I Found a 1-inch Phone

– Hey what's up guys, mini Keaton here, and what we're checking out is the world's smallest phone. This is legit, a one inch phone. Hello, it's Keaton. Let's check it out. So this right here is the world's smallest phone, you guys can check it out, links down below, one of you guys actually sent me this on Twitter. Thank you guys so much, if you guys find anything cool on the internet, I'm just @TechSmartt, you can just send me whatever. I usually buy pretty much everything you…

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Spigen Ultra Hybrid Version 2 for the iPhone 7 Plus

Hi people this Tech Zilla back with yet another report and this time it’s a case its a brand-new for the iPhone 7 plus lock out of spigen Sylvain Alan he kept me on this again Basically, this is the ones that are ultra-hybrid brand 2 in black was there an original, but they had problems with him so they have a version 2 of this customary spigen box you can see it nothing special to see and I’ve already knock it now I have to test it out on…

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