Switching from Android to iPhone in 2022 — The TRUTH!

-[ Rene] The iPhone 13 ishere with better cameras, better video, betterbattery, better presentation, pretty much better everything, and I’m gonna give youseven very specific reasons why you might wanna switch or switch back from Android to iPhone, and three similarly specific reasons why you really might wanna staywith the Pixel or Samsung or OnePlus that brung ya. I’m Rene Ritchie. Thanks, Morning Brew, for patronize. Let’s do this. Now, I’ll get to exactly why you really might wanna spawn the button in an Apple Silicon hot minute, but firstly,…

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Switching from Android to iPhone 12 — The TRUTH!

– I’m gonna tell youseven specific reasons why you’re gonna wanna switchto the brand new iPhone 12 and three reasons why youmight just wanna stick with the Android that “ve brought you”. And I’m gonna do it right now. Sponsored by Ting. So yes right upfrontI do have to point out that there are a few really big reasons why you may not wannaswitch to the new iPhones. First Apple is still theonly company realise iPhones.So you don’t like what Apple is procreating, you’re just out of luck. There aren’t…

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Lifelong iPhone User Switches to The Google Pixel 4a

[ Music][ Applause][ Music][ Applause][ Music] which one is better the iphone or this google pixel thing that runs android so if you’re currently squandering an iphone and asking yourself that same question of is android better than the iphone well like everyday father says let’s find out hi welcome my word is pete matheson and from the outside i’m pretty much what looks a lot like a usual apple fanboy now that’s not 100 true but it’s not far off if you are new around here and this is…

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