iPhone SE 2 – Coming Soon?

hi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andthis is the iPhone se and the question on everyone’s mind is will there be anSE 2 and the reason for that is the SE is one of the most beloved motifs sogoing back to the iPhone 5 and 5s it’s when a lot of people picked one of theseup because they were not insanely priced now they were very expensive at the timebut they are not like today’s iPhone X starting at $999 or even a XR at $749 and so this is…

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iPhone SE Review!

huh look familiar this is the newest iPhone this is the iPhone se it looks familiar because it’s the iPhone 5s torso with all the same aspects from the iPhone 6s so it’s this four time old-fashioned flagship on the outside and an eight month old flagship on the inside and with this phone Apple is basically answering the call for a small flagship smartphone all the high-end phones these days are big-hearted phones do a lot screens came bigger and I see in the comments all the time like…

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