iOS 16.4 Beta 3 is Out! – What’s New?

hi everyone Aaron below for zollotech and today.
Apple launched Iowa'' s 16.4 programmer beta 3. this is available to programmers now and iphone 16.4.
public beta 3 should be available either by the time you'' re viewing this video or usually the.
following day now this came in at 660 megabytes that'' s on the iPhone 14 professional Max and it was about.
the very same dimension on all the devices you see below now along with this apple likewise launched iPad OS.
16.4 beta 3 a Mac OS 13.3 beta 3 a watch OS 9.4 beta 3 along with pvos and homepod Os 16.4 beta.

Yesterday they launched television OS 16.3.3 to the public with a fix for the remote connectivity that.
was for the Apple TV 4K third generation only now let'' s proceed and have a look at the develop number.
as well as discuss what'' s brand-new so we ' ll go to settings then General after that around as you can see the develop. number is 20e5229e and also this specific upgrade does have some brand-new features as well as changes is and the.
first one pertains to inspecting for a software application upgrade Apple has claimed that they'' re going to transform.
this so when you inspect for a software program upgrade it'' s pertaining to your designer account or beta account.
you'' ll no much longer be making use of profiles nonetheless that'' s still functioning however they'' ve made some changes with.
that as well as I'' ve actually blurred this out and taken some screenshots as it in fact connects details.
to your Apple ID under software application updates so you'' ll see it had my Apple ID there as well as currently it reveals you.
that it'' s associated with the designer beta or the public beta or both you can additionally change this.
if you have a various developer account so maybe you have a various Apple ID as lots of businesses.
do that are related to a developer account you can actually transform that as well as touch on use a.
various ID once you'' ve done that you'' ll now be able to enter that ID right here whether it'' s. a different developer or public beta account and also then you'' ll have the ability to use that'it ' s an actually. great adjustment and something that ' s brand-new in beta 3. Recently with beta 2 Apple updated publications with.
the new web page turn animation they ultimately brought that back and also currently there'' s a little pop-up to allow.
you understand it'' s there so you ' ll see it states pick a theme web page turn computer animation and also more to make each.
book excellent for you so it'' s a little pop-up there telling you that you'' ll tap on the food selection right here
after that. you can go to motifs and setups and after that you have the little web page turn choice and also of program it.
appear like this if you turn the page so I'' m delighted that this is below it looks a little much better when.
it'' s in light mode also when you ' re turning a web page in publications you can translucent it it'' s a little. transparent it ' s actually wonderful that they'' ve brought that back and now there'' s just a little dash. display for that too or pop-up now today Apple presented a brand new iPhone 14 shade in.
yellow as well as we'' ll wait on this to load on their internet site as well as you can see the yellow color here currently.
this time around it'' s only for the apple iphone 14 and also apple iphone 14 plus'they didn ' t upgrade this color for. the Pro Designs so there ' s absolutely nothing new like there was in 2015 with eco-friendly they likewise introduced 20.
brand-new Apple watch bands so there'' s 20 new various colors that go along with that as well as they'' ve added. some of those shades into the face gallery on your Apple watch so so with the current update you.
should see some of those shades you have a bunch of various choices to choose from depending on.
the face you'' re in fact using you can set that particular color and also of program if you go over all.
the way over to the plus you likewise ought to see loss 2022 in below too that wasn'' t there as much as. a category goes to ensure that'' s something they ' ve added and it'' s been upgraded for Apple see so once more.
that'' s in the Apple Watch application now if we look at a pair Pages you'' ll see if we enter into Shazam.
and also go into possibly a tune we'' ve lately located scroll down you'' ll see we have show days as well as.
more but at the top below we in fact have some new choices to open in apple songs add to Apple songs.
Buy on iTunes share sight musician eliminate from my music and what'' s incorrect you can inform Shazam what'' s. actually wrong so that ' s something that was brand-new with the previous beta as well I don ' t think. any person mentioned however it ' s something that ' s been updated and several of the phrasing has actually been.
updated there too currently if we enter into setups and afterwards we most likely to emergency situation SOS within emergency situation.
SOS we have all quietly they'' ve changed the message under this to much better discuss what it does as well as it.
says advising alarm systems flashes as well as voice over audio will certainly be silenced when utilizing hold as well as release or.
five switch presses to position an emergency telephone call so that'' s been upgraded and likewise Apple ' s bringing.
the alternative for satellite connectivity to even more countries at the end of this month so possibly with.
a last release of iOS 16.4 we'' ll talk concerning that in a minute yet they'' re bringing satellite.
connectivity to Austria Belgium Italy Luxembourg the Netherlands as well as Portugal once more they claimed by.
completion of this month they announced that today now if we head out of this Setups app and enter into.
stocks there'' s a new splash screen this was there with beta 2 a brand-new one turned up with beta 3 it.
just states Market Data Service News apple iphone iPad as well as Mac make use of iCloud to view stocks and also information on all.
your gadgets so this is the only sprinkle screen I got this time around likewise if we enter into the ideas.
app let'' s discover that here I assume I have it in the app Library allowed ' s simply enter into pointers pointers has actually been
. updated currently you might or might not have actually seen this but depending on what tools you have attached.
to your apple iphone makes a difference regarding what you'' ll see so you ' ll see Apple watch if you have. an Apple Watch gotten in touch with all the different ideas and also brand-new customer guides this is something that'' s. been updated with iphone 16.4 and also remains to be updated with various versions and also little.
changes occasionally with different betas now within the code there'' s something that I
. assume will be truly valuable yet it will take a while for it actually to evaluate this so if we go.
right into images and within albums at the bottom if you have replicates you'' ll see I have 736 right here if you.
have matches within a shared Library you'' ll be able to remove those also if you'' re actually. the proprietor of that duplicate so you'' ll be able to do that'that ' s within the code I wear ' t have it. checked yet this takes a while for it actually to analyze every one of this as well as it requires to be connected in.
as well as the phone requires to be secured after that it will arrange of do the background indexing of all the different.
duplicates so that might take a while but that'' s something that'' s a bit new that ' s in the. code there ' s likewise various updates describing protection response if you have actually that installed.
and also perhaps an application isn'' t working properly it will inform you you can eliminate it and also that can.
recover the app functionality to ensure that'' s something that'' s a bit new once again in the code likewise one.
various other point I wished to mention is within setups under Siri as well as look if we most likely to language and also.
we change this either to Arabic that we have right here we'' ll transform the language go back we have 2 brand-new.
voices for Arabic and also Hebrew so take a listen I shared a few of this in my weekend follow-up this.
past Saturday but take a pay attention to these foreign so those are the Arabic voices allow'' s. switch to Hebrew as well as for Hebrew voices we'' ll faucet on Siri voice below'' s. voice one hi Hey there below'' s voice two hi so we ' ve got a couple various voices if you''
re. seeing anything brand-new below I'' d love to learn through you in the remarks listed below though allow me change it.
back to what I usually use something many people have actually asked me concerning is storage and also if we.
go to General and after that iPhone storage space you'' ll see here it states'I ' m utilizing 133.1 gigabytes of 256.
gigabytes used and if we scroll down there'' s cached data right here where we'' ll have a lot of system.
information that may take a while to lots nonetheless it doesn'' t suit the storage that'' s under about so. if we enter into around and also you'' ll see here it says 123.51 gigabytes readily available that'' s not made use of that ' s. readily available currently we had 123 gigabytes readily available now if we do the math right here 256 minus 131.8 we actually.
have 124.2 gigabytes available so the numbers wear'' t truly build up so that'' s something that ' s. a bit various still they still sanctuary ' t repaired my system information is 18.8 gigabytes this is. cache information I wouldn'' t fret about it it uses it as well as then launches it as required now regarding bugs.
the notice bug is taken care of for me it was with the previous beta as well where sometimes you.
would reduce alerts and they would be contested and after that they would go to these.
rounded Corners it resembles it'' s dealt with for me yet I did see some people claim it'' s still a problem. for them so luckily it'' s dealt with for me like I said yet if you'' re still having that'I ' d love
to. learn through you in the comments below additionally an insect that Still Stays is if we go into FaceTime and also.
within FaceTime you'' ll see on the left I have IOS 16.3.1 on the right I have IOS 16.4 beta 3.

2 likewise had this problem and you'' ll see below'there ' s no symbols where it claims mic mode and additionally video clip.
impacts so there'' s no little electronic camera icon possibly they'' re changing the symbols or this is just an insect.
yet it appears like they'' ve actually focused the text this moment around on mic setting so it'' s type.
of a weird insect but it'' s still there currently a pest that seems to be taken care of is if we go right into setups.
and afterwards we go right into our iCloud settings scroll down as well as go to Advanced Information defense this no.
much longer delays before this was extremely laggy after that you'' d enter into Advanced Data protection and also it would certainly be.
great but also for some factor it lagged previously currently it doesn'' t which is excellent news as well as also they''
ve. kept the updated symbols for messages backups as well as likewise voice memoranda that in fact compare to.
what we have on a Mac so possibly they'' re mosting likely to update these with iphone 17 as I'' ve discussed before
. however it'' s terrific that the lag is gone and also so much I place'' t had any lag on anything whether
that ' s. scrolling in music or perhaps the swipe home bug so if I play a track Below swipe house it seems to be.
wonderful as well as fast I'' ve had no lag despite having beta 2 it hasn'' t returned so I think they'' ve finally. fixed this with any luck it'' s finally dealt with and also if we go right into our feedback right here let'' s take
a. look at'the notes that ' s a little little bit of an insect it didn ' t tons there but as you can see here'. there ' s a lot of well-known problems still there ' s really 11 recognized problems and 11 fixed concerns.'and also several of them aren ' t excessive of a big deal yet others are some such as new functions you''
ll. see both hands-on as well as automatic software program upgrade assistance is now offered for issue devices.
that existed before other times There'' s concerns where it claims the iOS gadget that launches the.
pairing needs to be on the same iCloud account with the house center only the proprietor of a residence not.
a welcomed individual can combine issue accessories so there'' s still some known bugs in right here if you''
re. having problems be sure to report them in comments however ensure they'' re not really in right here prior to.
you report them as several of them are known there'' s additionally settled problems in right here also now regarding.
efficiency like I mentioned everything seems to behave and also smooth that can slow down over the.
following couple of days however promotion appears to be great as well as rapid no concerns there to make sure that'' s actually terrific to.
see and additionally the overall warmth of the gadget as much of you have asked me about that it'' s staying.
good and also great it'' s a little cozy as it indexes things in the background yet it'' s not warm in all. I truly wouldn ' t fear regarding it as this handles itself however we'' ll take a better check out that possibly. with the thermal camera with the final follow-up this weekend break so be certain to inspect back for that.
regarding battery life well that does take a few days to gauge as you require to see what it'' s. like after it Cycles with a couple of times if we go right into settings go go to battery battery wellness.
as well as charging I'' m at 98 battery health and also you can see what the overall Cycles are right here on the.
left if you'' re following along and also you ' ve seen those on the weekend regarding the last 10 days.
while battery hasn'' t been amazing yet'you ' ll see 3 hrs and also 11 minutes of screen energetic.
Time 4 hrs and 58 mins of display idle time as well as I utilized about 70 percent of my battery today.
though I'' ve had 3 hrs and also 40 mins and also that'' s rather good and I haven'' t even made use of 50.
of my battery and also after that 5 hours as well as 23 minutes of screen still time the only point I have to.
figure out is why there'' s a lot display still time so we'' ll need to look back at that the Apple.
Shop is using some time Twitter is making use of a whole lot and I have that switched off behind-the-scenes so.
there'' s definitely some odd concerns occasionally now if you'' re wondering if you ought to set up iOS.
16.4 beta 3 well if you'' re on the public variation I'most likely wouldn ' t do that but if you wanted. to attempt it out on a different device definitely you can do that with the programmer beta or.
wait for the public beta if you desire to attempt it on your main tool however simply make certain you.
have a back-up in situation you need to restore but you will certainly require a computer system in order to recover.
whether that'' s Windows using iTunes or a Mac utilizing finder as for iOS 16.4 beta 4 launch.
well it appears like we'' re on a weekly routine currently so we can expect that as quickly as following week.
maybe next Tuesday or Wednesday and afterwards possibly we'' ll have one more beta or a release candidate.
however based on this it looks like we can have a last variation by the end of the month to go.
together with that emergency situation SOS using satellite I pointed out previously so I would certainly anticipate the beta.
next week a last launch most likely before the end of the month or very early next month with iphone.
16.5 possibly being in early April that'' s what we would expect we'' re seeing that in different.
analytics on Mac rumors and other internet sites so it seems like we'' ll most likely see that rather soon.
regarding general criteria for those complying with along I did run it with geekbench 6 on right here you.
can see it racked up 2509 for solitary core 6240 for multi-core I saved that into my faves took.
some photos and a screenshot let'' s have a look and also so as you can see today we have a little bit.
reduced single core than last week by around 11 and this time around around we have better multi-core score.
6240 compared to 6209 so it'' s great and also smooth we'' ll see how it mores than the following couple of days now.
if you discovered anything else or if there'' s anything else you'' d like me to cover in these updates I'' d. love to learn through you in the remarks below and naturally if you'' d like to get your hands on this.
wallpaper it will certainly be linked in the summary as it always is if you haven'' t subscribed already.
though please subscribe as well as if you appreciated the video clip please provide it a like as constantly thanks for.
viewing this is Aaron I'' ll see you next time [Music]

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