ANDROID o IPHONE? Cosa acquistereste nel 2021?

android or apple the combat that has alwaysseen these two operating systems opposed and what do you have and above all whatwould you have selected as your next mobile phone hello to all chaps welcome and welcomehere alone between technology well yes today we talk about the battle that has always visualized these twosystems operating android or ios which you have as your primary mobile phone what are youusing i am currently using an android but in reality i have always usedandroid and “ive ever done” let’s say some findings…

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iPhone 13 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra – Which is the Flagship KING?

– The iPhone 13 Pro Maxhas finally propelled. It’s the best that we have from Apple. How does it compare to thebest that we have from Samsung in the Samsung Galaxy S2 1 Ultra? Well, that’s exactly whatwe’re going to be finding out in this video by comparing all of the keydifferences side by side, SuperSaf Style. Let’s get to it. So the first thing I want totalk about is the building designing and both of these are verygood-looking devices, I’d say. They’re also exceedingly, particularly fee. Now, layout is…

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Cheapest used mobile market DUBAI | IPHONE 12 PRO VERSACE,1+ 8T PRO கம்மி விலையில் IPHONE Rs.4000

Hey Guys! How are you guys? Today we’re going to see about some worked portable supermarket Here they’re selling some amazing phones. They’re selling VERSACE IPHONE And some other GOLD VERSIONS Specially they sell consumed Iwatches They are selling exercised Commodities, But, actually it was very rarely employed Come LETS SEE! They’re selling too many special Components LET’S GOOOO! 🙂 Today the 1st one is Apple’s Top END MODEL IPHONE 12 PRO MAX Can you see it? It looks a lot like brand new , not even a single scratching…

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Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra vs Note 20 Ultra – Which ULTRA is for you?

with the samsung galaxy s21 ultra eventually liberated is it worth saving a bit of fund and going for last year’s samsung galaxy note 20 ultra what’s up guys saf now on supersaf tv and that’s what we’ll be trying to answer in this video by lay all the key differences side by side supersaf style including some camera samples so the note string and the s direction have never been closer and it’s almost to a pitch where a good deal of people are belief whether we’re going to…

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