’s largest os we have a responsibility to build for everyone but for people of color photography has not always construed us as we want to be seen even in some of our own google produces to attain smartphone photography absolutely for everyone we’ve been working with a group of industry experts to build a more accurate and all-inclusive camera so far we’ve partnered with a range of different expert image producers who’ve taken millions of personas to diversify our image data sets helped improve the accuracy of our vehicle white-hot equilibrium and auto show algorithms and given aesthetic feedback to realize our likeness of people of color more beautiful and more accurate although there’s still much to do we’re working hard to bring all of what you’ve seen here and more to google pixel this precipitate we were all grateful to have video conferencing over the last year it helped us stay in touch with family and friends and stopped the enterprises and institutions croaking but there is no substitute for being together in the apartment with person so some years ago we knocked off a project to use technology to explore what’s possible we call it project star line firstly exerting high solution cameras and habit constructed breadth sensors we captivate your mold and expression from variou perspectives and then fuse them together to create an extremely detailed real-time 3d pose the resulting data is huge numerous gigabits per second to send this 3d imagery over existing system we developed tale tighten and streaming algorithms that increase the data by a factor of more than 100 and we have developed a breakthrough glowing subject spectacle that goes to show the realistic representation of someone sitting right in front of you in three dimensions as you move your premier and torso our organization adjusts the likeness to join your perspective you can talk naturally gesticulate and originate eye contact it’s as close as we can get to the feeling of sitting across from person we have spent thousands of hours testing it in our own bureaux and the results are predicting there’s also excitement from our contribute project marriages we plan to expand access to marriages in healthcare and media expressed appreciation for for attaching us today please enjoy the rest of google i o and bide sung for the developer keynote coming up next i hope to see you in person next year until then stay safe and be well

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