Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus vs iPhone XS Max DROP Test!

Alrights your boy everything out we are going to pray for these telephones considering we’re about to destroy them and desktop-gunned Keaton let’s go overboard let’s break these bad boys this is the first time i am ever participating so work with me and what an unique area the Samsung Galaxy has ten its tenth yr anniversary today durability experiment we’re gonna be doing a drop test between the iPhone tennis max of direction and the Samsung Galaxy has 10 plus so let’s dig in take a look at these…

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Hey guys, it’s a beautiful day today in Arizona, and we are outside I can’t sit on the chairs because look what my dogs have done to them I’ve washed these like 50 times See all these Little pee stain pee stains More pee stains. He’s not gonna say anything He’s not gonna say anything because he knows you don’t sit outside with me and play fetch. I’m gonna pee on the furniture I’ve washed this so many times I don’t know what to do anymore And my orange tree…

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iPhone 6 Water Test!

IPhone 6 Water scan! Hiya guys Keaton here with TechSmartt adn todaywe’re doing an iPhone 6 Water scan as so a lot of you guys loved our iPhone 5s Water Testlast yr. That is the iPhone 6 as it’s a lot thinner,rather a lot lighter, has style a new form and it has a vigour on/vigour off button on the rightside instead of the highest this yr. Looking on the mobilephone we can see yet another rowof icons and a few other characteristics as this does have a 4.7" display…

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