News API Search News and Blog Articleson the Web background background persona/ svg+ xml background . users-header text-align: core;. users-logos svg filter: grayscale( 100% ); margin: 0 1rem 2rem; opacity: 0.4; transition: all 1s; . users-logos svg: levitate filter: none; opacity: 1; @media screen and( min-width: 60 em) . users-header: before,. users-header: after background-color: rgba( 0,0, 0,0.1 ); content: “”; showing: inline-block; height: 2px; standing: relative; vertical-align: middle; extent: 4 %;. users-header: before title: 0.5 em; margin-left: -5 0 %;. users-header: after left: 0.5 em; margin-right: -5 0 %; News…
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How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek
How do you explainwhen things don’t go as we acquire? Or better, how do you interpret when others are able to achieve thingsthat seem to defy all of the presuppositions? For example: Why is Apple so innovative? Year after year, after time, they’re more innovativethan all their competition. And hitherto, they’re just a computer company. They’re just like everybody else. They have the same accessto the same talent, the same authorities, the same consultants, the same media. Then why is it that they seemto have something different? Why is it…
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